"Staying with the nose": the meaning of phraseology and its origin

Winged expressions can decorate any language, enrich the speech of any person. Many of them were born in such a distant past that the meaning of each individual word is simply lost in them, and the meaning that is being embedded in them today is often not similar to the original.

The meaning of phraseology

So, if you need to inform the interlocutor that a person, they say, can fail, not get what he was counting on, it’s appropriate to use the expression “can stay with his nose” in relation to him. The meaning of phraseology implies that the hope, the calculation of something does not materialize.

Let’s say, one or even the whole company has a business in mind. And while there is buildup and planning, time is running out. Just right, someone more rationally thinking declares: “Guys, while we are talking here, we are guessing and thinking, someone who is more agile will realize this idea. No matter how we stay with our nose! ” Value more than transparent: fail, there will be no hope of the expected success.

stay with your nose the meaning of phraseology

Grammatically, this phraseological unit is used with a pronoun or noun denoting a person, for example, “my friend was left with his nose - the chosen one refused him”. That is, a friend failed, was left without what he hoped for, what he hoped to achieve.


Perhaps the most interesting thing in phraseological units is their origin. What does the "nose" in the winged expression "stay with the nose"? The meaning of phraseology will become completely understandable if you delve into its etymology.

The nose, as part of the face, does not play any role here, but this element of expression rises to the verb “NOSit” and is a verbal noun: the nose is what NOSIT is brought up.

There are two very interesting versions of the origin of this phraseological unit.

According to ancient tradition, the bridegroom, marrying a girl, presented her parents with a nose - by some kind of gift, offering or ransom.

stay with your nose phraseology
If the guy was not happy with something, the refusal followed, and what he presented was not accepted. The groom had no choice but to stay with his nose. Phraseologism arose as a result of failure.

The second version has not such a personal meaning, although the "nose" is also used in the sense of a gift. Rather, even a bribe given to officials to expedite the solution of some cases. If the employee rejected the offering, then the supplicant remained with his nose - there was no hope of help.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Each language has established expressions, so to speak, verbal formulas with which you can diversify speech. How much livelier and more interesting it sounds if it is decorated with winged expressions, sayings, sayings!

Many of the phraseological units can express a similar meaning, but in a different sound envelope. For example, what does it mean to stay with your nose? Its meaning is established, which can be expressed by other synonyms. Such as "stay on the beans", "stay at peak interest", "slopped salty." The phrases “leave empty-handed”, “vain labor”, “all in vain” are appropriate.

stay with your nose meaning

The meaning of the winged expression is also conveyed by several "brothers" -synonyms that have arisen in modern times, which can be used instead of "staying with the nose." Phraseologism is replaced by idioms “a bummer happened”, “remained in flight”, “flew past the ticket office”.

The opposite meaning has the expression "achieve (achieve) their own." With different expressive shades and in appropriate situations, the catch phrases “rest on their laurels”, “not by washing, so by skating” can take place.

The use of phraseology in the literature

With the nose you can leave the other, as well as stay with the nose yourself. The meaning of phraseology this does not change. In the literature, expression is used quite actively in both cases. It can be found both in the works of classics and contemporaries.

An interesting observation: very often heroes-grooms remain with their noses. So, F.M. Reshetnikov in the novel “My Bread”, devoted to the issues of female emancipation, talks about one girl. Many suitors got married to her, were sent to the matchmakers' parents. However, the potential bride certainly found a flaw in everyone, refused, and the applicants for her hand were left with a nose.

what does it mean to stay with your nose

At A.N. Tolstoy in "Mishuk Nalymov" one character reassures another, so that he does not get angry and not upset, they say, he also remained with his nose - the girl goes for another.

A similar episode is described by V. Shukshin: behind a classmate, as many as four were worried, but all four were left with a nose - she preferred a completely stranger young man.

The use of phraseology in colloquial speech

As a rule, winged expressions are readily used in ordinary conversations. After all, how many opportunities arise to pronounce this phrase - "stay with your nose." The meaning of phraseology allows you to succinctly and concisely characterize a particular unpleasant situation.

The chief promised to increase the salary next month, and left with a nose.

The official decided to refuse to consider the complaint, and the complainant also “flew past the cash register”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20681/

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