Tritons in an aquarium: maintenance and care

It is currently difficult to surprise anyone with turtles or fish that live in your home pond. Another thing is the newts in the aquarium. We know very little about these creatures, and all because they lead a nocturnal lifestyle, and in nature it is very difficult to meet them.

newts in an aquarium

Tritons in an aquarium with good care can live up to thirty years. Right centenarians! These aquatic newts are close relatives of the salamanders and are under protection. Their content is limited, but ordinary subspecies (comb, alpine and needle) are well known to aquarists. In total, there are 10 species of such amphibians that can be kept at home.

These are very slow animals. It is not difficult for them to hover in one position and be in this state for several hours, while holding on only one support.

Tritons in an aquarium: content

newts in aquarium content

Many people think that keeping amphibians is troublesome, and taking care of them is time consuming. But this is not at all true. Having certain knowledge, everyone can take care of these animals.

Amphibians belong to cold-blooded animals. The optimum temperature for your aquarium pets is within 15-20 degrees. Therefore, there can be no question of heating systems that are used to heat water in aquariums, and the home pond itself should be located away from heating appliances. The most difficult thing is to maintain the right temperature in the summer months, when there is heat on the street.


triton content
Despite the fact that all newts are amphibians, there are subspecies that live exclusively in water, but many need periodic sorties on land. If you plan to have representatives of both varieties, it is best to purchase a universal two-sphere aquarium. The original design will create the necessary conditions for animals, and even give the pond a certain exoticism. You can build a raft, fill an island, etc. There may be several options, it all depends on your imagination and abilities.

Newts in the aquarium feel good alone, but can live in groups. If you decide to start several newts, keep in mind that each of them needs at least 12 liters of water. Therefore, it is necessary to think in advance about a tank of appropriate size. Regular molting is characteristic of animals, after which they immediately eat their old shell.

Feeding animals

Awareness of the proper upkeep of your pets should not be limited to these tips. You also need to know how to feed the newt in the aquarium so that your pet will please you for many years.

Amphibians prefer live food: earthworms, slugs, bloodworms, larvae, and small shrimp. They also like to eat frozen fish slices, lean meat, kidneys, and liver. Do not forget about vitamins. To prevent your aquarium newts from becoming fat, you need to arrange a fasting day for them once a month.

how to feed a newt in an aquarium

Fish Content

Keep tritonchiks together with aquarium fish is not worth it because of the requirements for temperature conditions. Too much difference. In addition, the diseases that fish suffer are deadly for amphibians, and large fish can even injure animals, so the newts in the aquarium do not get along with other inhabitants.


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