How to make a chest of drawers from cardboard with your own hands?

Many of us are fond of creativity - someone for the sake of simple entertainment, someone creates for sale, and someone just wants to please the children. This article will tell you how to make a chest of drawers from cardboard with your own hands. After reading, you will be able to independently make your own designer thing, which will be useful in the house and will delight you and your guests.

DIY cardboard chest

Before you start making a chest of drawers from cardboard with your own hands, you need to prepare all the necessary tools for work and choose a box the size of which corresponds to the size of your chest of drawers.

Tools for work

For work, we need:

  1. Cardboard box.
  2. Pencil.
  3. Ruler.
  4. Stationery knife.
  5. Glue.
  6. Self-adhesive paper.
  7. Scotch.

Cardboard chest blank

To begin with, on the one side of the box, cut off the lateral parts with a clerical knife. On the other hand, they will serve as a wall of the chest of drawers.

We need to make the inner walls of the future dresser out of the box double. This will give it strength and stability. To do this, from the side where we left the closing parts of the box for the wall of the chest of drawers, measure out the necessary depth. Draw a measured depth with a pencil on all four sides. With an office knife, we cut along the lines not to the end, but only the top of the cardboard, without pressing hard on the knife. At the corners you need to make cuts to the depth line. Next, bend the side inward, thereby obtaining double walls. Plus, such walls will not bend after pasting. The base for a small chest of drawers made of cardboard is ready. We continue to work, adding drawers and shelves.

How to make a chest of drawers from cardboard do it yourself

Shelves for a chest of drawers made of cardboard

A do-it-yourself cardboard chest of drawers needs shelves. To do this, use the side walls cut off at the first stage of operation. They must also be made double, like the walls of the base. To do this, measure out the cardboard of the required length and determine the number of shelves. We divide the resulting piece of the cardboard box into two equal parts, and with the help of a clerical knife, we also cut not through and through, but only the top layer of paper. Fold along the cut line in half and glue into the base with glue. You can use hot glue for this procedure.

Box making

With the manufacture of boxes will have to tinker a bit. Each box must be tinkered separately, because if you hurry up and do everything at once, it will not fit into the chest of drawers made of cardboard with your own hands.

Small chest of drawers made of cardboard

Take measurements on the inside of the base and remember that all sides must be measured. After you have taken all the measurements, it is necessary to calculate the size of the box, taking into account gluing. For instance:

  1. If you paste with wallpaper, then you need to reduce all sides by 4-5 mm. Suppose the right and left sides are equal and have a length of 25 cm, then the subtraction will look like this: 25 - 5 mm = 24.5 cm. This will be the value of each of them. So do with all the remaining parties.
  2. If you paste with self-adhesive paper or plain white, it will be enough to reduce by 3 mm. Take the same dimensions - 25 cm. The calculation will look like this: 25 - 3 mm = 24.7 cm. We also do this with all the remaining sides.

After you have calculated all the details of the box, they must be cut out of cardboard. Glue with tape and measure the box to enter the chest of drawers. If there is any difficulty and the box comes in tight and doesnโ€™t leave well, then cut the adhesive tape and cut off the areas where you notice the hooks. Ignore - and your boxes after pasting will not fit into the opening or even get stuck in it. As a result, a chest of drawers made of cardboard with your own hands will become just a useless thing in the interior.

When you are engaged in a box, you can immediately not make a bottom, but first fit the dimensions of the sides, and then circle the bottom of the box along the inside. Do so all the necessary boxes and go to pasting, it is better to start from the inside and the boxes.

There should be handles on the drawers, you can buy small ones on the screws and screw them on, or if you are making a chest of drawers for a child, make them from ordinary colored laces, threading them through the additional holes made on the front. Your dresser is ready, give it the most honorable place in the house.

Dresser for cosmetics

DIY cardboard chest of drawers

You can fantasize, create your own chest of drawers with your design ideas, or use ours and make another option - a chest of drawers for cosmetics with your own hands from cardboard. For manufacturing we use all the same tools + additionally (for decoration) - beads of various colors and diameters and lace pieces of fabric. Decorate the finished product to your taste, complement your ideas and design. Our design will consist of two sections, if desired, their number can be reduced or increased.

We take two boxes of the same length, the width of one should be slightly less, since in our case the smaller one is inserted into the larger one. If you have not found suitable sizes, then you can make them yourself, as the boxes were made in the first version of the chest of drawers. We glue the boxes with cloth or paper, use what is at hand. If desired, a mirror can be glued to the lid. In order for the design of two boxes to be integral, we attach the inner one to the external box with special plastic levers. We decorate your finished small chest of drawers with all kinds of beads and rhinestones.

Dresser for jewelry

Well, the last option in our article is a chest of drawers for jewelry from cardboard with your own hands. All women love jewelry, but how and where to store them correctly, almost no one knows. To do this, we offer to make a beautiful chest of drawers in your style for the interior.

Cardboard DIY chest of drawers

We will need:

  1. Empty boxes from milk or juice.
  2. An empty shoe box, in good, not tattered condition, as it is stronger than a regular cardboard one.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Glue.
  5. Pasting material or paper.

Determine the number and size of future drawers. Choose how your chest of drawers will be located - horizontally or vertically. When taking measurements, remember that it is necessary to reduce the thickness of gluing. When working with fabric, its thickness is multiplied by two.

Inside we put cardboard partitions and glue them, as well as all other parts. They will extend the life of your dresser. After you have assembled the entire chest of drawers and pasted all the details, proceed to the design. Do not forget about handles for boxes. You can make them from ordinary shoelaces. On the front side you can previously string a large bead.

Put all your jewelry in the chest of drawers and place it in a place convenient for you.


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