Labor immigration to New Zealand: list of professions

Today, immigration is one of the most pressing topics in terms of changing the place of residence and, accordingly, endowing professional activities with a foreign connotation. It is important to note that modern society prefers countries such as Australia, Canada and, of course, New Zealand, which is described in this article.

Professional immigration - the best solution

Immigration to New Zealand

Today New Zealand is a highly developed country, willingly inviting qualified specialists, as well as investors, for permanent residence. It should be noted that immigration to New Zealand is accompanied by extremely high requirements and standards. In addition, this provision applies equally to those wishing to obtain temporary residence, then permanent and, finally, citizenship. Every year, up to 50,000 people from 160 different countries arrive there. Among them are workers, qualified specialists, investors, as well as private entrepreneurs. Professional immigration to New Zealand involves obtaining a citizen of another country residency or residence permit. The rationale for this provision is provided by the New Zealand Immigration Act of 2009. Thus, as a result of acquiring this status, any citizen has the right to live, develop educational or professional activities, receive full medical care and use similar rights in New Zealand.

How to move to permanent residence in 2016?

Immigration to New Zealand from Russia

Immigration to New Zealand, as a rule, is carried out by citizens of other countries in accordance with one of the ways:

  • The professional way involves moving to New Zealand in order to promote their work and profit. So, every year a lot of qualified specialists, entrepreneurs, ordinary workers or investors come to this country who decide to invest certain funds in the economy of New Zealand. The chances of each person to immigrate and further develop their activities are evaluated in accordance with the point system, with which the very lucky ones are determined every two weeks.
  • The student option of moving entails the goal of obtaining knowledge and appropriate education. It is important to note that in this case, New Zealand has less significant requirements for citizens, as in the case of professional immigration. There is no need for knowledge of the English language, in addition, the country accepts citizens without education.

It should be noted that these methods are the most common, but there are fundamentally different ones, including participation in the program for partners, parents and children of citizens and residents of New Zealand, acceptance of refugee status, or other equally effective options.

How realistic are you for immigrating to New Zealand?

Immigration to New Zealand is carried out in accordance with the point system, formed in order to allow interested persons to participate in competitions among the same citizens. The main prize of the competition was the receipt of an invitation to move from the Government of New Zealand. It is important that the government considers only candidates who are able to give the country a lot, and if they succeed, the place of residence is the reward.

On the Internet you can find a point calculator, which provides a detailed description of the test and grades, which are usually awarded for the age of a person who wants to immigrate to New Zealand, his qualifications, experience in a certain field, as well as for the availability of offers from a particular employer. countries. In addition, a citizen has the opportunity to get extra points for activities in an area where there is an acute shortage of labor, or outside of Auckland. These include qualifications acquired in New Zealand (at least 2 years), as well as a person's choice of growth activity.

Increasing immigrant requirements (2016)

Professional immigration to New Zealand

It is important to note that at the beginning of October 2016, immigration to New Zealand and its rules underwent some changes. Thus, the Department of NZ made corrections and additions to several programs, including a program for qualified specialists. The central goal of innovations is to reduce the number of immigrants by at least 10% in the next two years, as the number of applications increases annually, which leads to a significant excess of labor supply over demand, and New Zealand is not a very large country, so its economy is not experiencing special need in a huge number of immigrants.

Thus, the scoring system discussed above provides new information about the real possibilities for moving a person with a certain number of points. But earlier, automatic acceptance of the application was appropriate already with 140 points scored. Perhaps this uplift refers to a number of temporary phenomena, nevertheless, it entails increased motivation of citizens and, of course, a decrease in the number of immigrants. It should also be noted that the requirements for the business immigration program have not changed in any way.

Immigration to New Zealand from Russia

Citizens of Russia who moved to New Zealand often compare life there with the former. So, among the most important advantages of immigration, the following should be noted:

  • Exclusion of inequality among citizens, as well as racism and xenophobia.
  • Perfect development of the linguistic aspect.
  • Immaculate nature, safe flora and fauna.
  • Clean and tidy infrastructure.
  • High level of tolerance.
  • A small number of Russians.
  • Exclusion of terrorist attacks.
  • Excellent situation in terms of tourism.
  • Significant development of the secondary market.
  • Possibility of a competent start and successful small business.
  • The abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as other healthy products, which helps to improve health.
  • Exclusion of orphanages and homeless animals.
  • A smaller percentage of smokers than in Russia.
  • The development of sports activities.
  • Traffic organization.
  • High level of medical services and so on.

Immigration to New Zealand (Russian reviews serve as confirmation) entails a number of minuses, the main ones being natural phenomena (earthquakes, volcanoes), poor mobile communications, a small market (including labor), a difficult transition from small to medium-sized businesses, a very expensive and not very developed system of providing transport services for society, as well as an exception in Russian catering establishments.

Actual programs

New Zealand Immigration Programs

Immigration to New Zealand from Russia and other countries of the world, as a rule, is carried out by citizens in accordance with one of the programs, including the state program of professional immigration (it was revised and supplemented in 2007). So, to take part in it, you need to score 100 points according to the above criteria. Only after that the application of a citizen of a certain country arrives at the New Zealand Immigration Service with the aim of considering and further approving or rejecting it. It is important to note that the duration of the process is not more than three months from the date of application, but exceptions are relevant here. People with 160 or more points are automatically accepted (previously this threshold was 140 points). Thus, it is the points for immigration to New Zealand that are the determining factor for success. At the end of the consideration of the application, there are three options: a citizen receives the status of a permanent resident of New Zealand, the decision is considered to be “postponed” (issuance of a work visa for work in this country) or refusal, as a rule, with illiterate documentation.

Immigration programs to New Zealand often involve the acquisition of a residence permit through investment in the country's economy. A striking example of this are the Investor Plus and Investor programs, which are very popular in society today.

Who needs a work visa for New Zealand?

Everyone knows that an official permit to immigrate citizens for the purpose of carrying out labor activities is a mandatory document or stamp in a passport (much more often), called a visa. The exact period of validity of the permit to carry out professional operations is indicated there. Each country has a specialized body dealing with visa processing and issuance. As a rule, he puts forward a number of conditions for each citizen, which must be followed without fail, at least in order to obtain an appropriate work visa. It is important to note that, without exception, all foreigners must go through the procedure for obtaining a stamp in a passport or an equivalent document, after which the right to work in New Zealand will be fully legalized. It should be noted that even those applicants who are not citizens of this country who intend to engage in unpaid or volunteer activities need a work visa .

Work Visa Categories

List of professions for immigrating to New Zealand

Labor immigration to New Zealand, as it turned out, is accompanied by a compulsory visa (permanent or temporary). So, in the first case, the following classification of the complex in the subcategory is appropriate:

  • “Qualified Migrants” for future professional workers in New Zealand, provided that their professions are in high demand in the labor market.
  • The program “From work to residence” involves the acquisition of a temporary work visa in order to obtain a legal permit for permanent residence in the country in the future.
  • The program "Living as a result of work" is appropriate for people who already have a visa, described in the previous paragraph.
  • The “transfer of employees” is carried out if a particular citizen is already an employee of a foreign company and intends to transfer to its branch located in New Zealand.

In the case of a temporary work visa, the subcategories are as follows:

  • A New Zealand visa for work activities during the holidays is issued to a person in a particular country, provided that this geographical unit has an agreement with New Zealand that is consistent with the Working holiday visas program.
  • A New Zealand visa for seasonal activities is granted to people who intend to work in the field of horticulture or viticulture.

Documents for obtaining a visa

As it turned out, labor immigration to New Zealand (2016) is characterized by some tightening of requirements in relation to various aspects of this issue. Nevertheless, the main points of organization of relocation to temporary or permanent residence remained unchanged. Among them are visa applications by submitting to the appropriate authority a list of documents:

  • A passport that is active at a given time, with a clear photo of a citizen presented on its page.
  • Visa application form in pre-filled form.
  • A document confirming that a citizen has paid for services to consider applying for a visa.
  • New Zealand Labor Contract.
  • A certificate confirming the satisfactory state of health of an immigrant, called a medical one.
  • A certificate from the police confirming the citizen has no criminal record.

Visa "Silver Fern"

Silver Fern Visa is designed to attract qualified young professionals to New Zealand. It is important to note that this type of visa documentation entails the possibility of obtaining permission online through a special service. The Silver Fern is issued only once a year and allows a citizen to enter New Zealand for a period not exceeding nine months in order to search for a company for the purpose of carrying out professional activities there. It should be noted that each year the service provides a certain number of submitted visas, equal to 300 units.

After a job offer is offered to a young professional, the Silver Fern Job Search visa must be changed to Silver Fern Practical Experience. This is done to enable the citizen to continue his professional activities in New Zealand for a period not exceeding two years. In addition, a person has the right to apply or not to apply for a residence permit. So, he can live in New Zealand, work there and calmly leave for his country.

How to seduce the employer?

Points for immigrating to New Zealand

How to competently "sell yourself" in New Zealand? Certainly, only if the employer sympathizes with the immigrant can we talk about successful employment. After all, giving work to a visitor who does not know the language perfectly is a significant risk. Thus, in order to create the absolute interest of the employer, the immigrant must perfectly fulfill the following three points:

  • The presence of the necessary profession, confirmed by relevant documentation. This should include not only a diploma, but also all kinds of certificates, for example, about taking courses, as well as experience in this field. It is important to note that recommendations from past employers will also be a great advantage, especially when it comes to professional activities in New Zealand. Nevertheless, an immigrant should not overestimate himself, but remember that in the NZ there are enough other immigrants from Asia and Eastern Europe.
  • Knowledge of English at a conversational level in order to communicate comfortably in society and successfully conduct professional activities. It is great if an immigrant has professional vocabulary and actively uses it in the process of communication and documentation during the course of work.
  • Absolute politeness and culture of behavior, which allows you to find an approach to any person.

List of professions for immigrating to New Zealand

Professions for Immigrating to New Zealand

To begin with, it should be noted that in New Zealand the necessary specialties are divided into two types: long-term (needed for a considerable time period) and short-term (in demand right now). What are their differences? The fact is that the second option does not guarantee the extension of a work visa if a particular profession is excluded from the list of the most relevant. Thus, long-term professions for immigrating to New Zealand include the following:

  • Workers in the field of agriculture (a forest specialist is of particular relevance).
  • Specialists in the construction industry (roads and infrastructure; a surveyor and surveyor are popular).
  • Engineering staff (chemical engineer, material engineer, civil engineering engineer , structural constructor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, industrial equipment engineer, environmental engineer and so on).
  • Economic figures (financial business; procurement manager is especially in demand).
  • Workers in the medical and social field (anesthetist, psychologist, nurse, general practitioner and others).

Starting mechanism

After a clear determination with the place of work in New Zealand for any purposeful citizen, of course, all things will go in the best way. The proof of this fact is a very complicated procedure for dismissing specialists, which, as a rule, no company wants to resort to. In addition, the closest relatives of a citizen working in New Zealand (wife (husband), children) can freely go there on the basis of a work visa received by him.

Each person after employment on the official resource of the immigration service should fill out the Expression of Interest, then get approval and, finally, start preparing the necessary documentation. So, after 3-6 months, a citizen will be considered a full resident of New Zealand. And then he will be able to live and at the same time actively develop his professional activity in the new conditions, argued by other traditions, society, climate and so on.


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