Dichondra ampelous: seed cultivation, planting and care, reviews

The variety of varieties of climbing plants offered on the market today offers tremendous opportunities for phytodesign. Among them, the unpretentious ampelous dichondra is considered a real find when creating background gardening. Growing from seeds from the moment of sowing to the development of a full-fledged plant may not be as fast as we would like, but the result is able to conquer with its amazing beauty.


A dichondra herbaceous plant can be either perennial or annual, depending on the conditions. It has superficial roots and is remarkable for its graceful stems that reach one and a half meters in length and beautifully fall down, making the plant look like a waterfall, or spread along the ground, forming a carpet. The branches are densely covered with small rounded leaves. Today, the most popular are two varieties of dichondra, which are called Silver and Emerald Falls. Names are associated with the color of their leaves.

dichondra ampelous seed cultivation

The first is especially attractive as a background for flowering plants. When exposed to silver leaves of sunlight , the impression of flowing water. From May to August, ampelous dichondra is covered with modest small flowers. Planting and caring for the plant are not particularly difficult, which attracts the attention of flower growers even more.

The history of the origin of the species

This plant was first discovered more than two centuries ago in East Asia. It did not cause much interest among botanists, because the appearance of the grass growing in natural conditions did not differ in particular beauty. Later, dichondra became interested in landscape design specialists, who began to use it when creating rock gardens as soil cover.

So gradually began to gain popularity inconspicuous-looking culture dichondra ampelous, the cultivation of which in Russia lasts only a dozen years. Her official debut in our country took place at a specialized exhibition held in 2004, where the plant, first formed as a living waterfall, was first presented.

dichondra ampelous seed cultivation photo
The ampel dichondra received the highest marks for its originality and universal purpose. Since that time, the demand for this plant among professional designers and amateur gardeners began to increase every year.

Planting seeds

Amyloid dichondra can propagate both by cuttings and seeds. Growing from seeds will require some effort and patience. But in view of the fact that the acquisition of cuttings is rather problematic, since the plant is not yet so common among gardeners, the method of planting seeds is more often used.

So that by the beginning of the summer season it would be possible to decorate the balcony or garden with a beautiful green screen, sowing the seeds of dichondra should be done in January or February. From the moment of planting to the first shoots, approximately 4 months pass.

For sowing seeds, the soil is prepared in advance. To do this, sand and fertile soil are mixed in equal parts . Seeds are sown to a depth of 5 mm, sprinkled with earth, watered and wrap the container with plastic wrap to prevent evaporation of moisture. Instead of film, you can use glass. Then the container is placed in a warm place, the air temperature in the room should be maintained at +25 โฐ. After 10 days, the first shoots begin to appear, and seedlings can already be put on the window by removing the film from it.

dichondra ampel landing and care

When 2 main leaflets appear on the sprouts, they are transplanted into small pots whose diameter is not more than 10 cm. The whole process is not particularly difficult. Therefore, the optimal method of reproduction is for a plant such as ampelous dichondra, growing from seeds. Photos of well-placed flower pots in combination with other flowers show what magnificence you can create in your garden, having this plant at hand. Many reviews of amateur gardeners indicate that the reproduction of dichondra by seeds is quite successfully carried out at home. According to them, the plants give amicable shoots and withstand a good transplant.

Open transplant

After 8-9 weeks from the moment of sowing the seeds, the grown plants can be planted in a cache-pot. Three shoots are able to give one good dense bush. As they grow, they bend to the ground and take new roots and shoots. With proper formation, after 2 months, the dichondra acquires a form of high decorative value.

dichondra ampel care and cultivation

It is better to plant this plant in open ground when the soil warms up well enough. The most suitable period is the beginning of June. When planting between plants, it is necessary to maintain a distance of about 30 centimeters. The place should be well lit by the sun, this is especially important for the variety Silver Waterfall.

Ampelous Dichondra: plant care

Knowing some of the botanical features of dichondra will help create comfortable conditions in order to grow a beautiful and healthy plant. The most important thing is maintaining the optimum air temperature. It should not be lower than +18 โฐ and not higher than +26 โฐ. Amyloid dichondra belongs to the genus of bog plants, therefore , air humidity is of great importance for its growth and development. Regular spraying with warm water significantly speeds up the growth process of the plant. In this case, the leaflets acquire extraordinary freshness and elasticity.

dichondra ampelous reviews

But the excess moisture in the soil is detrimental to such a plant as ampelous dichondra. Growing it from seeds requires sufficient moisture, but when the first stems appear, watering is done very carefully and moderately. However, overdrying of the soil should also not be allowed.


For the full development of the plant and its protection against possible diseases, it is necessary to periodically make fertilizers and top dressing. Experts recommend the Ideal liquid organic fertilizer, which is used once every 2 weeks. In order to help the plant gain deciduous mass, a high nitrogen content fertilizer is added every week.

Pruning should be done regularly to form a more magnificent crown. This procedure is also mandatory when preparing a plant for wintering in a city apartment.

dichondra ampelo care

Winter hardiness

Subject to all the conditions for care, it is capable of preserving its decorative dichondra ampelous for 6-7 years. Care and cultivation in the winter will not cause much trouble. You can make a reliable shelter for the plant for the winter, and it is best to bring it into the house, highlighting the brightest place there. During this period, very moderate watering is required to prevent excessive soil moisture. Otherwise, it may cause rotting of the roots. If heating appliances work in the house, then leaflets are sprayed and air humidified.

In a warm room, the ampelous dichondra tolerates wintering quite well. Reviews that characterize the plant as sufficiently resistant to transplants and wintering are very common. So, according to amateur gardeners, many of them did not hope that the dichondra would delight them with its appearance for more than one year. However, the result exceeded all expectations.


Dichondra ampelous has recently appeared in our gardens, but has already gained great popularity among landscape designers. It is often used as a groundcover that forms a true carpet on the ground. Planted in flowerpots and hanging baskets, the dichondra adorns walls, terraces and balconies. In the channels of dry streams, it is recommended to place the Silver Dichondra, which will simulate the flowing stream of water. Having the branches of this plant on a rocky surface, care should be taken to protect them from overheating.

Having planted this plant once and observing the simple rules of caring for it, you can provide for every season a beautiful decoration of your garden plot or balcony.

dichondra ampel growing

An unusual and exquisite appearance of the ampelous dichondra plant will help to create an amazingly beautiful and original flower garden. Growing from seeds or cuttings in combination with competent care allows you to create luxurious green waterfalls that attract the eye and amaze with their beauty.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2069/

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