Voltage stabilizer "Progress": scope

Normal voltage is considered to be the voltage of a common household single-phase electric network - 220V. In this case, small deviations from the nominal by 5% in one and the other direction are permissible.

In other words, the voltage in the network that is familiar to all ranges from 210V to 230V, and this is normal, since such fluctuations do not negatively affect the operation of household electrical appliances that are connected to the household electrical network. However, it is worth the voltage to go beyond these permissible limits, as many devices will start to work incorrectly and may even completely fail.

voltage stabilizer progress

If the voltage is below normal, it is called reduced, and if it is higher, then increased. Both of these have an adverse effect on electrical appliances, and such power surges, of course, need to be fought without waiting for expensive equipment to break down and break down.

Models of stabilizers "Progress"

The voltage regulator "Progress" is produced by LLC "Energy" in the city of Pskov. These devices are perfectly adapted to the Russian household power supply networks. Both domestic and special installations are produced, which are specially designed for interaction with high-precision equipment, which guarantees a voltage change of no more than 1.5% in both directions.

The Progress voltage regulator from a step series is perfectly suitable for domestic needs:

  • T - a series for use under ordinary conditions, which is designed to neutralize small voltage drops. It is controlled by a special autotransformer by switching its windings with special thyristor keys. There are single-phase - their power is from 1 to 50 kVA - and three-phase, with power from 9 to 150 kVA.
  • The TR series is already a basic model, which has a wider amplitude of both working and ultimate stresses. It is available for use in electrical networks in which there are more significant voltage drops. They also switch between windings using thyristor keys. Modification is available for low voltage - above 100V - and for high - up to 305 V. Single-phase stabilizers with power from 3 to 12 kVA and three-phase with power from 9 to 36 kVA. The best in this series is the voltage regulator "Progress 8000".
  • The L series is a high-precision stabilization model, characterized by a quick response to voltage drops and a high threshold for withstanding overload. In addition, it implements a fairly wide range of operating and ultimate stresses. The autotransformer is adjusted using a transformer, called a volt-boost. Thyristor keys switch the windings if necessary, as in other models. Single-phase stabilizers with power from 3 to 50 kVA and three-phase from 9 to 150 kVA are available.

voltage regulator progress 8000

The main distinguishing feature of all Progress voltage regulators is their completely silent operation, which is why they are excellent for installation in rooms that are subject to high noise requirements. So, they are often installed in residential apartments and private houses, where their work does not interfere with the residents. Those who installed the Progress voltage stabilizer, reviews leave the most positive, and most consumers are satisfied with his work.

For the convenience of the consumer, stabilizers are available in various designs: both for wall mounting and floor mounting.

Three-phase voltage stabilizers "Progress"

Consumers often face the question of what to do if three phases are brought to the house, and not one. Is it possible to use a single-phase stabilizer in this case? The answer is unequivocal: "Yes." But not for the entire household electrical network. A conventional single-phase device can be installed only using one phase of the existing indoor. At the same time, there is an option in which it is possible to install such stabilizers for each phase of the power supply network.

voltage stabilizer progress reviews

Usually, a single-phase stabilizer is installed in the phase to which the most expensive and voltage-sensitive equipment is connected. The stability of its operation will depend on how correctly the load is distributed between the phases of the power supply network. The load should be distributed approximately equally. Then the voltage stabilizers for the Progress house will do their job perfectly.

Automatic control units and racks

Special racks, optionally equipped with a bypass, are used for three-phase stabilizers of the "Progress" line, which are called Progress ("Progress"). Their power reaches 36 kVA. In addition, a complete set of delivery is possible and automatic power supply control units - BCS.

three-phase voltage stabilizers progress

BCS (automatic network control unit) with a capacity of 45 to 150 kVA is engaged in monitoring the network parameters in the case of a three-phase connection. It controls the entire load connected to it from all three phases. Such a unit is usually used to protect equipment that is especially sensitive to voltage drops. Optionally, the network control unit can be equipped with special “Work-Bypass” switches for real-time shutdown of the “Progress” voltage regulator in order to pass current directly, bypassing the device. This is sometimes necessary in order to avoid interruptions in power supply.

Characteristics of stabilizers "Progress"

  1. Performance is significantly increased.
  2. When overloaded, shutdown occurs automatically.
  3. The control is carried out by microprocessors.
  4. The switching circuit is made on thyristors.
  5. Availability of a series designed for operation at significant overloads (L).
  6. Throughout the range, the declared power is provided.
  7. Visual control on the LCD.
  8. The monitoring of the load and both the input and output voltage is fully automatic.
  9. Turning off the voltage supply in case it goes beyond the permissible values.
  10. The output voltage is controlled in the range from 210V to 230V - a resolution of only 2V.
  11. The efficiency of the stabilizer is more than 96%.

In fact, the Progress voltage regulator designed for operation in a three-phase network is equipped with three single-phase stabilizers. They are connected according to the "star" scheme.

The method of modular construction of three-phase stabilizers is more reliable, such a design is easier to transport, and its installation is much simpler than when using special three-phase stabilizers made in one housing.

terms of Use

  • The temperature should not be below + 5 ° C and above + 40 ° C.
  • Humidity up to 80% at + 25 ° .
  • UHL 4.2 - climatic modification.
  • The environment must not be explosive without conductive dust.
  • The absence of gases and aggressive vapors in the room, the concentration of which could destroy the insulation and metal.
  • Atmospheric pressure up to 107 kPa.
  • IP20 - protective class - non-pressurized.

Using a stabilizer for frequent blackouts

Since a power outage is almost always accompanied by significant voltage drops, a voltage stabilizer will be most welcome in this situation. It will help protect the equipment connected to the network from damage and, as a result, protect the owners from significant financial costs for repairing or buying a new one.

However, it should be borne in mind that the stabilizer will not be able to serve as a source of electricity if it is turned off. It only prevents the presence of unacceptably low or unacceptably high voltage on the network. In order to make it possible to use electrical appliances during a power outage, you will have to purchase a mini-power station or an electric generator.

voltage stabilizers for home progress

If such blackouts occur rarely and the period of lack of electricity is not too long, then you can buy an uninterruptible power supply, which will allow the equipment to work after another network shutdown for another hour or two, depending on their total capacity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20701/

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