Fallout Shelter: how to give birth to children and attract new residents more effectively.

The main problem facing the player in Fallout Shelter is not the extraction of provisions or energy, not the search for trash or artifacts, but the increase in population. Without people, you can neither explore the wasteland, nor complete tasks, nor obtain resources. Today we will look at one of the most important questions in the Fallout Shelter: "How to give birth to children?".

fallout shelter how to give birth to children


"Love can move mountains." To provide your refuge with the younger generation, take any man and woman and put them in the living compartment. There are several conditions for settlement.

  1. The number of people depends on the number of residential units. That is, if you built only one room, you can put there 1 woman and 1 man, and it will be impossible to settle same-sex people. If you combine two rooms side by side, then it will be possible to place two people of different sexes or four same-sex people at the same time. But in this case, they will just talk nicely.
  2. The parameters of the unborn child do not depend on the parents. Even if you pump them to the maximum, a completely mediocre personality will be born.
  3. To speed up the process of seduction, use residents with a maximum rate of charisma.
  4. If you try to get a father and daughter together, or a mother and son, they will talk about how good it is when a family gets together.

So, the first stage is completed. In your Fallout Shelter shelter, pregnancy will be fast enough, but there are still some ways to speed it up.

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But before you accelerate the pregnancy process of the inhabitants of your bunker, let's try to play honestly and see how the woman carrying the baby differs from the usual one.

  1. She moves very slowly.
  2. It works worse. By the way, the pregnant woman does not automatically return to her compartment to work. You will have to translate it manually.
  3. Not fighting invasions and fires.
  4. Can't die.

Thus, you can create an "immortal" shelter consisting only of pregnant women. However, there will be a drawback - any invasion will become endless, since there will be no one to cope with the situation. Consider this factor and do not leave only pregnant women working in one room, otherwise the threat can spread to the entire Fallout Shelter bunker. How to give birth to children in such conditions? Let's look for alternatives.

fallout shelter pregnancy

Birth and date

You managed to bring together a couple of doves, and now in your Fallout Shelter "pregnancy" is not an empty phrase. All that remains for you is to wait until the baby is born. Please note that 4 hours pass from conception to childbirth, and the baby will not appear in the world - you definitely need to go into the game and click on the icon that appears. After that, you will be given the opportunity to choose a name for the child. If you use the default, then the surname will be borrowed from the father. This is very convenient so as not to try to bring relatives together in the future.

Now you know about conception and childbirth in the Fallout Shelter. How to give birth to children is not a secret for you. This will be followed by a period of growing up. During this period of time, the asylum resident is still invulnerable and hides in living rooms in case of danger. However, unlike a pregnant woman, children do not work and do not learn, but simply wander around the bunker, consuming resources.


Another question that thrills Fallout Shelter players is how to speed up a pregnancy. Indeed, the whole process takes about 8 hours, and this is provided that the player accurately tracks the time of delivery and comes in time to “accept” them.

Unfortunately, there are no legal ways to accelerate pregnancy in the game. Therefore, in any case, you will have to wait for the specified time, or use cheats in the Fallout Shelter. However, there is an alternative that will allow you to quickly replenish the shelter with new residents.

fallout shelter how to accelerate pregnancy

You probably already know about pets and the bonuses that they bring to their owners. One such improvement is the increased likelihood of twin births. Thus, you will not reduce the time of pregnancy, but you will be able to give birth to more children at a time. The following animals give this bonus:

  1. Cats of breed Manx.
  2. The legendary cats Stubbs and Shakespeare.
  3. Dogs Dalmatians.
  4. The legendary dogs Pongo and Lucky.


If you do not hesitate to use loopholes in the game code, then the following advice is for you. The fact is that the system time on your gadget interacts too tightly with the Fallout Shelter. How to give birth to a baby according to the time corresponding to the night? Just change the system date or fast forward the clock. After that, you will immediately end the gestation cycle. But be careful - time rewinding is associated with risks that are best known in advance.

  1. If you rewind time too far ahead, then your character in the wasteland may die. Prepare lids in advance for its resurrection, or simply recall. So he just returns faster.
  2. When the current date on the device returns, the production time in the rooms may increase by the corresponding period of time. This is solved by accelerating production.
  3. When rewinding time and returning the current date, the game may freeze when using cores for travel. It is treated by switching to the application.

fallout shelter how to give birth to a baby in time


The last way in Fallout Shelter, how to give birth to children prematurely, is to use codes. Unfortunately, there are no pure consoles and commands, so craftsmen have developed a number of programs that allow you to control the game from the outside.

  1. Save editor. At the moment, version 1.7.2 is relevant. The program does not allow you to accelerate the pregnancy, but can add new residents with the specified parameters to your shelter.
  2. Time accelerator. A simple program that allows you to speed up time in the game. When using it, you do not need to manipulate the computer clock, but during operation errors may occur in the operating system.
  3. Trainer (+13). Contains a number of functions useful to any reader. But it does not allow to accelerate pregnancy. The maximum that you can get from her is to make a woman become pregnant instantly, without long courtship.

Thus, in the Fallout Shelter cheats do nothing good.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20705/

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