Why cats are afraid of a vacuum cleaner: cat psychology

If a cat lives in your house, then you must have noticed that it treats some household appliances very negatively. For most furry couch potatoes, the biggest nightmare is a vacuum cleaner. Why is he so scared of our cute furry (or smooth-haired) friends? Why is cleaning the house with a vacuum cleaner a real hysteria? Cats try to hide in a secluded place, sometimes hiss, and sometimes even try to attack the hated enemy.

why cats are afraid of a vacuum cleaner

In this article we will try to understand why cats are afraid of a vacuum cleaner. The reasons and methods of combating this hostility, according to experts, are obvious, and if you have patience, then it is quite possible to make your pet friends with a terrible, incomprehensible, buzzing "monster". But first you need to understand what the animal is so scared of.

Why are cats afraid of a vacuum cleaner?

Among all household appliances that are in almost every house today, it is the vacuum cleaner that causes panic in the cat. For example, most cats take television very calmly, and they feel very tender feelings about heaters or are indifferent to them. According to experts, this is due to the fact that the vacuum cleaner is the source of the largest and loudest noise among other equipment in the house, and therefore it is the main contender for the role of the causative agent of cat's rest.

Reasons Why Cats Are Afraid Of Vacuum Cleaner

Someone may disagree with this statement: after all, a tape recorder or TV breaks the silence much more often than a vacuum cleaner. But the thing is that it is for this reason that cats perceive them calmly. In addition, the sounds that a television or radio makes are familiar to the cat: these are the voices of the people she is used to, the sounds that she hears from the window (the noise of passing cars, for example). The noise of a working vacuum cleaner is unfamiliar and incomprehensible to her, and therefore especially scary.

The operation of the vacuum cleaner is almost never completely silent, and even the latest models, despite the significantly reduced noise level, still do not differ in absolutely quiet operation. The hearing of our pets is more sensitive than that of their owners, so the harsh sound of unknown origin is alarming in animals.

However, many owners believe that noise and the appearance of the device are not the main reasons. Why are cats afraid of a vacuum cleaner if it is not related to noise: after all, often they donโ€™t react at all to a working drill, and does it make no less harsh sounds?

why cats are afraid of a vacuum cleaner how to make friends

Vortex flows

This terrible "monster" is distinguished by another extremely unpleasant feature for cats - it is able to create whirlpools of a completely unfriendly wind around itself and at the same time sucks everything that meets its path.


To understand why cats are afraid of a vacuum cleaner, we advise you to pay attention to old models of these devices. During operation, they not only clean carpets, furniture, etc., but also raise tiny particles of dust into the air that prevent the animal from breathing. Many watched their pet sneeze during cleaning (unless, of course, he did not hide).

why cats are afraid of vacuum cleaner cat psychology

More modern models, fortunately, no longer have this drawback, but the peculiar smell that is felt during their work, still worries cats.

Visual perception

How to explain why the animal is hiding during cleaning? Why are cats afraid of a vacuum cleaner? Cat psychology is designed in such a way that in the mind of an animal such a large and incomprehensible object, besides moving around the apartment, is associated with an enemy that can attack at any moment and certainly cause harm.

When a roaring object with a long wire and hose, obscure tubes and brushes begins to move around the apartment, the animal panic. His only desire at this moment is to hide as far as possible and not leave his shelter until the moment when the mechanical enemy is removed.

why are cats so afraid of a vacuum cleaner


Experts name another reason that explains why cats are afraid of a vacuum cleaner. Sometimes our pets are not afraid of the appearance of the device or the noise it makes. Cats are able to pick up the slightest fluctuations on the surface of the earth: remember the well-known facts when it was cats who were the first to be anxious even before the moment a person senses the first faint tremors of an earthquake. They pick up the weakest vibrations, while experiencing great excitement, sensing danger. It is in order to protect herself from her that the cat hides in a safe place.

Unsuccessful hosts jokes

It is strange to hear the question: โ€œWhy are cats so afraid of a vacuum cleaner?โ€ - from owners who, for the sake of a joke, at least once directed the vacuum cleaner towards the cat or tried to โ€œcombโ€ their pet with them. This procedure provokes fear in the animal. Cats have excellent memory, so the very first, and possibly last time, is imprinted in the mind of the animal so much that even when he sees a device disconnected from the network, the cat will be nervous.

Encroachment on the territory

Most feline representatives perceive this device as a living creature: it moves around the apartment next to the owner, makes some kind of sounds. It is this perception that also explains why cats are afraid of a vacuum cleaner. For the animal, it is obvious that an enemy appeared in the house, claiming its territory, shamelessly studying all its corners.

With this perception, the behavior of the animal can be different: some cats prefer to hide, given the dimensions of the enemy, others prefer to die on the battlefield, but attack the "invader".

Why are cats afraid of a vacuum cleaner? How to make friends with them?

There is no single answer to this question and it cannot be, because it all depends on the nature of your pet. However, every owner of the animal must make an attempt to end this enmity. We offer you some tips from veterinarians and experienced cat-keepers. Perhaps among them you will find suitable for your situation.

If possible, replace the old model with a more modern vacuum cleaner. The new device will make less noise, will not raise dust in the air, which your pet will surely appreciate.

why cats are afraid of a vacuum cleaner reasons and methods

Do not vacuum when the animal is sleeping. This does not mean that cleaning should be postponed until the cat has slept. Before turning on the device, call your pet: a sleeping animal can get even more stress.

If you have the opportunity, during the cleaning, send the cat to another room. At the same time, do not close the doors: let the cat decide for herself whether she should leave the shelter, or it is better to postpone the meeting with the unexpected guest until a later time.

Leave the vacuum cleaner disconnected from the mains for some time in the room so that the cat can come up to it, inspect, sniff. If your pet has already ceased to be afraid of the vacuum cleaner turned off, approaches it without fear of provocation, praise it and stroke it.

Breeders recommend treating your cat with your favorite treat in the immediate vicinity of the vacuum cleaner. In this case, at the sight of the device, an animal may experience pleasant associations: for example, thoughts about a treat. You must do this first with the vacuum cleaner turned off, and then you can try to turn it on.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20657/

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