Types of subcultures. Subculture Examples

They are not like adults. They require self-expression, which others do not always like, and sometimes even cause shock and condemnation. People come together in informal interest groups, where they are accepted as they are. These are youth, rebellious, going against the established traditions and principles. The types of subcultures created by humanity usually differ in direction. They are musical, sports, ideological ... In any case, stand out from the crowd and profess their values. These groups may include adults, but this happens quite rarely and is not widespread.


If many of you think that the representatives of this movement only use drugs and have fun at parties, then this is absolutely not so. Hippies appeared in the 60s of the XX century, creating an informal political organization. They often speak at meetings, conduct campaigns. There are other examples of subcultures that have a clear political position. For example, informals in the USSR opposing the system; skinheads whose actions are extremist in nature; antifa, condemning fascism, and so on.

types of subcultures
The hippie movement arose as a protest against the Vietnam War, which the US government launched. Nowadays, they also advocate the affirmation of man as a person, freedom of relations, unity with nature. At the same time, representatives of this informal organization oppose violence, military service, and the use of weapons.

Hippies always wear long hair with a bandage; men often release their beards. Features of the subculture are manifested in the style of clothing: loose canopies, bright and informal, with patches and holes. They are romantics who are fond of the philosophy of the East and love soft rock.


Types of subcultures are striking in their diversity, dissimilarity to each other. Of the total mass punks stand out very brightly. Shaved stripes on the head and colored Iroquois, leather clothes with chains and pins, accessories with spikes - all these attributes make them distinctive.

subculture examples

The movement was formed in the 70s of the last century in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia. His representatives listened to punk rock. They stood for freedom and personal independence. To remove stereotypes, break generally accepted foundations, rely only on oneself, develop - these are their basic life principles.

Representatives of this movement have their own philosophical concept of subculture and its ideological direction. In politics, they usually hold "left" views. Many punks profess anarchism, anti-sexism, anti-militarism. They are against social inequality, oppression of blacks and other races. They advocate for animal rights, so they often become vegetarians.


Some types of subcultures lose popularity over time. They are being replaced by newer, more progressive ones, adapted to the new century. Among them, emo is a youth movement, the main attributes of which are asymmetric hairstyles, bangs falling into the eyes, locks of brightly colored hair, makeup with black arrows, loose clothing, often with different accessories, badges and patches.

subculture concept
The subculture became popular in Russia in 2000. Its representatives love hardcore music, for them it is the meaning of life. The essence of this movement is the fight against injustice, an open expression of emotions. But often representatives of emo simply dispense with external attributes, without delving into ideology. They are called "posers" or copycats. Unlike them, real emo are very vulnerable and sensitive. It is believed that such adolescents are prone to suicide, so parents should be careful about the child, try to understand his feelings and support in difficult situations.


They are often confused with emo. These types of subcultures have an analogy in their appearance - covering their hair and makeup with an emphasis on black. But the similarity ends here. After all, the Goths, in contrast to emo, adherents of the other world. They carry crosses, pentagrams, teeth and other terrible paraphernalia. Therefore, it is natural that they gather in cemeteries in the dark, often in the full moon. They have no respect for the dead, just graves and croaking crows on trees - an organic atmosphere for them. However, they can not be called admirers of the cult of death.

subcultures, photo
They have no particular ideology. The only thing that representatives of this subculture adhere to is the decadence-style moods. They have a mysterious appearance and gloomy facial expression. They perceive life as it is, without embellishing it with fantasy and dreams. It was the Goths who gave rise to such a movement as Satanism. This branch separated from its "progenitor", but took a lot from it: black in clothes, hard music in the style of heavy metal, fees in cemeteries. Only unlike the same Goths, did the Satanists go further: they worship the devil, honor death, sacrifice animals, and sometimes people.


The main concept of a subculture, its main attribute and characteristic feature is heavy rock music. Representatives of this movement listen to her in various manifestations. They constantly go to concerts of their favorite bands, enjoy the quiet sound of tracks in their headphones or at full volume in their speakers. Music is the main meaning of their life, it is always its part and manifestation.

subculture features

Metalworkers are divided into two groups: radical and normal. The first includes adolescents, who often have a spirit of rebellion and aggression. They drink alcohol, arrange pogroms and brawls. Representatives of the second group are more loyal and calm. They do not bother anyone and just enjoy the music.

Black color prevails in the clothes of representatives of this subculture. Each person saw photos of metalworkers more than once. It is noticeable on them that they prefer tight black jeans, high boots, leather jackets. Many metalworkers wear earrings in their ears, rings with skulls, often they ride motorcycles and go into the biker movement.


It is difficult to imagine a football match today without different chants and songs, banners and flags, fires and pipes. And behind all this is an organized group of fans who call themselves Ultras. They live football, passionately support their favorite club, arranging whole performances in stadiums. Sometimes such a life for them becomes more colorful and fun than ordinary everyday life in the family or at work.

Ultras has long been a true subculture with a clear hierarchy and its own attributes. Its representatives are always sent to the match of their team, even if it is held on the other side of the planet. If they win, they walk until the morning and celebrate to the fullest; if the club loses, the ultras can come together in a mass brawl with fans of the one who defeated their team.

types of subcultures
The movement came to us from Italy. In 1966, fans of β€œMilan” decided to unite to support their favorite players. Today, the movement has spread all over the world, like the Goths, emo or hippies. These are just some examples of subcultures, popular and in demand. In fact, there are many more, and each has its own characteristics, philosophy and attributes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20767/

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