The author of a fantastic story and a summary: "Girl from the Earth"

In the ranks of domestic science fiction writers, one of the first is Igor Mozheiko, known to everyone under the pseudonym Kir Bulychev. He is the "father" of Alice Selezneva, a schoolgirl from the 21st century, whose adventures are read with pleasure by both adults and children.

From the series of works about Alice, the fantastic novel "A Girl from the Earth" is very interesting. The content, the main characters and the history of writing are covered in this article.

Acquaintance with the author

summary of a girl from the ground

Igor Vsevolodovich was born on October 18, 1934 in Moscow. His father Vsevolod Mozheiko is a nobleman by birth, his mother Maria Bulycheva is from an officer family, she graduated from the Smolny Institute of Noble Maidens.

In 1957, the future science fiction graduated from Moscow State University of Foreign Languages. Maurice Toreza, in 1962 - graduate school of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the USSR Academy of Sciences, after 3 years he defended his thesis, and in 1981 - his doctorate.

Having such a solid scientific baggage, Igor Mozheiko proved himself most vividly in the field of literature. It was printed under the pseudonym Kir Bulychev, which is composed of the name of his beloved wife, Kira, and her mother’s maiden name.

He became the author of more than a hundred works, which were translated into dozens of foreign languages. His fantastic stories and stories were published in millions of copies, not only at home, but also abroad. His ideas formed the basis of popular films and cartoons. In 1982 he was awarded the title of laureate of the USSR State Prize, in 1997 he became a laureate of the Aelita Prize, in 2002 he received the title of Knight of the Order of the Knights of Fiction.

One of his most successful works was a cycle about a girl from the future, Alisa Selezneva. Over the years, the author always returned to this character, loved by millions of adults and children. The last story "Alice and Alicia" was written by Kir Bulychev in 2003, a couple of months before his death.

To get acquainted with one of the most interesting stories about a schoolgirl of the 21st century, we offer readers a brief summary.

"Girl from the Earth": the history of the book

Bulychev girl from the ground

This work is only one of many in the cycle about Alice Selezneva. Bulychev composed "Girl from the Earth" in 1972. The story was first published in 1974 under the title Alice's Journey, later it was reprinted under the titles Alice and 3 Captains and A Girl from the Earth. This book has been translated into 17 languages!

An abridged version of the work for young children was printed as "The Secret of the Third Planet." Based on her motives, the cartoon of the same name was shot, the script for which was written by Kir Bulychev himself. It was for this work that he was awarded the State Prize.

Meet the characters

land girl

Before proceeding to the presentation of the contents of the story, it is necessary to get acquainted with its characters. Who is being told about in the fantastic fairy tale "Girl from the Earth"? The main characters are, of course, Alice, her father (director of the Moscow Zoo, professor of cosmobiology Seleznev), the brave commander of the spacecraft Poloskov and the pessimistic mechanic Zeleny.

In addition to them, many more secondary characters are involved: 3 captains, space pirates, the architect Gromozek from the planet Chumaroz, inhabitants of various planets from other solar systems and even other galaxies, the amazing bird Govorun, stray bushes and Indicator.

Earthlings and aliens are very different from each other. That is what Kir Bulychev emphasized. "Girl from the Earth" is a book that says that they are very different, but they respect each other with respect and understanding, following majgalactic rules of behavior to maintain order and peace in the Universe. This is one of the most important thoughts in a children's fairy tale. She teaches tolerance for each other regardless of skin color, nationality and religion.


girl from the earth main characters

"Girl from the Earth" is a fantastic story that begins with the story of Professor Seleznev that in the summer the space expedition will go to other star systems in search of rare and unusual animals to replenish the collection of the Moscow Zoo. Alice should also fly on an expedition, but a couple of days before the start of the trip, she and her classmates started an adventure, as a result of which they almost lost their place on the ship. But everything was settled on time, and the space ship with 4 passengers on board started.

Here we can only provide a brief summary. "Girl from the Earth" consists of 24 chapters that tell not how the expedition collected animals on different planets, but how it solved the intricate and mysterious case of the disappearance of the famous three captains. This is a real detective story with transformations, spies, chases, even an invisible hat.

Heroes fall into the traps of villains, fight space pirates, but come out victorious and find many new friends along the way. Unfortunately, the brief content cannot convey the atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding that reigns among the main characters.

"Girl from the Earth" is a story not about some unattainable heroes, but about ordinary people with their own shortcomings. They are also angry, cunning, and fearful, but at the same time they find the strength in themselves to adequately overcome difficulties.

find 10 differences

summary of a girl from the ground

The cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet" is very fascinating, but in details differs from the plot of the book. There are only three main characters in the cartoon - Alice, her father and Zeleny, who in one person combines the duties of a captain and a mechanic. There are only two captains; space pirates, the Govorun bird, and Indicator are described differently. Some characters are absent, for example, vagrant bushes and inhabitants of the planet Shishenery.

We really hope that the reader’s interest in the fantastic stories of Cyrus Bulychev will arouse the summary outlined here. "Girl from the Earth" is a book that needs to be read completely.


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