Grapes of Syrah: description, characteristics, photo

Grapes Syrah (Shiraz) is used to make red and pink wine. Like most varieties, it transfers its name to this drink. Wine from Syrah is considered one of the best European varieties in its class. What made grapes so popular? And what is the difference between wines from berries grown on different continents?


Like all ancient varieties, Syrah grapes , aka Shiraz, have a foggy history, and its origin is not exactly known. According to one version, it comes from the Persian Shiraz, which in the Middle Ages was famous for its wines.

Another version considers the valley of the French Rhone, in the distant past Gaul , to be the birthplace of grapes. It is known that it was grown in these territories at the beginning of our era.

Syrah grapes

The dispute over the birthright came to the point that at the end of the last millennium, American scientists conducted a genetic examination. She proved that Syrah is an original French grape. In 2001, it was registered as a quality wine variety.

It is believed that his "parent" was Mondez Blanche, who naturally mated with Durez.

In addition to these two names, you can meet Black Servan, the Hermitage. But Petit Syrah is a local American variety.

Where is it grown?

Now in France, Syrah grapes grow on an area of ​​50 thousand hectares. It is grown in Italy, the USA, Chile, Argentina, South Africa. In Australia and New Zealand, the vineyards on which Syrah grows account for about 40 thousand hectares. California, despite the small area under the grapes, is very actively developing winemaking and competes with the French.

Syrah grape variety

It grows even in the south of Russia. Wine from this grape is more like French.

What does Syrah grapes look like?


This grape has 16 clones. But the real wine only two. This is Syrah and Shiraz.

Their bushes are of medium height and size. They can bear fruit up to 150 years. With age, the juice from their berries becomes thicker. Its leaves are three- or five-lobed, curved, corrugated, medium in size. Bottom slightly pubescent. Cloves are lancet. Petiole notch lyre-shaped. In autumn, the leaves become red.

Syrah or Shiraz grapes

The flowers are bisexual, with the scent of reseda and violet has Syrah (grapes). Photos show that his clusters are miniature, cylindrical in shape, with wings. The weight of one bunch is from 100 to 115 g. The berries are small, faceted, have the same size. Loose to each other. The color is black and blue, with a purple tint and a waxy coating. The skin is thin. The berries are fragrant and juicy.

Growing conditions

Syrah grapes ripen on average in 145 days. Therefore, it is grown in warm regions, in areas that warm up very early in the spring.

You can not delay the harvest for a long time. Overripe berries lose acid and aroma. But you can store the fruits for up to four months.

Syrah grapes grow well and bear fruit on any soil, including the poor. This expands the possibilities of its cultivation. In France, it grows on the soil that formed after the collapse of the granite layer. But he does not like drought. Weak branches of Syrah grapes can break off in strong winds.

Syrah grape photo

It grows well in a subtropical climate, which is considered ideal for grapes.

It freezes during severe frosts. And he doesn’t like other weather changes. With decreasing temperature, the ripening of the grapes is delayed, the yield decreases.

But spring frosts are not terrible for Syrah grapes. After all, his clusters are tied quite late.

But the sun needs a lot of grapes. All parts of the plant should be well lit.

Disease resistance

Often, new dessert grape varieties are difficult to grow because of their tendency to become infected with various diseases and pests. Syrah grape variety is not very resistant to major diseases. He is affected by mildew and ovidium, having a resistance to these diseases of 2 points. The rate of gray rot is slightly higher: 2.5 points.


The natural productivity of Syrah is low - from 30 to 65 hectoliters per hectare. But to get quality products, just such is required. Therefore, on the vine you need to leave three clusters, no more. Then the berries will acquire a special taste and aroma. If you leave a lot of bunches, the amount of tannins in the berries will decrease sharply.


Syrah grapes are grown for the production of wine and cuvée (a mixture of dry wines for making champagne). It has red, dark red and even blue color. Wines are valued for being intended for a wide category of consumers. Their price is in the average range from 4 to 100 euros per bottle. Therefore, wine has every chance to take a leading position in the global market.

Syrah grape characteristic

Different sources have different opinions about whether this is a single grape variety. This is due to the fact that wines produced in France and Australia from allegedly one variety of berries are very different from each other in a number of characteristics.


Grapes of Syrah (or Shiraz) are used to produce strict mineral peppercorny wines with the aroma of molasses and resin. Use it after aging from 5 to 15 years. Ripening, they open, change and are supplemented by new shades of blue berries (blackberries, gooseberries). Young wine may have the aroma of flowers, which eventually turns into pepper.

The wines of some manufacturers ripen in barrels up to 10 years, then they are aged for several years in bottles. Their acidity is from 7 to 9 percent. Sugar content ranges from 16 to 21 percent. It depends on the amount of sun that Syrah (grapes) received.

Characteristics of Australian Wine

Australian wine from Shiraz is drunk after two years, that is, young. It is aging only in the cellars of private winemakers. But his bouquet does not change. These are bright wines with the aroma of chocolate, plum, and skin. Acidity - from 6 to 8.5 percent, sugar content - from 15 to 19. "Grunge" wine made from Australian Shiraz is used to make fortified wines.

Syrah grapes description

Such a difference in the taste of the final product is explained by the fact that the growing conditions of grapes on different continents and latitudes are very different. Different climate and soil leave an imprint on the finished product.

And the attitude to wine making in different regions is different. Australia is trying to produce as much ordinary wine as possible , while France places the main emphasis on quality, producing less.

Syrah wine is more restrained, shiraz is bright and fiery. But both varieties are very popular now all over the world. This is due to the fact that they are fundamentally different from the well-known merlot, cabernet and sauvignon wines. They are especially popular in Australia. Therefore, such significant areas are allocated for its cultivation.

Syrah wine has a powerful taste that interrupts the aromas of many dishes. Therefore, it is usually consumed with spicy meat dishes and game.


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