Why does a baby spit after feeding the mixture? Tips for young mothers

Not all young mothers know everything about feeding their newborn babies. Any little thing can cause real panic. And a nursing mother should be as calm as possible, since any excitement can affect the baby's condition.

Why does a baby spit after feeding the mixture?

Mom will not worry about the fact that newborns sometimes spit up. They know that if this happens infrequently, then everything is normal. That is, the child is developing normally and gaining weight.

why after feeding the mixture the baby spits up
To reflect on the question of why, after feeding the mixture, the baby spits up, it should be very serious, if this happens often, the stomach is swollen and gases form in the stomach. You need to know the reasons for this and try to prevent such a negative phenomenon. This can happen if the baby is fed milk formula. Especially carefully monitor the composition of the fed mixture, the cleanliness of the bottles and nipples.

It's time to figure out why, after feeding the mixture, the baby spits up?

The main causes of regurgitation

  1. Mom is likely to overfeed her baby. With breastfeeding, no overfeeding will occur. The mixture often contributes to overfeeding. To avoid this, you need to accurately calculate the rate of dry mix for feeding.
  2. The child is in a hurry and swallows air with milk. When the baby is breastfeeding, this does not happen. This has a scientific name - “aerophagy”. Air bubbles enter the stomach, returning not separately, but with absorbed milk.
  3. The mixture is not suitable for the baby for some reason. Maybe mom often experiments and changes the composition.
  4. Sometimes the baby begins to slow down after eating. Make sharp movements with it, spread it on the stomach.
    the baby spits up after each feeding
  5. The child often forms bloating and the accumulation of gases, there is a violation of the stool. The baby needs to massage the tummy, sometimes apply a warm diaper to it. In pharmacology, there are special drops.
  6. They smoke in the house, and this is a disaster. The child, along with all family members, becomes a passive smoker. Smoke causes a spasm in his unformed esophagus. As a result - regurgitation. In the house where the infant is located, smoking is contraindicated.

How to prevent the process?

Why, after feeding the mixture, the child spits up, it has been found out, now you need to figure out how to prevent this phenomenon or get rid of spitting up.

mixture composition
Everything, it turns out, is not very complicated. You just need to use the following tips, which should turn into rules. Firstly, you need to choose a nipple with a small hole. And it’s best to use specially designed ones that prevent air ingestion. Secondly, the bottle needs to be held so that the baby does not suck in the air available in the nipple. They try to keep the baby during feeding in a semi-vertical position. You can now buy the mixture what mom wants, but it is best to opt for a composition with antireflux substances, in other words, a mixture of regurgitation.

Physiological causes of this phenomenon

Of course, not everyone faces a similar problem. But, if at least a few babies have such a peculiar throwing of the received food from the stomach, we should talk about this.

5 month old baby spits up
The reasons mentioned above are of a general nature. There are a number of physiological causes of regurgitation. The esophagus of the infants is small in length, the valves have not formed to the end, the stomach still has a small volume. Enzymes are produced in insufficient quantities.

If the baby spits up after each feeding, it may have abnormalities in the development of the ventricle and intestines. In this case, consult with medical specialists. A small burp after eating, waste of excess air - this is quite normal for infants. Frequent spitting up should not be ignored. Of course, you need a consultation with the local pediatrician. Perhaps a latent developing disease manifests itself in the child in frequent and abundant regurgitation. Some nervous diseases give such a negative manifestation.

Other causes of the problem

Does the baby spit up after each feeding up to three tablespoons and spit up like vomiting? We must pay attention to such reasons: the food was of poor quality, there was a viral infection, intolerance to cow's milk, an allergic reaction to the foods that the nursing mother ate.

Bowel obstruction

Caution should be exercised when regurgitations are green and brown. This may indicate intestinal obstruction. The child may not absorb the fed mixture, while losing weight, and there are spotting in the regurgitation.

why the baby is spitting up
To rid the baby of spitting up milk and milk, you need to perform a number of simple steps. For example, a child is crying or is very excited - let him calm down before eating. The baby must be free in his actions. Therefore, at the time of feeding - no tight swaddling. When the feeding process is completed, you should hold the baby upright. The baby’s nose is often blocked in the first months of life. Therefore, it must be cleaned.

Choosing the right mixture!

The composition of the mixture intended for feeding an infant must be selected very carefully, carefully examining each of its components. These products differ not only in cost, but also in composition. What is contained in the milk mixture should be known to every mother who is forced to switch to artificial feeding. Of course, breast milk is unique in composition. Therefore, it is impossible to replace it. But to choose a mixture that is close in composition to breast milk is quite realistic. Several characteristics of the milk mixture should be considered: its calorie content should not be less than 64-72 kilocalories; casein proteins should not be, they can only be well-absorbed whey; the composition of fats can vary from 3 to 3.8 grams.

the baby spits up
The presence of amino acids, vitamins and minerals is important. In no case should there be sugar in the infant formula, since this element adversely affects the body of the baby. Sucrose, glucose and fructose are excluded. They cause gas in the baby’s tummy. It is necessary to ensure that soy protein, starch and palm oil are not present in the mixture.

Mom's advice on regurgitation and formula feeding

If the child 5 months spits up very often, after almost every feeding, it is recommended to immediately consult a pediatrician. The process of adapting the digestive tract of infants to the new external environment should have been completed in five months.

Moms with experience will be able to give young, just giving birth, the necessary advice on what to do if the baby is spitting up. Some of them: before feeding the baby, you need to lay it on the tummy for several minutes. This will help to get rid of the accumulated gases in the intestines before eating. This frees up a little place for a new serving of milk. The process of regurgitation will be more relaxed. The use of antiemetic mixtures will greatly facilitate the child’s addiction to the transition to natural or artificial feeding. Do not forget that the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is still imperfect. One more tip. Add one cap of dry cereal without milk to the mixture and cook according to the recipe on the box. This method will help to thicken the milk mixture for feeding, give it nutrition. The baby will eat up and gradually completely get rid of regurgitation.

the child spits up in an hour
Pediatricians do not believe that children's regurgitation is a pathology, especially if the baby develops in accordance with age. But, when the child spits up after an hour and this is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and nervousness, it is worth worrying. With age, regurgitation should stop. Attentive attitude to your baby, an adequate reaction to any changes in the baby’s body will help you quickly understand the causes of the problem.

Little conclusion

Now it should become clear to mothers what needs to be done so that there are no unpleasant consequences after feeding. They also know why the baby is spitting up. You need to monitor the condition of the baby, visit the children's clinic, and, of course, follow the advice of your pediatrician.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20686/

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