"Globfel 4" for cats: instructions for use

The article will discuss the preparation for cats "Globfel 4", instructions for use will also be attached. In general, general information, contraindications, reactions to the drug will be described. And in the end, recommendations will be given to the owners of the animals.

General information

The name of this drug is Globfel 4. It is used for panleukopenia, infectious rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and chlamydia in cats. It is an injection liquid of a transparent or yellowish tint. With long-term storage at the bottom of the medication, secretions can form, which, when shaken, dissolve into a homogeneous mass. The drug is packaged in 1 ml ampoules of 3 ml. The bottles are quite tightly sealed, corked with rubber corks, which, in turn, are reinforced with aluminum caps. This leads to a long shelf life and does not allow it to quickly erode.

Globfel 4 for cats instruction

In the absence of labels, the presence of a precipitate that does not dissolve, or various impurities other than the declared colors, as well as with an expired shelf life, the medicine should be boiled for 15 minutes, and then disposed of. Disposal of this drug does not have special conditions, therefore, after the above procedure, it can be thrown into a bucket.

Storage method

In each box of Globfel 4 preparation for cats an instruction is enclosed. If storage conditions are observed, the shelf life is 2 years. The drug should be stored in a dry, dark place in which children can not climb. The recommended storage temperature of this drug is from 2 to 8 degrees Celsius.

The preparation contains gamma and beta globulin fractions of horse serum. The therapeutic properties of the drug manifest themselves to the maximum in the incubation period in the animal and in the prodromal period of the disease.

Instructions for "Globfel 4" for cats. Basic Rules

Consider the instructions for use of "Glofel 4" for cats. In the testimony, as mentioned above, you can see fluffy diseases such as calicivirosis, panleukopenia, chlamydia and infectious rhinotracheitis.

Now we pass directly to the instructions. How to stab Glofel 4 for cats? It is worth considering only a few factors: firstly, the drug is administered subcutaneously, and secondly, it is worth knowing the mass of your furry friend.

In "Globfel 4" for cats, the instructions say that for animals whose weight does not reach 10 kg, 1 ml of solution is injected subcutaneously. With large masses, the amount of drug administered doubles. If you follow the instructions "Globfel 4" for cats, the frequency of injection depends on the condition of the animal and on the recommendation of a veterinarian. The injection is placed at the withers, before this the skin is pulled out by about 10 mm.

Globfel 4 for cats how to stab

It is not recommended to violate the regimen of the drug, since side effects and allergic reactions can occur. Also, do not spontaneously interrupt treatment, since an objective opinion on the help of the drug can only be done by a professional veterinarian. Typically, the drug is prescribed 2-4 times a day with a difference of 12-24 hours.


If your pet has an individual intolerance to the components that make up, respectively, this medicine will not work for fluffy. The instructions for Globfel 4 for cats say that 15 minutes before the injection, the animal should also be given a subcutaneous antihistamine. You should not use the drug in relation to potentially weak animals. And for cats with very poor health. An open, but not used bottle should be thrown out immediately, and in no case should be used for injection.

Drug response

At the time of administration of the drug, a cat may experience some soreness and discomfort. Your furry friend may start to break free and hiss. After the injection, fever and slight apathy are possible.

glofel 4 for cats instructions for use


When administering the medicine, it is worth remembering the precautions in dealing with veterinary drugs. You need to wear gloves and overalls, for example, a mask, a bathrobe, trousers, a hat. Also at hand should be a first aid kit. If the drug enters the mucous membrane, it should be treated with plenty of water.

Globfel 4 preparation for cats

The medicine should not be used in the same syringe with other drugs, and also purposefully mixed with other drugs. It is worth considering that it is possible that combination with other antibiotics and drugs for the speedy recovery of the cat. This drug can also be used to prevent diseases that passive immunity produces. This passive immunity can last up to two weeks, after which the cat needs to be vaccinated. Vaccination, in turn, will build an active immunity from diseases.


The drug "Globfel 4" for cats and its instructions are quite simple to understand and use. With the correct injection and following the recommendations of the veterinarian, your furry friend will quickly recover and recover.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20721/

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