Artesian-Norman Basset: breed description, nature, content features

The Artesian-Norman Basset is a short-legged hunting dog with a serious look and long ears. In addition to his unusual appearance, he is endowed with excellent health, a sharp scent and an affectionate character. All this makes it incredibly popular not only among avid hunters, but also among ordinary dog ​​breeders. In today's publication, a brief description of the representatives of this breed will be presented.

Origin history

France is considered the birthplace of these animals, known since the 17th century. They were bred by local breeders by crossing several different breeds. Presumably, the old French hounds, Norman bassets and Artois bassets took part in their formation.

artesian-norman basset

The originally obtained mestizos had a height of about 58 cm at the withers and were used to hunt rabbits, hares and roe deer. At the end of the XIX century, they were divided into two main lines, visually different from each other. Artesian-Norman show-type basset hats have an elegant exterior with curved limbs and long ears. Representatives of the second, working line are distinguished by a strong physique, straight legs and a pronounced hunting instinct. The first breed standard appeared in 1898 and has since been repeatedly adjusted. Today these animals are bred mainly in Germany and in France.

Breed description

The artesian-Norman basset is a medium-sized dog growing up to 26-36 cm at the withers and weighing no more than 20 kg. On a massive head with a pronounced occipital protuberance and a convex skull covered with folded skin, there are low-set soft drooping ears and dark oval eyes.

dog basset

The elongated neck smoothly passes into a well-visible withers, an even wide back, a powerful lower back and a rounded croup, ending with the base of a saber tail. Under the squat body with a developed chest, there are two pairs of short, slightly curved limbs with massive paws. The whole body of the animal is covered with a tight-fitting coat of two- or three-color color.

Character Features

The artesian-norman basset is a brave and hardy dog ​​with well-developed hunting qualities. He is endowed with a strong-willed character and the ability to make independent decisions. He is very contactable, friendly and pleasant in communication. This dog quickly becomes attached to its owner and members of his family. A genetic predisposition to a flocking lifestyle allows him to easily get along with other pets.

breed description artesian-norman basset

Bassets are dogs that can easily find a common language with children. They are reliable enough and, if necessary, can become not only a great assistant on the hunt, but also a good companion. Thanks to a targeted selection, during which specialists screened out particularly aggressive dogs, these animals are good-naturedly disposed towards people and do not feel distrust towards strangers. Because they are completely unsuitable for the role of a guard.

Maintenance and care

Bassets are dogs that do not require the creation of special conditions. They can live in a private house with a fenced plot, and in a small city apartment. Caring for them is so simple that any inexperienced owner can easily cope with it. Short dog hair should be combed out with a special brush at least a couple of times a week. You need to bathe the animal as it gets dirty. Moreover, it is better to do this using specialized shampoo.

the character of the artesian-norman basset

The long ears of the dog require special attention. They hang down, fitting tightly to the head, which greatly complicates natural ventilation. To prevent pathogens from multiplying in them, it is recommended that they be systematically cleaned of dirt and dust accumulated there. You also need to regularly trim the grown claws and treat the animal from external internal parasites.


Having dealt with the peculiarities of the content of the artesian-Norman basset, you need to find out what is better to feed the representatives of this breed. Like any other dog, they can be given both industrial and natural food.

Fans of ready-made dry feed should recommend choosing super-premium or holistic-class products produced by trusted manufacturers. Before buying, it is important to pay attention not only to the expiration date, but also to the contents of the package. A good amount of meat should be present in a quality feed and not contain dyes, preservatives or cereals.

features of the artesian-norman basset

Adherents of natural nutrition should also remember a few simple rules. The basis of the dog's diet should be low-fat raw meat, previously subjected to freezing. Several times a week it can be replaced with saltwater fish and offal. In addition, eggs, vegetables, cereals, cottage cheese and kefir should appear from time to time in a bowl of artesian-Norman basset. As for the prohibited products, these include sausages, smoked meats, pickles, sweets, tubular bones, chocolate, river fish, muffins and citrus fruits.


Bassett is an inquisitive dog with a complaisant disposition. It is relatively easy to learn, especially if you start it at an early puppy age. In the process of training, it is important to remember that these animals are endowed with a developed hunting instinct and can be distracted by extraneous odors. Therefore, during the lessons, you can’t punish the dog, and his interest should be supported by praise and dainty.

After the puppy gets comfortable in the new house, he should be trained to respond to his own nickname. As soon as the dog joyfully runs to the call of the owner, you can complicate the task, gradually introducing different commands. It is important that by the age of one, your pet should be fully controlled. It should automatically execute at least basic commands, such as “To Me”, “Fu”, “Place”, “Nearby” and “Stand”.

dog ears

In addition to obedience, it is important to socialize the animal in time. To do this, after the end of the quarantine associated with the vaccination, you need to take the puppy out onto the street, constantly changing walking places and introducing him to new people and animals. Thanks to this, he will get used to various stimuli and stop reacting violently to them. In the future, this will greatly facilitate the life of both you and your four-legged friend.

Health and Life Expectancy

The artesian-norman basset is a strong and hardy dog. He is naturally endowed with excellent health, but like any living creature, he can sometimes get sick. Most often, representatives of this breed are diagnosed with hypothyroidism and ear infections. Also, they often have various problems with the back and joints.

With proper care, these dogs can live up to 13-15 years. And in order not to shorten the period measured by nature, the dog should be vaccinated regularly, treated for parasites and brought to scheduled veterinary examinations.


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