Natural attractions of the Bryansk region

Bryansk region covers an area of ​​34857 km, a quarter of which is covered with forests. Thanks to them, it is often called the "lungs of Europe", which is by no means an exaggeration. Sights of the Bryansk region, including natural ones, are interesting and varied, which is why they are visited by many tourists who have arrived from other regions of Russia and neighboring countries.

sights of the Bryansk region

Nerusso-Desnyanskoe woodland

This biosphere reserve is part of UNESCO protected areas. Its core is the Bryansk Forest Reserve , covering an area of ​​12,186 ha. In the west, Nesrusso-Desnyanskoye woodland is bounded by the Navlya river, and in the north - the Desna. On the territory of the main natural attraction of the Bryansk region, 37 species of trees and 39 varieties of shrubs grow. You can mainly see pine, oak, ash, birch, aspen and spruce. Of particular note is the fact that Nerusso-Desniansky Woodland is the only surviving natural habitat of all 10 species of European woodpeckers.

Contrary to the opinion of some Russians that bison live in the Bryansk Forest, they cannot be seen there. The fact is that the experiment on the resettlement of these animals to the region, which began in 1996, failed. Due to the lack of habitual pasture, bison began to raid gardens in villages located around the Bryansk Forest. When they were forced to move away from human habitation, animals began to die one after another from accidents and the fault of poachers.

Bryansk region attractions photo

Animal world

A visit to the main natural attraction of the Bryansk region - Nerusso-Desnyansky woodland - it will be interesting for lovers to watch wild animals in their natural habitat. Currently, 500 species of insects, 30 species of fish, 12 - amphibians and 10 - birds live in the reserve. Among the mammals living there, one can mention white-breasted hedgehogs, common shrews, moles, forest bat, water night-lights, two-tone leathers, wolves, foxes, martens, elks, wild boars, red deer, roe deer, white hares, common squirrels, river beavers, red and water vole and yellow-throated mouse.

Eco Tours

To see the most interesting natural sights of the Bryansk region, it is best to visit the Nesrusso-Desnyansky woodland reserve as part of an organized group. A very popular excursion along the ecological trail 640 m long “Our Home - Bryansk Forest”. It runs along a wooden floor equipped with full houses and has a duration of 1 hour 20 minutes.

During the tour, tourists are introduced to the history of the reserve and the habits of its inhabitants. Since the trail runs along the valley of the Terebushka River, visitors to the reserve can see traces of beaver activity. At the end of the tour, tourists are invited to watch a film about animals that inhabit the Bryansk Forest, created on the basis of video materials obtained with the help of camera traps installed in the reserve.

sights of Bryansk and Bryansk region

"Partisan stories"

Talking about the natural sights of Bryansk and the Bryansk region, one can not help but mention the powerful patriotic movement that originated in the local forests during the Great Patriotic War. You can learn more about it by participating in the guerrilla tour “Guerrilla Stories”, which runs along a specially equipped trail in the area of ​​the village Smelyzh.

During the walk, tourists are told real stories from the lives of 13 partisans who fought in these places. The trail ends at the reconstructed dugout, which housed the partisan hospital. In addition, the participants are shown a stele erected in honor of the first performance of the famous song “The Bryansk Forest was noisy”.

Natural monument "Bologna"

This 2995 ha reserve is located in the Klintsy district, 20 km west of the city of Klintsy. It is of international importance, since plants of many rare species grow on its territory, you can see animals listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the Bryansk region.

attractions of the Bryansk region interesting places


The natural monument is part of the Bryansk Forest reserve. Ozerki are located 4 km southwest of the village of Kokorevka in the Suzemsky District. It is a swamp tract, which has a lake origin, surrounded by virgin forests. The territory of Ozerkov is a great place for lovers of ecotourism, where you can watch rare birds, as well as collect mushrooms and berries, which are famous for the Bryansk region.

Sights, photo of the city of Bryansk

In the administrative center of the region, tourists can:

  1. Visit the park "Nightingales". On its territory is the Barrow of Immortality, which is based on land from all the graves of soldiers who died for the freedom of their native country. In addition, the "Nightingale" has an observation deck from which you can make beautiful panoramic photos of the city.
  2. Visit the Renaissance Temple (address: 263 Bezhitskaya St.). The church is surrounded by forest, against its background you can make magnificent photographs. In addition, sacred music concerts are held from time to time in the church.
  3. Inspect Gorno-Nikolskaya Church (address: 8 Arsenalnaya St.). The temple was built in 1751 in the Naryshkin Baroque style and is located on a hill located opposite Pokrovskaya Mountain.
  4. Climb to the Pokrovskaya Gora complex. On it is a monument in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the city, and just below the monument to the hero Peresvet.

sights of the Bryansk region with a description

Other sights of the Bryansk region with a description

Due to its border status, this region has been constantly attacked and suffered during armed conflicts. In this regard, the historical and cultural attractions of the Bryansk region do not differ in antiquity. However, lovers of educational excursions there are waiting for:

  • Friendship Monument in Klimovo. This composition is set to remind the inviolability of the friendship of Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians at the place where the borders of the three countries intersect.
  • Sculpture Park A. Tolstoy in the Red Horn (Pochepsky district). It belongs to the museum of the famous writer, its visitors take pictures with pleasure against the background of wooden compositions carved from trunks, dried trees.
  • The memorial complex in Hatsuni. This mournful place serves as a reminder of how in 1941 the Nazis destroyed about 1000 local residents for the 3 German soldiers killed by the partisans.

natural attractions of the Bryansk region

Now you know where the most famous natural attractions of the Bryansk region are located. There are interesting places in every corner of Russia, so domestic tourism in our country has a huge unspent potential.


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