Quizzes for girls - great fun at the party

In anticipation of the holiday, educators, teachers and parents of children begin to think through a concert program. For a celebration organized, for example, on a women's day, one of the most popular elements will be quizzes for girls.

Such entertainments allow children not only to have fun, but also to receive new informative information. In addition, these games bring kids together, adding variety to their leisure time.

quiz for girls

Quizzes for girls: goals and objectives

So, correctly organized intellectual-informative contests will be interesting for each baby. The main thing is to figure out which questions you will be asking. Quizzes for girls can be different. However, they have one goal - the development of cognitive interest of children, the expansion of their horizons.

quiz for girls with answers

Do not forget that when preparing any quiz for girls, you need to take care not only of questions and tasks, but also of prizes in advance.

Think about which teams are best to divide the participants into, who will be the captain, which names you can come up with, and how to organize jobs.

Where to start the quiz?

First of all, of course, the title of the competition is declared the lead. A quiz for girls with answers to these questions can begin with beautiful music, selected depending on the theme of the event.

Everything continues with introductory words, congratulations, reading poems. After that, we smoothly go directly to the quiz. How to organize it? What should be a quiz for girls? The answers to these questions should be found long before the holiday.

A game, for example, may consist of several rounds at once. Questions to teams will be asked in turn. They are led, of course, by captains. Points are awarded for each correctly given answer. The task of the team is to recruit as many of them as possible. If the answer is incorrect, the question goes to the opponents. The most important thing is not to quarrel during the game, to remain polite and calm.

Questions on history, etiquette, literature

For example, you can organize a tournament. As part of the quiz for girls, ask them specific questions about history - about the great women of the Russian land. Ask the children about the princess, who for the first time adopted the Orthodox faith, about the great empress, about the first female cosmonaut in the world, etc.

In the second round, you can talk with the girls about etiquette. Ask about how they treat married and unmarried women in the UK, Germany, Spain, France, Poland, and other countries.

Well, of course, do not forget about issues related to literature. These can be tasks on the theme of myths, legends, fairy tales. You can, for example, compete to identify which team knows more than princesses or princes. For that matter, there are plenty of fairy-tale characters, so a lot of questions can be thought up for a literary tour.

games for girls quiz

Young fashionistas

The above activities are cognitive, intellectual. However, what else can include games for girls? The quiz must contain questions about fashion.

Show the girls pictures with a variety of costumes, ask them when and in which country they were in fashion. Ask questions about current trends: what and where to wear, how to combine clothes, which accessory will suit a particular style.

Be sure, such tasks will definitely appeal to young fashionistas, because in each of them from the very birth a future real woman has already lurked. So give them maximum pleasure!

quiz questions for girls

For little housewives

Questions for the quiz for girls, of course, should also contain something related exclusively to the warm, soft female theme. Let young ladies prove themselves real good housewives.

For example, you can ask about the first and second dishes of Russian cuisine, about dishes intended for certain products, about the ingredients used in cooking.

Ask riddles, for example, about napkins (cotton, linen or paper squares for wiping hands after eating), about a tray (flat stand for serving lunch, breakfast or dinner to the table), about a service, tablecloth, dairy and bakery products, etc. d.

You can hold a quiz for girls based solely on a specific topic - albeit on a culinary one. You can also ask a lot of questions here. For example, about where pizza came to us from, what dish cannot be cooked the first time, from which vegetables are made mashed potatoes and pancakes, what product is β€œwhole head”, etc.

Thus, you see that organizing a quiz for girls is not at all difficult. The main thing is to decide what exactly the little princesses like, show a little patience and imagination, think about the most interesting questions and rewards. Happy holiday!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20713/

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