The most popular European names for boys

European names for boys were formed under the influence of political, national, cultural and ethnic factors for many centuries. They were created on the basis of two or more language systems, so most of them have a rich heterogeneous sound. Despite many differences, the common names of the peoples of Europe have much in common. They were united by popularity not only in their native land, but also beyond its borders, as well as deep semantic meaning and beautiful pronunciation.

Different countries, different names

Perhaps no people could save as many ancient and beautiful names as in Bulgaria. The origin of most has Slavic roots. The most beautiful European names for boys in Bulgaria are Radan, Luben, Krasimir, Iveilo and Zoran.

When it comes to the Netherlands, cheese, windmills, tulips and, of course, easily recognizable by the prefix van name are invariably remembered. But few people know that names in the Netherlands appeared much earlier, and for this people are very important. Popular in the country of tulips are: Rembrandt, Thomas, Rudolph, Lambert, Rimko, Nikolaus, Madelef, Sterre.

european names for boys modern

At the turn of the 21st century, Spanish films poured into our lives from television screens. And the enthusiasm of Russian housewives for series has led to the fact that their country has its own Alberto, Juan and Pedro. But the European names for boys (modern) in Spain have long been not limited to Luisi and Julio. Now in the country a newborn is called Miguel, Jorge, Enrique or Fernando (Ferdinando).

It is not clear whether the Italians endow names with attractiveness, or the name bestows positive energy on their master. Despite the fact that the expressive people sacredly honor traditions, it is difficult for them to keep within strict limits. Modern parents increasingly call boys names of football players, stars and idols. For example, Libero, Anwar, Danilo, Domenico.


European names for boys, however, as for girls, they are largely predetermined by their origin. As you know, the main population of the Old World is Catholics. Therefore, many names are borrowed from the Bible. In addition, in most European countries it is still customary to name newborns according to the holy calendar. In this regard, a significant part of the names is of religious significance.

In addition, the origin of some is based on character traits, natural phenomena. You can also come across names taken from literary works and mythology.

It is worth noting that the European names for boys in their meaning often turn out to be similar to female ones, but the only difference is that they are less abstract.

List of beautiful names

Alessandro - of Italian origin, is interpreted as a "protective man." Among Russian-speaking peoples, the name (Alexander) was popular in the 20th century.

beautiful european names for boys

Gabriel or Gabrielle - a Western European name with Jewish roots means "God's helper." Especially popular in Italy.

The name Daniel has a literal translation - "God is my judge", but more often has the interpretation of "just man."

Francesco - Frankish. The name is popular not only in France, but also in Italy and means "dominate always and everywhere."

Fernando - is of Spanish origin and means "adventure lover." Knowing how hot this European people are, it can be argued that the key word in the interpretation is "amateur."

Laszlo - the Hungarian name with Slavic roots (Ladislav) is the most popular in this European country. According to statistics, last year more than 300 thousand babies were named after Laszlo.

The most popular European name for a boy (2016)

According to statistics, the opinions of residents of the Old World regarding the popular male name are slightly different. For example, in Britain, parents often call the newborn boy Oliver.

beautiful european names for boys

Italians choose the beautiful name Francisco. In Spain in 2016, many Daniels were recorded, and in Poland - Jakubov.

Travel to the country of Jewish names

In this country, the origin of names has a special history, which is associated with a difficult and tragic fate. But, as you know, the Jewish people not only accepted a foreign culture, but also gave part of their own. Now you can meet more than one European name of a boy with Jewish roots. For instance, in almost every Muslim country Abraham lives, who became Ibrahim, and the name of the Christians was re-qualified as Abraham. By the way, among the Slavic peoples many names have long been considered to be "native", but few people know that they also have Jewish origin: Ilya, Zakhar, Ivan.

European name of a boy with Jewish roots

Names reflecting power

Time passes, fashion changes, and, as it turned out, less and less parents give their children Slavic names, replacing them with popular European ones. The names of the boys, first of all, should inspire strength, courage and masculinity. For instance:

- Alonso translated from Spanish means courage, wisdom and resourcefulness.

- Andrzej, or Anjey - the name of Greek origin: brave and courageous.

- Valens is a Latin name that has 4 important characteristics for a boy: strong, powerful, healthy, strong.

- Karl - the ancient Germanic name: bold.

- Armando is a popular Italian name, translated means "brave man."

The rarest

Too rare a name sometimes makes it bizarre for others, as a result, the child often becomes the object of ridicule and the "black sheep". At the same time, calling a boy a common name, you can slightly shake his self-esteem: it is difficult to feel individuality when there are several people with the same name around.

eastern european boy names

If the parents firmly decided to give the baby a rare name, we suggest that you look at the beautiful Eastern European names of the boys:

- Alan - has several options for its origin. The first version: the name of a tribe of an ancient people who wandered from Spain to the Caucasus Mountains. The second version is that the name Alan is of Celtic origin and translates as "rock".

- Amil - of Arab origin, the meaning of "lord."

- Andres - translated from ancient Greek: courageous, courageous. Many people think that the name is equivalent to Slavic - Andrey. This is actually one of the rarely used pronunciations of Andreas.

- Daniel is an old name of biblical origin. In Muslim countries, it sounds like Daniel.

- Camille - according to one (popular) version, the name is of Arab origin, according to another - comes from the Roman cognomogen, that is, a generic nickname. In Italy, the name will sound like Camillo, in Portugal - Camilo, in Holland, Romania - Camilo, and in the Kingdom of Spain - Camilo.

- Marseille - one of the variants of the French pronunciation of Marcellus. In Germany, Marcellus will sound, in Greece - Marcellus, in Ireland - Marshil.

- Emmanuel - has Hebrew roots: "God is with us." This is a very important name for people preaching Christianity. Emmanuel is the middle name of Christ. There are many other pronunciations of the name: Manuel, Immanuel, Emanuel, Manole, Maulo, Manulo. Very common among Jews living in Europe.

Names with sexual energy

Last winter, the foreign online resource Baby Name Wizard published a list showing the sexiest names for boys with a European bias.

popular european name for boy 2016

Several tens of thousands of readers took part in the vote. According to them, the hottest name was Alessandro. Also in the top ten erotic are the following:

- Lorenzo - Catholic, of Latin origin. The European analogue of the name Laurentius also means "who came from the city of Lawrence."

- Rhett is an American name often found in Europe. A child with this name is distinguished by independence and extraordinary courage, leadership qualities are manifested with age.

- Romeo - the name of Italian origin, means "arrived in Rome." The peak of popularity of this name came in 1979.

popular european name for boy 2016

- Mateo is another Italian name of Roman origin. Most Matteo have creativity.

- Dimitri - is of Slovenian origin. The main features inherent in this name are sexuality, activity and will.

- Dane - British name, meaning "Dane." Boys with this name are curious and independent from childhood.

names for boys with a European bias

- Marcello - the Italian name, which, in turn, has 2 origins: the Latin "hammer" and the ancient Greek "Frenchman" on behalf of Mark.

- Ramy - the name of French origin, with Roman roots, translates as "rower".

- Dante - despite the European pronunciation, there is a version that it came from a Slavic Tatar name.

According to the founder of the Internet resource, it took five years to research these statistics.

Name by date of birth

Since most of the inhabitants of the Old World are Catholics, let us pay attention to the most popular European names of boys according to the calendar.

January: Isidore, Francois, Erard, Landau, Dominic.

February: Stefano, Oliver, Filias, Emilian, Manette (Manetto).

March: Adrian, Roger, Keran, Romeus, Martin.

April: Gerard, Richard, Markell, Herman, Sawa.

May: Amator, Evermar, Edoardo, Andre, Adam.

June: Arnest, Ian, Arembald, Gerard, David.

July: Olaf, Kamelian, Hugo, Dario, Arseny.

August: Marine, William, Cassian, Exant, Blaan.

September: Donat, Mansuet, Ammian, Diderik, Adrian.

October: Bavo, Jan, Domenico, Demetrius, Abraham.

November: Caesar, Julian, Manuel, Pietro, Diego.

December: Alexander, Thomas, Stefan, Marcantonio, Mansuet.


Whatever beautiful European names are for boys, it is important to know that they must be in tune with the surname and patronymic. Therefore, choosing for your son the beautiful Spanish name Luis Carlos or Juan, think about whether your child will be comfortable in the future when Fedi, Misha and Sergey are around.


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