Drontal for cats: instructions for use (reviews)

Effective and effective tool is Drontal for cats. Instructions for use say that one tablet should be counted on 4 pounds of cat weight. Many owners know that their animals do not like this form of medication.

The indispensable assistant in case of illness

Pets bring great joy and happiness to their owners. I want them to always be healthy, active, so that you can play with them and enjoy the company of a devoted friend. Cats, like all living creatures, are prone to diseases, penetration of parasites such as helminths into the body. They need to be quickly and quickly dealt with, and ideally, they should not be allowed to appear at all. For this you can use "Drontal".

drontal for cats instructions for use
The drug is suitable both for preventive purposes and in the direct treatment of cats. It is used if cestodosis or nematodosis is detected. The composition of the drug includes praziquantel, as well as pyrantel embonate. These substances are the basis in the treatment of worm infestations, which are formed due to tape and round helminths.

Principle of operation and storage conditions

The muscles of the parasites are affected, their paralysis and subsequent death occur. There is a rapid absorption and work of the drug. Helminths are parasitic worms that live inside the catโ€™s body. Those that live in the intestines are especially dangerous.

The first signal about the disease may be a decrease in the cat's appetite, as well as fatigue that cannot be explained. If the coat has become dull, and the animal itself has lost weight, it is worth checking for the presence of worms. If they are found, it is worth using the Drontal tablets. They are white in color, slightly yellowish at the fault. Keep the medicine dry and cool, do not remove from the packaging of the plant. Each pack contains 10 servings. Storage temperature should be 8-10 degrees. Starting from the production date, the drug can be used for five years.

drontal for cats instructions for use reviews


The drug is suitable for your pet if you want to take prophylaxis or get rid of helminths. It should not be used during pregnancy in the 2-3 trimester. The drug is suitable for cats of different breeds and age categories, it is slightly toxic and does not cause associated harm.

There are very rare cases when vomiting or diarrhea appears. You can use this medicine both in the health of elderly cats, and very still small kittens, which barely turned three weeks old.

Consumption process

The question arises of how to help a tablet get into the body. How to make a pet use Drontal for cats? Instructions for use provide a solution to this issue. You will not have problems if you methodically follow all the necessary steps.

In the package you can find an insert, where the instruction is very clearly prescribed for the drug "Drontal Plus" for cats. Reviews indicate numerous successful cases of treatment, when everything went according to plan. Give the cat pills with food, so he may not notice them. You can put Drontal for cats in minced meat or a slice of meat. The instruction for use also advises the use of butter for masking purposes.

drontal for cats instruction reviews
There are ways to make the pill even more invisible. Prescribes the grinding of tablets created for the drug "Drontal" for cats instructions. The reviews of the hosts indicate that with this scheme, no problems arise. Or you can just use dry food for camouflage purposes. It is advised to give Drontal for cats in the morning. Instructions for use, treatment can be carried out only on it, attached to the drug.

It must be carefully studied. True, it happens that animals with a particularly delicate sense of smell and increased observantness recognize foreign parts in food and refuse to consume them. With such a pet will have to use a different strategy.

Desperate situations - tough decisions

If the dialogue does not work out in a good way, a very banal denouement suggests the use of the drug Drontal for cats in the use of the drug. Treatment must be forced. Yes, itโ€™s unpleasant to hear it, yes, itโ€™s shameful then to look the cat in the eye, but you do him a favor, even if he does not understand it. Advises to put instructions for use on the root of the Drontal language for cats. Dosage is 1 tablet / 4 kg of cat weight. We'll have to squeeze the animal's mouth and stroke it around the neck. So you can cause the appearance of a swallowing reflex, so that the medicine gets into the stomach. What to do if the pet does not want to eat himself, you will have to use this method.

If you have a small kitten, it is advised to make an aqueous suspension, which will include Drontal for cats, instructions for use. Use a catheter or syringe for these purposes.

drontal plus for cats instruction reviews

Do not wait for the disease to appear

For prevention, you can give your pet this drug four times a year. Do not overdo it and treat the cat more often than once a season. Also, the veterinarian can prescribe this remedy after medical procedures. You need to carefully listen to the doctor, as well as read what the Drontal preparation for cats says about the instructions for use.

Reviews sound that the medicine helps for a certain period of time, but then you have to repeat the treatment. Well, there is nothing eternal, and if you do not repeat the procedure, the cat can just pick up new worms somewhere. To protect it from helminths, do not let the matter drift and periodically carry out such prevention.

Ten days before vaccination, you need to use a feline anthelmintic. Some are too zealous and give their animals a laxative, sit on a special diet. It is worth noting that this is not necessary.

drontal for cats treatment instruction

Customer opinion

The reviews of the owners insist that people use this tool for their pets for a long time and are extremely pleased with the result. Buyers are satisfied that no side effects have been noticed, because some drugs treat one disease, and cause a number of others. Many with anthelmintic suspensions are transferred to Drontal. Because it is much more efficient and safe.

The hosts switch exclusively to this remedy, because it covers all the animal's needs for protection against worms. People speak of the size of the pill as being not very comfortable to eat with a cat. So she is divided or crushed. After you wrap the drug in a delicious meatloaf, your pet can swallow the medicine with pleasure. With this scheme, there are no problems. Cats perfectly tolerate this tool.

drontal for cats dosage instructions for use
Veterinarians do not detect worms on checks after applying the course. The main thing is to treat the animal in a timely manner. 1.5 tablets per season will be quite enough, as the owners say, so as not to worry about the presence of worms in the body of the pet. As for coercive measures, they are used quite rarely, this is an exception to the rule rather than a pattern.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20694/

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