The concept and types of government bodies

At all times, state power was exercised in various ways and methods. In a given period of time, peculiar interpretations of the imperative command were used. The most common form in ancient and Middle Ages was a form of violence. But she "lives" only in the hands of a strong and independent leader, with whose death the regime disappears. After the violence, religion was used. She dominated for a long time. However, during the Enlightenment, people realized that blind faith was no better than violence. The last form of the exercise of state power has become law. It is used in many states to this day. But its actual action can be carried out only through special state structures acting on general legal principles and using their own regulatory methods. Such systems today can be found in any country. They are called public authorities. It would seem that these well-known structures are just banal executors of the requirements of the legal field. However, their scope extends far beyond the scope of exceptional “execution." Thus, the article will further discuss the main bodies of state power, their types and features, which are endowed with these structures in the Russian Federation.

types of government


The concept and types of government bodies are completely dependent on the characteristics of power in a particular country. Speaking specifically about Russia in a purely scientific language, on the territory of this power the coordination of society is realized through a large number of peremptory norms. Of course, this factor largely depends on the scope of legal regulation. But if you do not go into the depths of the legal aspects, state power in the Russian Federation is a special, unique or inimitable way to guide the company and its individual parts. As we understand it, the management of a social structure cannot be carried out directly by the top authorities. For this, special types of state bodies are needed, each of which is endowed with one or another list of characteristic tasks. In addition, there are other features of power.

Signs of power in the state

There are a number of signs that determine power in any state, and in particular in the Russian Federation. Based on this, the following key provisions of the above category can be distinguished, namely:

- State power is always sovereign.

- It is implemented through a system of special organs.

- It is carried out constantly.

- The influence of state power is extended to absolutely all citizens.

- State power has a normative manifestation in the form of officially issued acts.

- In order to realize the interest of the majority, the government uses the method of coercion in some cases.

In this case, the key feature is the principle of exercising power through the apparatus of individual bodies. They, in turn, also have a concept, structure, and features, which will be discussed later in the article.

The concept of the authority of the country

All the main types of state bodies proceed from the theoretical basis of power in the country. It has already been pointed out earlier that organizations of this kind are one of the signs of the existence of state will. Therefore, they must be considered from the perspective of a category emanating from the authorities. Thus, government bodies are specific organizations whose goal is to manage the state at different levels. They, as a rule, have an object, on which their activity is directed, as well as the subjective composition of persons realizing the functions of these structures.

Different understanding of authorities

Types of state bodies can be considered on the basis of different classification features. As practice shows, in each country completely different official structures stand out. However, in accordance with key regulations, namely the Constitutions, any authorities, regardless of their territorial or functional affiliation, are mainly responsible for the increased level of control over citizens of the state. As for the inconsistency in understanding the affiliation of various structures, the most striking example is the prosecutor's office. For many years, scientists have been arguing about whether it is a public authority or not.

types of government
Some theorists adhere to this opinion, others do not. In the Russian Federation, the prosecutor's office is a supervisory structure that does not belong to any branch of government.

State apparatus in the Russian Federation

The system and types of government bodies, as a rule, represent a single hierarchical structure. That is, the implementation of the country's tasks occurs through the central apparatus. The last category is a system of government. It should be noted that it has its own structure, features and specifics of work. Therefore, the system of government bodies is the actual totality of bodies whose existence is determined by the basic functions and state traditions. The concept indicates that this category produces its activities in an integrated manner. Therefore, the types of state bodies of the Russian Federation are always divided among themselves according to completely different criteria. Because there are no organizations in Russia that are completely identical in nature. “Tautology” in this area of ​​public life can be detrimental to the entire state as a whole.

Classification features of authorities

Types of public authorities are classified by different signs. In this case, this gradation should not be confused with the system of state bodies, which consists of only 3 main elements. Classification work is done somewhat differently. As a rule, the types of public authorities are distinguished on the basis of various criteria, namely:

1. According to the hierarchical level in power as a whole (higher, lower and central).

2. By the method of actual formation of the current composition (elected, elected, appointed).

3. Regarding the regulatory activities of bodies (established by the provisions of charters, by-laws, laws, and the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

4. The composition of the staff (sole, collective).

5. By the method of expression of will (collegial, one-man).

All presented types of government are very often recognized by scientists as complementary. This means that the main classification is based on other criteria.

concept and types of government bodies

Territorial bodies

Very often, types of government are distinguished based on their role in the territorial scales of the Russian Federation. In this case, mention should be made of the federality of the represented state. Based on this, the following types of state bodies of the Russian Federation are distinguished, namely:

  • Structures of a federal nature. As a rule, certain types of federal state bodies are distinguished on the basis of the significance of their decisions. Speaking specifically about national structures, their regulatory requirements are mandatory for implementation throughout the Russian Federation.
  • The system of authorities of the constituent entities of the federation is also a rather important link in the process of implementing the functions of the state, but their influence extends only to the territories of individual units.

In addition to this, there is also a generally accepted system of classification of state bodies, operating practically throughout the world. Its appearance is due to the principle of separation of powers, coined by John Locke and Louis De Montesquieu in the Enlightenment.

System and types of state bodies based on the separation of powers

Despite the fact that all departments carry out various functions that determine their role in the structure of the country's apparatus, they are for the most part included in a single three-element mechanism. It was developed a long time ago, as already mentioned in the article. Most often, this category is called the principle of separation of powers. According to him, all state bodies are divided between three main areas: legislative, executive and judicial. In accordance with this, a number of structures of the same name can be distinguished that perform specific functions.

types of government

Legislative bodies

As in all modern states, the Russian Federation provides for one key legislative body. It is he who is endowed with exclusive authority to issue normative acts of higher legal force after the Constitution of the Russian Federation - federal laws. This is the most legitimate form of legal lawmaking. With its help, direct regulation of a particular sphere of social life is carried out. To date, such a body in the Russian Federation is the Federal Assembly or the Parliament. In Russia, this organization consists of two chambers, namely: the State Duma and the Federation Council. It should be noted that the territorial units of the federation also have their own legislative bodies. But their range of powers is much smaller than that of a nationwide body. As a rule, the legislative bodies of constituent entities of the federation can issue normative acts with the aim of regulating purely territorial issues. In addition, the products of their law-making should not contradict the current federal legislation.

types of executive bodies of state power

Executive power

Various types of executive bodies of state power are responsible for the actual implementation of legislation. The system of such departments is headed by the government of the Russian Federation. This body includes ministries. In the process of implementation of their functional tasks by them, control and actual implementation of the legislation and individual legal norms are carried out. The Russian government also implements policies in specific areas of activity. For example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is responsible for the enforcement of law enforcement policies in the state.

There are certain types of executive bodies of state power, the structure of which is determined by the head of the country, that is, directly by the President. These include various services and agencies.

system and types of government bodies

Judicial branch

The most independent in many states, including the Russian Federation, is the judicial branch. It has an important task of administering justice in the state and resolving various disputes. The judicial system is built on the principle of independence. That is, it is not regulated by any other type of government. This allows you to carry out justice objectively and efficiently. Judicial bodies of state power include a lot of different departments. These include the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the supreme courts of the republics, district, regional courts, etc.

It should be noted that the judiciary is in some way responsible for the quality of state legislation. After all, the authorities of this particular branch exercise control over the compliance of federal laws with the Constitution, as well as with the general principles of law.

types of federal government bodies

Principles of building a system of government

The above three-element system of bodies of control and coordination of society is built on the basis of principles. These initial provisions actually determine the effectiveness of state authorities. These include the principles of democratism, the separation of powers that was mentioned earlier, and the unity of the system. The last category says that without exception, all bodies are interconnected and controlled by each other, with the exception of the judicial unit.


In the article we analyzed the concept and types of state bodies, and also got acquainted with their structure. It should be noted that the existing system of coordination and regulation of society and relations in it in the Russian Federation has proved to be quite effective. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in its modernization everywhere, so that power in the state acts even more efficiently.


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