Fallout 4, Institution of the closed type: the passage of the quest

Quest in Fallout 4 " Closed institution " - this is one of the main and key tasks in the plot. After him, your hero must decide on the side on which he will fight.


The background of the quest begins with several tasks that you must complete in the Underground. Go to the Deacon and talk to him. The character will tell you about the purpose of the assignment. In it you need to get to the old base of the Underground and pick up the prototype. The task is complicated by the fact that the base is captured by synths. Agree to this adventure.

At the exit, you will find a frail battle with synths, so after a dialogue with the Deacon, thoroughly prepare for the battle. After the battle, it is best to move through the pip fight to Lexington. From the city, getting to the meeting place with the Deacon is easy and fast.

Having met and talked with a partner, you must follow the quest. After completing this task, you will see part of the game with the construction of a teleport. It doesn’t matter which organization you pass this quest for - the hero will still have access to the decisive task Fallout 4 - "Closed type institution". This quest will be decisive in choosing the side for which the main battle will take place in the plot of the game.

fallout 4 closed establishment

After the quest with the Deacon, you will be given the task "Molecular Level", in which you will create an interceptor. Having collected all the necessary elements for the quest, you must craft the device in your workshop. Next, you will need a powerful source of energy. To do this, build the generator in the same way - through the workshop.

Fallout 4 Closed Institution Walkthrough

The interceptor, which was collected in the previous quest, should move you to the Institute. This institution looks more like a hospital than an organization - everywhere there are white walls, sterile cleanliness and people in white coats. Now you are on the verge of an important event - the long-awaited acquaintance with your son.

Right in front of the hero is an elevator that you must enter. While you will rise, the announcer in an unobtrusive way will tell about the creation and history of the Institute. If you want to delve deeper into the plot, we advise you to listen and not be distracted. They will tell you about the most important events and their reasons in the world of Fallout 4. "Closed institution" will continue after leaving the elevator.

fallout 4 closed institution

In the first room you will meet a boy who will be mistaken for a son. He will tell you what is happening here, you will be interrupted by the so-called Father - the head of the Institute. In a further conversation, he will tell you that he is your son.

Acquaintance with the Institute

Your father will introduce you to the activities of the Institute and the main characters in it. The first will be Dr. Ellie Fillmore. Near her you can buy ammunition and weapons. Do it right away so you don’t go back through the whole Institute before leaving.

The next stop is the Department of Bioscience. You should find Dr. Holden there. She will tell you about the work of her unit. Next we go to the department of higher systems. It is difficult to get lost at the Institute - all the paths and corridors are quite understandable for perception and memorization. Dr. Lee in a blue coat will talk about his activities and offer to install the chip in a pip-fight. With it, you can easily teleport to the Institute from anywhere on the map.

The last item is the robot control department. Find the head of the unit and ask him how it happened with previous scientists. After that, you should return to Father and talk with him, which will lead to the start of the finish line in the game Fallout 4. The quest "Closed institution" will be completed.

Further actions

fallout 4 quest closed institution

Now you will have a choice of side. By choosing your son as allies, you will gain access to a number of tasks.

The Detention quest is required to complete before the final part of the game. According to the plot, you should find and return to the Institute of escaped synth. The quest is quite interesting, with cool dialogs and ideas. This synth lost its memory and began to consider itself a man. He led a gang of Raiders. After completing the quest, your assignment assistant, synth X6-88, will be able to become your hired companion. Thus, you should not gallop the main quest of Fallout 4 - "Closed institution". In it you will find out the answers to many questions and make some lasting decisions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20678/

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