How to stretch a sweater after washing

Who does not know about such an unpleasant situation - the thing after washing has become a size or a couple less. What to do? Most often this happens with things made from natural fibers, wool or cotton. And now the question arises, how to stretch the jacket after washing. Indeed, the task is important, especially if the thing is expensive. By the way, the sad tendency is known: the more natural fibers in the fabric, the stronger it will shrink when washing.

stretched sweater

Which side to approach?

Any business should be approached wisely, as well as to restore the size of your favorite sweater. Initially, you should study the product tag. It always has information about the composition of the material from which it is made. You need to understand that some methods are considered universal, but some are suitable only for a certain fabric. Once you make a mistake, you can bring a thing to a state where you have to throw it away.

Woolen jacket: method one

For things made of this material, several stretching methods after washing are suitable. The following sequence of actions must be observed:

  • First, draw warm water into the basin and soak the thing for about thirty minutes.
  • Once it gets wet, you should take it out and squeeze it out with your hands, only carefully so as not to stretch it in different directions and not damage the structure of the fibers. It should not be squeezed to the end.
  • If water drains only along one edge of the garment, this can ruin the product. It is best to ensure that moisture is evenly dispersed, for example by placing it on a special grill.
  • If there is no such device, you need to roll up the jacket with a roller and wrap it with a piece of gauze, hanging to dry for thirty minutes.

This procedure is not so complicated, on average, all actions take no more than an hour. The product should then increase in length and width.


It is important to dip the thing in warm water, since boiling water and a temperature above 50 degrees will only harm. Under these conditions, the wool loses its structure, the seams move. If these simple rules are not followed, then the product can be discarded. The temperature difference when moving a thing from hot to cold is also unacceptable. In this case, it can lose shape and shrink in size so much that it will not be subject to restoration.

Wool: method two - special

The essence of this method is a special combination of some interesting ingredients. You will need to perform the following steps:

  • It is necessary to prepare a mixture of boric acid (two tablespoons) and water (one liter). This solution will be an excellent β€œrelaxing” bath for wool threads.
  • If there is no boric acid, table vinegar is also suitable. Only you need not two spoons, but five.

In this way, only wool can be helped. If you use acid on synthetics, then the thing will be irretrievably lost.

Knitted sweater


This is another type of fabric, which quite often has problems with size after washing. Consider how to restore the previous parameters of the product, if the jacket has sat down. How to stretch cotton fabric without harming things? Here's what helps:

  • Pour 5 liters of warm water into a bowl, add ammonia, turpentine and vodka in the following proportions 3: 1: 1.
  • Before stretching the jacket to the desired size, you need to soak the product in this solution for half an hour. Then remove, squeeze slightly and, spread out on a wire rack, leave to dry naturally. But periodically you need to stretch the product, giving the desired shape.

If the color of the cotton product is white, then you need to add a glass of milk to these ingredients. Before stretching the jacket and letting it dry, you need to rinse the product. But if a certain part of the product does not want to return to its place, you will have to repeat the procedure again. You need to do this right away. But to stretch only the site in need of it.

Universal tips

Fortunately, there are several methods that can help stretch not only natural fabrics, but also synthetics. Here is some of them:

  • Not the most pleasant, but effective way to return the jacket size - put on yourself and stretch. In this case, you need to pull in the direction from the abdomen to the sides. The method itself gives very good results not only with respect to woolen products, but also from synthetics.
  • Well, the best way to prevent stretching is to prevent it. When buying a product, you need to immediately look at the label, which indicates what can be done and what cannot. Then you do not have to bother with restoring the previous size.
  • If you need to stretch a thing in length, then you can use the extra weight when drying. But one does not have to be zealous, otherwise it will not be very beautiful.
Tag on clothes

Value of things

In fact, not many of us truly value clothing. Most simply load the drum of the washing machine, choosing a convenient time mode. Very rarely, people observe what is written on the tag and general recommendations for care. So the product loses its attractiveness and quickly becomes worthless, but it is much easier to prevent damage to things than to puzzle over how to stretch a shrunken jacket.

Most often, all precautions are applied to those things that are very expensive, which in principle increases their value. But inexpensive products can be loved and convenient, and therefore require proper care.

If you follow the requirements specified by the manufacturer, then they will last much longer.


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