How to make paper mache do-it-yourself

Papier mache is a special type of manufacture of various toys, crafts, caskets and other items from the molding material, which is formed from fibrous materials. Such materials are paper or cardboard, as well as other materials. Adhesives, as well as gypsum, starch and other materials, often come up with such materials. Papier mache is a variety of objects, such as vases, caskets, study guides and interior decoration items. It’s quite possible to make paper mache with your own hands, the main thing is to know the features of the material and be able to perform step-by-step actions.

The development history of papier mache goes far into the 16th century of France, when this material was used to make dolls. Already in the 17th century, interest in the import production of decorative products woke up. Japanese and Chinese people made papier mache with their own hands; they made various caskets, snuff boxes, stucco moldings for ceilings and walls, wall panels, candlesticks, trays, masks, toys, mirror frames and other numerous projects. Furniture was also provided - wardrobes and beds. In Russia, papier mache has become popular since the reign of Peter the Great, it was this man who brought a lot of new things from abroad. Creating various items from papier mache with your own hands has become a very popular and sought-after activity.

To the question - how to make paper mache, you can answer that there are 3 technologies:

- the first speaks of gluing small pieces of wet paper onto a cooked model. The classic technique involves sticking several layers of paper. Previously, many people used starch paste for this method, but today it was replaced by more modern means, namely polyvinyl acetate glue;

- the second method involves the formation of products from the liquid mass of paper. In this case, the paper is cut into small pieces, and then filled with hot water. This mass must be put in a warm place for a day. After this, it is necessary to boil, squeeze, loosen and dry the paper. The mass that was obtained is mixed with chalk and glue is added, only gradually. When you get a creamy plastic dough, it is poured into a specially prepared form, and can also be applied to the surface of the form with a layer. After that, the mass is dried;

- the third method says that when asked how to make paper mache, the answer is given that here the products are glued under pressure from plates of thick and hard cardboard.

All three methods are dried and sanded, and they can also be putty and primed. And after all this product are mural. Do-it-yourself paper mache is a laborious process, but the result will be amazing. For the manufacture of papier mache today use various materials - epoxy resins, synthetic resins, polyester resins. Clay, plasticine, gypsum or wood are used as models for the formation. Papier mache is also combined with natural materials and classic art traditions.

Any paint is suitable for papier mache coloring, but acrylic paint is gaining the most popularity. This material has its own characteristics - acrylic paint is easy to use, inexpensive, dries quickly and has a large color palette. You can use poster paints, but only without water-based varnish, as the result is a blurry color. Enamel and glossy paint are also great for coloring papier mache.

In a word, we can say that papier mache is an excellent way to create a quick and inexpensive real masterpiece, as well as give the interior a unique and unique design.


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