Do-It-Yourself House from Brus: Fast, Profitable, Eco-Friendly

You can buy a house, or you can build it yourself. An excellent solution - a house from a bar with your own hands. The construction of such houses does not require special skills, so anyone can cope with it. In addition, this will require a minimum of labor costs compared to building a house from other materials.

Today, many, fed up with the achievements of civilization, dream of their own house not from blocks, but from natural wood. The easiest, fastest, most economical and reliable way to do this is using the technology of building houses from wooden beams.

The bar in the construction of houses has been used for centuries. Today, many Russian families turn to this building material, which is characterized by environmental friendliness and reasonable prices.

How to build a house from a bar?

You can buy ready-made material for construction, or you can do it yourself. Harvesting wood must be healthy, not eaten by a bug, without large or through cracks. In order to get a beam from logs, they need to be sawn from four sides. The wood for the log house should be dry and treated with an antiseptic.

You need to start with the development of the project of the future home . It is influenced by the size of the future home, its area. Naturally, the consumption of materials also depends on this. Therefore, calculations must be done carefully. The project can be drawn on its own, however, one must be very careful and observe the geometric correctness of the drawings. You can purchase a standard project.

The foundation is being prepared for the completed project. You can use this option for this: a concrete base with a socle laid out of finishing brick. To ventilate the underground, openings must be left in the basement.

Immediately on the foundation you can erect a log house.

You can erect walls of a house from a bar very quickly. Do-it-yourself timber house is being built quickly. The walls can be folded from untreated sawn pine beams with a diameter of 15 centimeters (it is the most popular option). This beam is light, so you do not need special lifting mechanisms. When assembling the walls, it is imperative to use spikes to connect the bars so that the house is stable.

The technology for constructing walls from timber has certain specifics. The beam is folded in height in the same way as ordinary logs. If the beam is grooved, then it is connected in a manner similar to laying floorboards. To avoid vertical waste, the bars are connected with vertical pins.

A house from a bar with your own hands needs to be built, given certain nuances. All the seams in the walls must be carefully caulked so that there is no wind blowing the house. Walls need to be treated with special substances to ensure their fire resistance and strength. This is necessary for safety because fire is the number one enemy for wood.

In addition to the walls, the house will also need to build internal partitions. Piers can be made frame. They are built of wood lined with clapboard.

The next stage is the construction of the roof . Often a house made of timber with their own hands is covered with cheaper roofs. The options for the rafter system and the roof can be different. A cheap option is to cover the roof with ondulin, but this material will lose its appearance over time. It is better to use boards of different sizes for individual sections (braces and racks - 10x4cm, rafters - 15x4cm).

After the roof is finally erected, you can do floor ceilings, installing ceilings, as well as doors and windows.

Floors must be made of two layers of boards, the distance between which should be filled with heat-insulating material.

Windows at your discretion can be made wooden, or metal-plastic.

How to insulate a house from a bar? This is usually done with foam-gas concrete blocks or mineral wool.

Finishing and painting the house is a purely individual matter and it all depends on the taste of the owner. You can leave the house from the log house without external decoration - in the style of village houses. In general, it is best to build a house from a beam with your own hands so that it does not require additional decoration. This will save time, and the house will look especially cozy in a wooden exterior.


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