How to plant strawberries - useful tips for an excellent harvest

Strawberry is a very prolific and fast-growing berry that grows throughout the year. Not everyone is aware that strawberries are easily grown at home. All you need in such a business as growing strawberries is to identify a small area for it in your room. To grow strawberries at home, you need to use a plastic bag, which must be strong and elongated in length. It is necessary to have only a couple of bags with a nutritious soil mixture prepared from peat, humus, fine sawdust and sand. Such a mixture must be from the same parts of its components. To really learn how to plant strawberries, you must remember that rotted manure is also part of the soil mixture. All must be thoroughly mixed and put into bags. Further in our article we will describe in detail how to plant strawberries and how to care for them.

how to plant strawberries


For a plentiful harvest of this delicious berry, a couple of bags is enough. They need to make small holes, plant seedlings and hang where they will not interfere with you, but do not forget that the plants need sunlight. In the summer, bags can be placed on the balconies. In this case, you do not need artificial lighting. If it is necessary, then use fluorescent lamps for its manufacture. It is best to place them directly above the bags. Do not forget about other requirements: temperature - medium, ventilation, mandatory watering of plants.

how to plant strawberries with seeds

How to plant strawberries with seeds

The method is quite common, but a bit troublesome. Probably, everyone at least once in his life came across a technology for growing strawberries. First you need to prepare the material for planting. We spread the strawberry seeds on a napkin. Then you need to leave them in the refrigerator for 2 days. In such a case, how to plant strawberries, you need to consider all sorts of nuances. For sowing the seeds themselves, it is necessary to use a plastic container with a lid, which is half covered with a substrate from Terra Vita Flower and another half with Agroperlite. Seeds are sown on top in the amount of 50-60 pcs. Moisten them with water from the spray bottle too much so that the palm can feel moisture. Cover your landing container with a lid and leave it in a place with a constant temperature of about 25 degrees. Above the container you need to install "Fluor" and do not turn off for 2 days. It is necessary to ventilate the planting of strawberry seeds every few days, if necessary, you can slightly moisten. The emergence of seedlings is noticed 10 days after sowing the seeds of the berry.

grow strawberries

Tips & Tricks

It is important to fertilize seedlings with a special water-soluble fertilizer every two weeks. Do not forget that strawberries can not tolerate an acidic environment, but very fond of iron. For greater productivity during cultivation, it is recommended to conduct infrequent pollination, which is carried out both manually and with the help of a fan.


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