Samantha Young - a new name in the genre of romance novels

Samantha Young was once known as a teenage writer. Her fantasy stories were quite interesting, but not particularly popular. The real fame for the girl was brought by a novel written in a completely different genre and for a different audience.

samantha young

"On the street of our love"

Samantha Young decided to write not a familiar fairy tale story, but a peculiar fairy tale for adults - a love story. And he quite unexpectedly became a world bestseller.

The main character of the book is the young and attractive Josseline Butler. She is only 22, but she is already quite wealthy and can live as she wants. But she does not succeed in enjoying life. Eight years ago, her parents and younger sister died in an accident, and Joss cannot let go of the past. Or she is not ready to let him go.

Because of painful memories, the girl develops a phobia: she is afraid of any close relationships. Not only amorous, even friendly. After all, if you let someone in too close, then it becomes too painful to lose. And Josselin decides simply not to allow this and not to go beyond the framework established for herself.

When a friend moves to England, the girl is looking for a new neighbor to fill the void and brighten up loneliness. Ellie fully lives up to her expectations and even more: thanks to her, Joss meets an incredibly attractive guy. The plot does not shine with originality, but Samantha Young managed to interestingly beat him.

on the street of our love samantha young

Braden is 30, he is rich, handsome and, of course, sexy. Few can resist the charm of this smoothie. But Joss seems to be able to. “No serious relationship,” the girl insists. And Braden agrees. He himself has unpleasant memories that poison the present. But if not a serious romance, then what? An affair? No, the relationship is almost contractual. Without commitment and affection, just sex. Josselin agrees. But can they play according to the established rules or try to cross the line?

Samantha Young. "City of my love"

The second novel of the writer aroused great interest. Readers hoped this was a continuation of the first story. However, it is not. Samantha Young introduces new heroes, and their story is no less interesting than the previous one.

Since childhood, Joanna Walker has become accustomed to taking care of her family, which she considered her younger brother. After the father left the house, the mother absolutely did not give a damn about the children, and the girl had to take everything upon herself. She tried her best, often pushing her own desires into the background in favor of her brother. Even Joe's boyfriends chose ones that were pretty to Cole. Well, of course, wealthy, so that they could help her.

And Joanna did not think it was wrong. Everyone survives as best he can. And that was her way of staying afloat.

The meeting with Cameron turns the whole world of Joe upside down. He is handsome, sexy, smart, and he seems to like her. But ... Is it worth the risk and abandon the usual way of life for the sake of a novel? Even with a man of a dream.

Samantha Young gave her fans a nice bonus in this book: they will meet again on the pages of old friends - Joss and Braden.

samantha young city of my love

“On the way to our love”

Another charming story, as light and sparkling as the previous ones. Samantha Young writes the book in such a way that in each subsequent one he talks about secondary characters that are already familiar to the reader. So it is here.

Olivia is a clever and beautiful, but very shy. All her novels end before they start, due to the fact that the girl simply can not give them a chance and overcome her complexion.

Having moved to a new place of residence, she decides to try again and overcome her own shyness. Moreover, he meets the man of his dreams. The only thing left is to start offensive tactics. This is the whole snag: how ?!

The girl decides to seek help from a friend. He is still a libertine and is well versed in the rules of flirting. Of course, Nate agrees to help, but instead of innocent training, he becomes an insidious seducer who breaks Olivia's heart.

Fortunately, the guy quickly catches up and realizes that he has made the greatest mistake, and Olivia is the girl of his life. Now he will again win the heart of the beauty and convince her that he is serious. After all, the time of games ended when the time of love came.

samantha young books

Instead of an afterword

In addition to these books, Samantha Young also wrote short stories, “The City of Our Hope”, “Christmas on Dublin Street”, “Halloween on Dublin Street”, which return readers to the very first book and a couple of Joss-Braden.

Brief sketches show what awaits the heroes after the treasured ring is put on the finger.

If you liked how Samantha Young writes, books can be found in electronic libraries, but some of them are presented only in amateur translations.


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