Finnish single-story buildings: design and construction

The advantages of wooden houses retain the relevance of natural lumber even today, in the age of practical and high-strength blocks. Unfortunately, the domestic construction industry continues to use the long-established technologies for constructing such buildings without offering anything new. And it is quite natural that companies are looking for modern solutions abroad. In this regard, Finnish one-story buildings can be considered as an acceptable option for people who appreciate the environmental friendliness, build quality and affordable price in homes. The country of Suomi, like Russia, has huge forests, which determined the focus on wooden houses. It would seem that our technologies of timber construction have a considerable list of advantages, but Finnish technologies imply a number of significant features, which allowed them to become quite widespread in the world.

Preparatory activities for the construction

Finnish floor mates

There is an erroneous opinion that the plans for a new house should primarily be based on the project, and then choose a site. Experts recommend doing otherwise: first acquire land, and then, based on the available parameters, proceed with the selection or development of a design solution. The features of the site, for example, can affect the percentage of development by area, the configuration and location of the building, the slope of the roof structure, and even the color, since a real Finnish house fits organically into the environment. And yet, it is worth approaching the choice of a plot with at least an approximate idea of ​​the future house. The optimal approach involves the participation of architects in this process, who will subsequently accompany the development and implementation of the project at the construction stages. In addition, it is important to correlate the financial capabilities and the construction time with the requirements of the developer, since in the process of performing their work correction entails many difficulties.

Features of the design of Finnish houses

finnish house

Ideal houses do not exist and often to get some qualities you need to sacrifice others. In the construction industry, this is most noticeable. Therefore, you should not think that the projects of Finnish single-story houses embody unlimited operational and functional capabilities. Some limitations do exist, but, again, it is they that make it possible to achieve more significant advantages.

So, in a classic Finnish house there is no building for a garage, there is no attic and basement. For these facilities, in extreme cases, it is possible to provide separate buildings.

Finnish architects pay the most attention to planning. So, the optimal height of the premises varies from 2.2 to 2.5 m. These parameters are due to the desire to minimize heating costs. However, when adapting projects to the needs of Russians, the height often increases to 2.7 m. Also, among the features that Finnish one-story houses have, there are two entrances, a large kitchen area, open verandas and small storage rooms.


one-story Finnish house made of timber

At this stage, in fact, the concept of the house with the design features described above is embodied. Do not consider them as a given, from which you can’t escape. For this, special project development services are provided. Specialists can change the layout of the premises, add or exclude rooms with certain functions and, of course, calculate the area. It is also worth paying attention to the existing projects of Finnish single-story houses, which provide for a national sauna. If the inhabitants of Suomi live without a garage and basement, then Finnish housing is not easy to imagine without this room. Like a traditional Russian house.

Material for home

projects of finnish single-story houses

For the construction of Finnish houses, glued beams are used. This choice is due to the characteristics of conifers - during operation, the material does not crack, retains its original dimensions and does not warp in the structure. It is important to note the variety of lumber. For example, one-story Finnish wooden houses from a wide beam are distinguished by their solid appearance and maintain an optimal microclimate without special thermal insulation. Choosing a tree variety is equally important. Some houses have a special pearl tint - this is how the texture of spruce, preserving a light shade, unlike pine, which can darken over time, is manifested. Also, spruce has moisture resistance, due to the density of the structure of wood fibers.

Foundation construction

A feature of the foundations that are arranged for Finnish houses is the possibility of their subsequent reconstruction and the construction of a new building on this basis. The structure is formed using concrete and reinforced concrete. The type of foundation can be any - for example, the laying of columnar, slab and strip structures is practiced. Since the majority of Finnish single-storey houses are lightweight, there are no special restrictions on the depth of the laying.

Nevertheless, this does not eliminate the need for hydrological and geological studies, which make it possible to determine the foundation requirements. There are also unique developments of Finnish companies in this area. One of them is the technology of using bored piles. Using this technique, builders build a foundation for a Finnish house in a week, while spending a minimum amount of materials and, accordingly, money.

Assembly house

one-story Finnish wooden houses

The construction of the main part is carried out using kits with timber, which are brought to the construction site. Next, the first three crowns are laid out on the foundation. At this stage, waterproofing is laid between the first level of the laying of the log house and the foundation. The crowns are fastened by means of metal studs or wooden pins. To get a one-story Finnish house from a beam with the correct geometry, specialists after the first crowns are installed, check the correctness of their horizontal position.

Then begins the construction of the supporting elements of the frame. It is important to note here that the walls themselves can be not only timber. In Finland, the technology of frame construction is quite common , which intersects in some technical details with the classical method. In this case, the Finnish one-story houses can be assembled from wooden panels, and in the places where the tile finish is planned, a metal profile is also used.

Roof mounting

First of all, rafters are installed that will form the structure for the roofing. Again, a feature of Finnish technology is the consideration of risks to the structure when the building shrinks. The slightest movements can lead to deformation of the roofing "pie". For this reason, Finnish one-story buildings are being built using "sliding" elements that compensate for the effects of loads during shrinkage.


Finnish single-story houses

At first glance, the Finnish technology offers a solution that is quite familiar to Russian conditions for the construction of a wooden house. But even insignificant factors that are initially calculated by architects appear in operation. In particular, the foundation of bored piles excludes the presence of cold zones, the use of a wide glued spruce beam provides strength and insulation without additional funds, and the features of the configuration of the premises contribute to the rational use of the area. Ultimately, Finnish one-story houses are endowed with properties such as durability, environmental friendliness and attractive appearance. But recently, technologists have been betting on energy conservation. And in this regard, Finnish projects can be called hardly ideal. Even without special heaters, a correctly selected beam ensures heat conservation, thereby reducing energy consumption.


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