Wood ash: use in the garden, properties

Wood ash has been used since ancient times as an organic fertilizer. This is a valuable source of potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium, as well as other useful substances necessary for the growth and development of plants.

How useful is wood ash for the garden? What is its composition? How to apply it? We will try to answer these and many other questions in the article.

wood ash use in the garden

Ash composition

It is quite difficult to determine the exact composition of this natural substance, because it varies depending on the age and type of plant that was burned. Nevertheless, D.I. Mendeleev also presented the general ash formula, which indicates the percentage of elements contained in 100 grams of this fertilizer.

Ash formula

The properties of wood ash are due to its chemical composition, which includes many different trace elements. Some of them have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of plants, while others provide assistance in the fight against various diseases. The concentration of these components may be higher or lower than that presented. However, the list below gives a general idea of ​​what substances and in what proportion are contained in the ash:

  • calcium silicate (CaSiO3) - 16.5%;
  • calcium carbonate (CaCO3) - 17%;
  • calcium chloride (CaCl2) - 12%;
  • calcium sulfate (CaSO4) - 14%;
  • magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) - 4%;
  • potassium orthophosphate (K3PO4) - 13%;
  • magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) - 4%;
  • magnesium silicate (MgSiO3) - 4%;
  • sodium chloride (NaCl) - 0.5%;
  • sodium orthophosphate (NaPO4) - 15%.

Gardeners have successfully used wood ash as a source of lime and potassium. The word "potash" comes from the expression pot ashes ("ash from the boiler") and has English roots. This name is explained by a long-standing method of manufacturing this fertilizer. Previously, the ash was washed, and then the resulting solution was evaporated. The resulting precipitate contained potassium carbonate and other salts.

ash as fertilizer how to apply

All mineral elements that were in the plant contain unwashed wood ash. The use of this substance in the garden helps to saturate the soil with potassium, which strengthens the stems of plants and makes them more stable. In addition, potassium significantly increases the vitality of the plant, increases its resistance to disease.

The use of wood ash in the garden allows you to restrain the excessive growth of the plant, which is caused by an excess of nitrogen, to prevent the fruit from ripening too early, which is usually triggered by phosphoric acid. Potassium is actively involved in photosynthesis and in the formation of green pigment in stems and leaves.

Hardwood ash contains significantly more potassium than softwood fertilizer. There is a misconception that it is more caustic and can harm the plant. In fact, both of these ashes are suitable for soil application on flower beds, in gardens and vegetable gardens.

Cooked ash can be stored in a dry place for future use or immediately put in ridges or compost heap. It is better to store it in paper bags. If soil analysis confirms that your site is too acidic, apply ash in the fall, winter, and early spring. Fertilizer is used at the rate of 2.5 kg per 10 m 2 .

ash as a fertilizer for strawberries

Potassium deficiency

The fact that the soil lacks potassium is indicated by a change in the appearance of plant leaves. Since potassium moves upward from the lower leaves, with an insufficient amount, the edges of the lower leaves turn yellow at first, then acquire a brown tint. In addition, mottling or yellow spotting appears on the lower leaves.

How often do you need to make ash?

Wood ash deoxidizes the soil. It is twice as effective as limestone, which is often used to neutralize too acidic soils. However, this does not mean that this fertilizer must be used every year. Moreover, agronomists do not recommend applying it to the soil without first checking the acidity of the soil.

Soil analysis is preferably carried out once every two years. Quite a lot of plants develop well on slightly acidic soils, so the use of ash in large quantities is allowed only for very acidic soils.

A simple soil acid test can be done on your own. For this, it is necessary to take a soil sample, moisten it with a small amount of rain, deionized or distilled water and lower the litmus paper into the soil mixture. Her color will immediately change. It remains only to compare it with the color table, which is attached to each set of litmus paper.

wood ash solution

Ash use

Today, many vegetable growers use wood ash. Application in the garden involves introducing it into a compost pile, in which organic materials contain a large amount of various acids.

The overly acidic compost heap material decomposes more slowly. The introduced ash effectively neutralizes this medium. If this is not done, a lot of ammonia will be released from the compost, which can harm and even kill earthworms and other useful soil organisms living there.

Ash should be scattered on each layer of soil, mowed grass, food waste. With a combination of organic material and ash, compost is enriched with various beneficial organisms that contribute to decomposition. Experts recommend scattering about a kilogram of ash per 1 square meter of compost.

Wood ash is a true storehouse of nutrients for all plants. You need to know that in regions with a humid climate, the soil on lawns, in gardens and kitchen gardens is gradually acidifying, and wood ash will help to neutralize it. The use of such organic fertilizers in the garden will help increase the yield on your site.

wood ash properties

Ash as a fertilizer: how to apply?

It can be used in dry and dissolved form. A solution of wood ash is a source of minerals. Often it is used instead of water when the seeds are soaked to accelerate their germination. Vegetable seeds are kept in such a solution for about six hours, then dried and planted in the ground.

To prepare such a composition, two tablespoons of ash should be poured with a liter of water and insisted for two days, then it can be filtered. This solution can be used to feed indoor plants and seedlings. Clay heavy soils on the lawn, in the garden or in the vegetable garden can be alleviated by adding wood ash to them. Saturated with water, clay soil sticks together, forming lumps. Add wood ash at the rate of 5 kg per 10 m 2 , and the soil will become looser.

Effective for roses and fruit shrubs, wood ash as a fertilizer. How to apply it in this case? Dry powder should be scattered in spring and autumn. Under roses, you need to make about 500 grams of ash under the bush. During precipitation and during irrigation, nutrients from the fertilizer enter the root system of plants.

wood ash deoxidizes the soil

Hardwood ash is also useful for lawns. It contains as much lime as in ground limestone, which is necessary to improve the appearance of lawns. Most of the lawn grass develops more actively on soils with almost neutral acidity (pH from 6 to 7). With this indicator, nutrients in the soil become more accessible to plants, they are more easily absorbed by the root system.

Lawn grasses, which received a large portion of wood ash, are more aggressive than on acidic soil, so they do not let weeds into their immediate environment.

Ash as a fertilizer for strawberries

Juicy, aromatic and sweet strawberries are grown all over the world, on a variety of soils, in different weather and climatic conditions. According to agronomists, a good strawberry crop cannot be obtained without top dressing. But every gardener, hearing about fertilizers, thinks about how much they can be harmful to health. In this regard, many use folk methods, organic preparations, one of which is wood ash.

use of wood ash in the garden

How to apply it to fertilize bushes of your favorite berries? Strawberries are fed either with infusion of ash or with a dry variety, bringing it under the bushes in early spring. Such top dressing increases the number of peduncles and, accordingly, berries. Ash is usually added to the holes when creating a new strawberry bed. A feature of this fertilizer is its long-term effect. It retains its beneficial properties for two years after application to the soil.

Ash solution

To fertilize strawberries, the solution is most often used. For this, a glass of ash is poured with a bucket of water, before use, the solution is mixed well so that the ash is evenly distributed, and the soil is watered. There is no nitrogen in this composition, since it disappears during the burning of wood. But experts do not recommend introducing nitrogen fertilizers with it.

why wood ash is useful for the garden

When should you not use ash?

Excessive use of fertilizers (including organic ones) leads to no less negative consequences than their complete absence. Wood ash as a fertilizer must be completely eliminated in areas with high acidity of the soil.

An increased pH is indicated by external changes in plants. With an excess of calcium, the following are observed:

  • Too rapid growth of leaf rosettes in apple trees and grapes.
  • Dying along the entire length of the shoots of tomatoes.
  • The crumbling leaves of garden flowers.
  • Chlorosis with the appearance of whitish spots in roses.
  • Change in pigmentation of leaves (they turn white).

With an excess of potassium:

  • The pulp of pears and apples turns brown.
  • The bitter pitting of the fruits is manifested.
  • Fallen leaves of plants.

Fertilizer advantages

A wonderful fertilizer of organic origin is wood ash. The use of dry matter or mortar in the garden will not harm the health of your loved ones. This is the main argument in favor of choosing ash for feeding plants. Fertilizers from ash, when used correctly, are very effective. They help not only increase the yield of vegetables, fruits and berries, but also significantly save on the purchase of ready-made formulations. Ash is easy to make yourself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2071/

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