Yenisei River - the greatest Siberian waterway

Yenisei is one of the largest rivers in the world flowing in Siberia. Its length is about 3.5 thousand km, and the width at the confluence with the Kara Sea is 50 km. Geographically, the Yenisei River is divided into three parts with different flow patterns in each - these are the Upper, Lower and Middle Yenisei.

yenisei river
The name of the river according to different sources has a different origin. Translated from Kyrgyz, the word "enee-say" means "mother river", and the ionessi in Evenks is translated as "big water". Both this and the other meaning of the name can be fully attributed to the majestic Yenisei. He ranks seventh in the ranking of world rivers for high water.

Its source is the confluence of two rivers: Ha-Kem and Bi-Kem in the Sayan mountains, in Mongolia, at around 1,400 meters above sea level. Geographically, the Yenisei divides Siberia into Eastern and Western.

The Upper Yenisei extends from the mouth in the Sayans to the Tuba River. This part is characterized by a mountain course with a speed of up to 40 km / h and a narrow valley. The width of the river is up to 75 meters.

Yenisei river regime
Middle Yenisei originates at the mouth of Abakan and ends at the Angara. Here the current is changeable - the mountain is replaced by a flat one. In the region of Minusinsk, the river slows down and forms islands of 5-6 km in size. The middle Yenisei is characterized by a large number of tributaries. The largest of them is Biryusa.

Lower Yenisei is located below the Angara, here begins its delta and the Yenisei Gulf. The river ends with a group of the Brekhov Islands. In Ust-Port, its width reaches 20 km. Lower Yenisei takes Kureyka, Dudinka, Lower and Podkamennaya Tunguska.

About 20 thousand rivers flow into the Siberian river, the largest of them: Lower and Podkamennaya Tunguska, Angara, Kem, Turukhan, Kass, Yeloguy, Sym.

fall of the yenisei river
The Yenisei River flows in cities such as Krasnoyarsk, Minusinsk, Yeniseisk, Kyzyl, Sayanogorsk, Abakan, Lesosibirsk, Igarka, Dudinka.

The water regime of the Yenisei River

It is characterized by a fairly long spring flood, the appearance of summer floods. The Yenisei River feeds on rain and meltwater, much less on groundwater. The ice melts in early May and reappears in early November.

The fall of the Yenisei River

The height difference between the source and the mouth is a fall. The Yenisei, this value is about one and a half kilometers.


The Yenisei River has always attracted fishermen with its variety of fish species. Such species of salmon and sturgeon as nelma, sturgeon, omul, whitefish, muksun, and sterlet are found here. There are many other diverse species: pike, taimen, perch, burbot, crucian carp. But the number of fish here is still less than in other rivers, which is associated with a high flow rate, an undeveloped floodplain, and a rocky channel. The beauty of the river and all the intricacies of Siberian fishing are perfectly described in the works of the great writer V.P. Astafyev.

On the Yenisei, shipping and shipping are well developed. But it’s more convenient to pass here to vessels that sit shallow. Cargo from Europe is brought to the port of Yeniseisk.

The Yenisei River is relatively densely populated in its middle part and very rarely in the lower reaches. The main part of the population is Russian, but indigenous peoples live here - Tungus, Ostyaks, Dolgans and Juraks.


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