Analysis of the "Miraculous Doctor" by A. Kuprin: a story about philanthropy

A. Kuprin wrote stories and tales not only about love. Also in his work the themes of philanthropy and mercy were raised. As many noted, the writer loved to study people and all the phenomena of life. Therefore, it is not surprising that he raised such important issues. Goodness and mercy are described in the story “The Miraculous Doctor,” an analysis of which is presented below.

wonderful doctor analysis

History of creation

In the analysis of The Miraculous Doctor, the following should be noted: at the very beginning of the story, the author sets the reader in a serious mood. He writes that this story is not fiction. And in fact, this familiar story was told to Kuprin by a familiar banker.

The work was written in 1897, when the writer was in Kiev. His friend told about the events that happened about 30 years ago. This is a story about one family on the verge of despair. They huddled in the closet, there was no money, not just for food and medicine, they had nothing to make fire.

The storyteller’s sister got sick, but there was nothing to treat. Parents tried to find some money, but they drove them everywhere. And, when the head of the family had already decided to commit suicide, a New Year miracle happened to him. He met the famous doctor Pirogov. Nikolai Ivanovich helped the poor family and did not even mention his name. Only later did they find out that it was Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov.

As those who knew the doctor noted, such unselfish help was natural for him. He was distinguished by his philanthropy, mercy. He brought happiness to the Mertsalov family: after his visit, their life was adjusted, things went well. This story so impressed the writer that he created a work that belongs to the genre of Christmas stories.

Kuprin wonderful doctor analysis

Features of the composition

In the analysis of the “Miraculous Doctor”, the compositional features should be noted. At the very beginning, the author describes two boys who are standing and looking at shop windows - bright, festive. But when they go home, the environment becomes darker, darker. There are no festive lights anymore, and their house completely resembles a dungeon. It is on such contrasts that the entire work is built.

Everyone is preparing for the New Year holiday, decorating Christmas trees, buying gifts. Everyone is noisy, bustling, and people do not care about the poor Mertsalov family. They had no money; they were in a very difficult situation. And such a sharp transition from a holiday to darkness allows the reader to feel the despair of the Mertsalovs deeper.

In the analysis of “Miraculous Doctor” it should be noted that there is a contrast among the actors. The head of the family is shown as a weak man, desperate so much that he sees only one way out - to commit suicide. And Pirogov is shown as a kind, strong, active person. And he, like a ray of light, illuminates the darkness in the Mertsalov family. Contrast allowed us to convey the importance of meeting those people with Pirogov, all the miracles of his appearance.

analysis of the work of a wonderful doctor

The main idea of ​​the story

In the analysis of "Wonderful Doctor" by Kuprin, the main idea of ​​the work should be highlighted. The writer wanted to show how rare qualities were mercy, attention to one's neighbor, selflessness, that they are perceived as a miracle. The author, using the example of a famous person, showed how one good deed can change the lives of others for the better.

Why the story was so named

In the analysis of the work “The Miraculous Doctor”, it is also worth explaining the meaning of the title of the story. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov was an amazing person. He possessed really wonderful abilities - this is humanity, kindness. These qualities Kuprin highly appreciated in people. And for him, their manifestation was like a miracle. The writer wanted to show that good deeds need not only to be done on holidays, but to try to do them daily. Then in human life every day will be wonderful.


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