Surprise for a child on a birthday or New Year

Only a child can see a miracle in a falling snowflake and notice interesting things in everyday things. The children's world is beautiful and needs care from an adult. To save a fairy tale, to maintain faith in miracles and to surprise every day ... A pleasant surprise for a child is even more necessary for adults themselves to see happiness in children's eyes and to feel themselves a little child.

Features of children's perception of the world

A child sees the world a little differently than an adult. The colors of being are brighter and more contrasting for the baby, there are no half-tones and omissions, the most insignificant events are important, and the slightest notes of parental discontent are regarded as the loss of their love. But tiny signs of attention, mini-kisses are of great importance for a pure baby heart. That is why it is so nice to give your child joy in the form of a surprise, and then watch how the little man's eyes round with amazement!

Perhaps the main task of parents is to preserve just such a view of the world when the child does not just believe, but is confident that miracles happen. And not somewhere out there, but here and now ... happen to you.

surprise for the child

The most children's holidays

Of course, the baby will always be happy for the attention of the parents, but a surprise for the child on the most children's holidays increases the strength of pleasant emotions of the baby at least twice. There are a lot of holidays, but there are only two of the most children: the baby’s birthday and New Year.

Each child is waiting for his birthday so that everyone can confidently declare that he is already big, he has grown up for a whole year! And it is on this day that adults put off their important affairs for him, a little man, give him attention and a bunch of gifts. It seems that even the sun wakes up that day to congratulate the birthday man.

And New Year is a holiday of legalized and universally recognized faith in miracles. Even adults become children for one evening, making cherished desires under the chiming clock. And when serious adults are always on the same wavelength as a child, even if only for a few hours, it is always pleasant.

What is a surprise?

So what is a surprise and why is it so valuable? All dictionaries agree that a surprise is an unexpected gift, usually pleasant and organized in advance for a particular person by his close people. There are also not very pleasant surprises when the expected reaction of the person for whom the surprise was being prepared turned out to be the exact opposite. This happens when a gift is chosen based on their preferences. Imagine how the teenager’s mother would react if she presented her with a flying parachute jump for her birthday?

surprise baby

What are the surprises for the kids?

It’s almost impossible not to guess with a surprise for a child! As mentioned earlier, children are happy about any initiative of their parents, unless they will arrange a surprise for themselves, for example, to invite adult guests for a children's holiday. If you decide to surprise your child, then let him be based on children's hobbies, desires and dreams.

In fact, all surprises can be attributed to one of three groups:

  1. Surprise is a thing. A surprise gift for children should be specific and very desirable. One that, in the child’s opinion, will never be bought because it is “too expensive,” “regular,” “easily broken,” and many more excuses for always practical parents. And then suddenly a dream came true!
  2. Surprise is an action. Just here you can safely include a parachute jump, a joint walk with parents and a trip to the sea. During joint actions, people get closer, better understand each other, because they have a common experience, framed by similar emotions and reinforced by an adrenaline rush. Then there will be something to remember on long winter evenings.
  3. Surprise is a condition. Organization of children's parties, decorating the apartment with balloons and flowers, a light aroma of ownership and love in the air. The child subtly feels such things and remembers them for a long time, carefully putting them in the piggy bank of his unconscious called "happy childhood".

But then we will figure out how to surprise a child on the most children's holidays.

New Year surprises for children

Spring birthday surprises

Spring awakening of nature and the joy of each new day can be invested in a surprise birthday:

  1. Decorate the whole apartment with balls or give a huge box in which balloons “hide” with wishes.
  2. To organize a children's party with sweets and a pleasant company, with contests, music and a good mood.
  3. Invite your favorite child hero to visit. It can be Winnie the Pooh, or the little mermaid Ariel, or Masha and the Bear right away. Such amazing guests will be remembered for a long time by a peanut.

surprise gift for children

Surprises for a summer birthday

If a baby was lucky enough to be born in the summer, then a child’s birthday surprise must be associated with walks, fun games in nature, swimming and nightly star romance:

  1. Organize your child on horseback riding in the fresh air. Let him feel at his best in every sense, because riding a horse is scary at first, then exciting, and then just great!
  2. Give your child a day at the water park. Let it splash, bathe, explore the slides and attractions, eat sweets. The charge of vigor is enough for a year in advance.
  3. A surprise for the child is the launch of flashlights with wishes right in the sky! Let them fly as high as possible so that the most secret dream will come true.

surprise baby birthday

Surprises for the autumn birthday

It is better to transfer a surprise for the birth of a child in the fall to the room - on the playgrounds of large shopping centers, children's cafes or home:

  1. Try to play a real puppet show in front of the child.
  2. Surprise the baby by giving him a children's wish diary, which will contain pages with ice cream, movies, favorite cartoons, a day without cleaning toys and a couple of free wishes. Let the child decide when to use this or that leaflet. But here parents deliberately take the risk, for example, that the baby wants ice cream in the winter or watch cartoons instead of lessons. That's why he is a gift, so that one time to make a surprise and deviate from the rules in favor of his child.
  3. Have a real treasure hunt with a map and buried treasure! Let the child look for his gift in the direction of the arrows, solve the charades and travel through the rooms, like distant seas and oceans.

Winter birthday surprises

Winter is already good because there will be New Year holidays with all the surprises arising from this fact. But it can be made even better by surprising the baby on his personal holiday:

how to surprise a child

  1. Offer skiing or skating to the birthday party - a great surprise for the child if the family does not have a tradition of spending time together.
  2. And you can shoot snowballs by organizing an impromptu paintball. It’s good to build snow fences and invite friends to battle, divided by teams. The main thing is to dress warmly and protect your faces from snow blows. Fun is guaranteed for both kids and adults. But who will win is still unknown!
  3. You can arrange a real winter children's quest. Let the birthday boy with his guests solve the problems and find the right ways, learn the team game and show their individual abilities. Then you should definitely note the results of each child with small prizes and call everyone to the table.

surprise for the new year to the child

New Year surprises

New Year's surprises for children have a special aroma of needles and oranges with cinnamon ... A lot of chocolate, cartoons on TV and the opportunity to stay up until 12 on New Year's Eve is the beginning of amenities. Children are waiting for the main miracle - a gift under the Christmas tree, secretly left by the good grandfather. He is the most important character of the holiday, therefore:

  1. You can invite Santa Claus to visit the child. Let him congratulate the baby and give him a small gift.
  2. Or you can go to visit your grandfather on his estate in Veliky Ustyug. Fairytale atmosphere, Russian winter fun and treats, costume performances will not leave the child indifferent.
  3. A surprise for a child’s New Year can also be in the form of an Advent calendar made by mom with love and care. You can count the days until the New Year or extend the holiday, counting the days from January 1 to Christmas. Each day, you can assign a fun task for the baby in accordance with age and be sure to provide a small pleasant encouragement to brighten up the expectation.

It should be remembered that in life there is always a place for pleasant surprises, which are not only desirable, but necessary to level the harmful effects of routine and everyday life. Surprise your children, surprise your soul mate, give attention to parents and please yourself - this is the beauty of human life.


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