Sour eyes in a child 2, 3 years. Treatment. Why does the child sour eyes? What to do?

What kind of experiences parents do not cover for a newborn child. Many of them are completely unfounded, while others, on the contrary, require close attention. The most common problem that causes mothers and fathers a lot of questions is when the child's eyes turn sour. This condition requires a special approach. We will talk about what to do to parents when they turn a sour eyes on a child in this article.

sour eyes in a child 3 years

Symptoms of souring in a child

Mostly parents find the problem in the morning. While the baby is sleeping, during the night in his eyes there are a lot of processes that in the morning pour into the following symptoms:

  • the baby cannot (with difficulty) open his eyes due to the fact that his eyelids are stuck together;
  • after washing, the mucus appears again after a while;
  • a newborn child is constantly naughty, hard falling asleep and crying;
  • mucus can have various shades - from white and light yellow to light brown and brown (pus);
  • older children complain of discomfort in the eyes;
  • the child rubs his eyes strongly , trying to get rid of the formed mucus;
  • after washing the eyes, the mucus disappears, but the discomfort does not disappear.

the child's eyes turn sour what to do


Before starting treatment, it is necessary to recognize the main reason for this phenomenon - souring of the eyes in a child. We will talk about each manifestation of such a symptom separately and give parents useful tips and advice.


This is perhaps the most common reason that provokes this condition. The disease occurs, as a rule, at an early age. Therefore, the question as to why the child’s eyes turn sour (2 years), we can answer that it is conjunctivitis.

When viruses and bacteria get on the mucous membrane of the eye, an inflammatory process develops, which is called "acute conjunctivitis."

Usually the disease affects two eyes at once, but there are cases when only one is inflamed. In this situation, both organs should be treated, since after some time conjunctivitis can smoothly switch to the healthy side. It should be noted that the disease can develop unevenly, affecting one eye more than the second.

sour eyes in a child

The causes of diseases can be the presence of viruses and bacteria in the baby’s body, dust and dirt, allergic reactions, etc. If the child's eyes turn sour, the eyelids turn red and swell, purulent discharge, burning, itching are observed, the pattern on the sclera becomes distinct, occurs adhesion of the eyelids, then in this case we can confidently talk about the presence of conjunctivitis.

If you resort to treatment on time, then serious consequences can be avoided (referring to the spread of inflammation to other parts of the eyes).


This disease is quite rare, but it can be the answer to the question of why the child's eyes turn sour.

Symptoms of dacryocystitis are similar to conjunctivitis, but the causes are noticeably different. So, this disease develops due to obstruction of the baby's lacrimal canal due to the presence of residues of embryonic tissue in them. These residues provoke the appearance of a cork, which is the main cause of clogging of the baby's lacrimal canal.

why do children turn sour

The main eye protector (tear) can no longer do its job. Against this background, bacteria penetrate into the palpebral fissure and rapidly multiply. Only a doctor should treat dacryocystitis. He will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

Drug treatment

If the child's eyes turn sour, treatment should be timely. With an allergic type of conjunctivitis, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines, with a viral - drops or ointments containing an antiseptic, with a bacterial - ointments and drops with an antibiotic. Such drugs are suitable for all types of the disease: Vitabact, Albutsid, Levomycetin, Tobrex.

If the cause of acidification of the eyes was the disease of dacryocystitis, then in this case, washing with decoctions of herbs, antiseptic agents, massage is used. In more advanced cases - probing of the lacrimal canal.

sour eyes in a child treatment

Home treatment

Along with drug therapy, independent treatment methods can be used. So, if a child's eyes turn sour, what to do in this case? Effective are rinsing with a decoction of chamomile and calendula. A tablespoon of any product is poured into a glass of boiling water, insisted for half an hour, filtered. A warm broth is applied to the tampon and the eyes are washed. It should be noted that tampons must be changed for each eye. It is necessary to rinse from the outer edge of the eye to the inner, so as not to bring the infection to healthy areas of the organ of vision. This procedure is carried out every 2 hours.

Strongly brewed black tea also proved to be quite good. Having dipped a sterile swab into it, you can wash the eyes of the child 3-4 times a day.

The most effective way to treat sour eyes is to rinse with a solution of furatsilin. One tablet should be dissolved in a glass of boiling water. Then the liquid should be filtered and with a warm wipe the organs of vision 3 times a day with sterile swabs.

It should be noted that these methods are not the main treatment for the problem if the child is souring eyes, but only in addition to drug therapy.

What you need to know when souring a child’s eyes

After the baby’s eyes are processed, do not go out. This can cause serious consequences. It should be remembered that before touching the child, you should wash your hands thoroughly.

If any member of the family has a catarrhal disease, it is better not to let him in the child for some time. Mom is sick - in this case a gauze bandage is put on.

Do not neglect personal hygiene. From a very young age, you should teach your child to wash their hands with soap. Much depends on the order in the room. In the room where the child sleeps, you should constantly carry out wet cleaning.

sour eyes in a child 2 years

If the child’s eyes turn sour (3 years), then during this period it is better not to let pets in him. Especially in the case of frequently occurring allergic reactions.

Bed linen should be changed every day. It should be washed in a special baby powder that does not contain chemical and allergenic components. The same goes for clothes and towels. They must be sewn from natural fabrics. During treatment, the child’s underwear should also be changed every day.

In any case, if your baby was touched by the problem of souring the eyes, then do not hesitate, you should immediately consult a doctor. The doctor will find out the main cause of this condition and prescribe the correct therapy. It should be noted that self-treatment is not recommended, otherwise, eye disease can go into a chronic form.


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