Game League of Legends: Karma Guide. Guide to the hero Karma (Karma): description, features of the passage and recommendations

The selection of heroes in MOVA League of Legends is wide enough so that everyone can find their favorite and most comfortable character. Today we’ll talk about one not the most popular champion - Karma. Hyde will talk about how this hero can combine the roles of “mid”, “support” and “tank”.

guide karma


Guide to the hero of Karma, we begin with a description of her skills. It is thanks to them that she can combine the most diverse aspects.

  • The Passive Flare Fire skill reduces the rollback of the ultimate skill each time a skill or auto attack is applied. It is thanks to this “abilities” that various combinations of artifacts are possible, leading to the versatile effectiveness of the hero.
  • Q - "Inner flame." In this direction, a magic charge is released, which collides with the first enemy. Deals damage and slows down. If the skill has been strengthened by the ult, then the target takes more damage and slows down even more.
  • W - "Resolve." Binds Karma and the enemy with a magic chain that deals damage. If it was not torn by exceeding the distance, then it rivets the enemy to the ground. The enhanced version does more damage and can heal from 40% health if you don't break the connection.
  • E - "Inspiration". Creates a shield on an allied character that absorbs damage and increases movement speed. Under the ult, a shield is placed on all allies. This is the main skill of the hero Karma. The support guide will be based on it.
  • R is the Mantra. The main feature of the character Karma (guide, season 6) is that the ultimate is available from the first level. At 6 and subsequent levels, you only reduce its rollback. When activated, it allows you to use an enhanced version of a subsequent skill. We have already mentioned the effects of each skill.

karma guide

Spells and Runes

The main weakness of Karma is the lack of any escapes. Yes, the hero has a powerful shield, but he is not always able to protect the hero, especially on the early ganks. Therefore, we immediately take the Leap to the hero. It has a small range, but still it's better than nothing.

There are options with the second spell. "Healing" is well suited to support. Also "Exhaustion". To finish off opponents and minions, you can take "Ignition".

As runes, the standard version is usually used. Enhancement of one's own defense, strength of skills and penetration of magic def. Regardless of the role you choose, you can use it 100% using this universal layout.


The talent system is unique to League of Legends. The guide to Karma, standing in the center line, is no different from support. Talent points in this version are distributed according to the principle of 12-18-0.

In the Ferocity column, take “Witchcraft,” then “Manifestation of weakness.” Many guides recommend taking “Pir” for the center line, but recovering 20 health, compared to the “Resolve” skill, is negligible. Then take “Vampirism” or “Congenital Talent”. We recommend the second option for the same reason as in the previous case. We close the branch with the “Persecutor” talent.

karma guide season 6

What else does a hero like Karma need? Hyde (Karma-guide) clearly hints at the role of the skill-caster. Based on this, pump the second column. Ferocity, Stash, and Merciless. Further options are possible. Playing support on the line with an ally, it would be better to take the “Bandit”, there is little gold. If money is not so important to you, you can safely take the "Dangerous Game". Now you can take "Intellect". Since the best effects have enhanced skill options, it’s important for Karma to reduce the rollback of the ultimate as much as possible. In the end, we take the standard for all magicians "Order of the Thunder Lord".

Mid assembly

You can start a match in different ways. Much will depend on which opponent comes up against you on the line. This is what our guide will come from. Karma is a champion magician, so the Doran Ring will be most effective. But further options will vary depending on the style of the game.

The next three artifacts are worth collecting anyway. They are the most versatile and suitable for Karma due to the large number of attacking characteristics.

  • "Sorcerer's Shoes" will give speed and penetration of magical protection.
  • Rabadon's Deathcap is the embodiment of attacking power for any mage. 120 AR and 35% increased skills.
  • "Staff of the Abyss" - this is another 80 AP and penetration of magical defense.

The remaining three slots can be filled as you wish and depending on the situation prevailing in the match. The following artifacts are best suited:

  • In many assemblies, Zhonya's Hourglass will fit well. They will give the character physical defense and attack power. In addition, reduce the rollback of skills.
  • Another good artifact is the Rylai Crystal Scepter. He will add 500 health points and 100 AP to you.
  • If you have successfully and quickly gone farm, you can collect the "Rod of Ages." The faster you collect it, the more bonuses you will receive at the end of the match.
  • A good help can be the "Staff of the Archangel." After improving it in Embrace of the Seraph, you will have a second shield.
  • Athena's “Unholy Grail” will reduce the rollback of skills. In addition, it will increase the effectiveness of your shields.
  • Luden's Echo will increase damage, and its passive ability will work effectively with the Inner Flame skill.
  • Morellonomicon provides mana and magic damage. Works well in tune with Seraph's Embrace.

league of legends karma guide


We should also mention the artifact "Liandry's Torment". When using skills, he imposes a debuff on the enemy, taking 6% of his health in 3 seconds (slowed enemies take 2 times more damage). This item becomes very powerful when used with Luden's Echo. Accumulate 100 Echo charges. After that, use the ultimate and attack with the "Inner Flame" of any enemy hero in the crowd. The skill will cause damage and slow down the four opponents, and then apply a debuff on Torment on everyone and remove another 12% of maximum health.


Since we have already described the operation of the main useful artifacts, adding the missing ones is all that our guide should do. Karma, playing the role of support, can collect some other items.

It’s better to start with the Magic Thief Blade. In fact, he will steal magic, and will add gold to you if you stand in line with a partner.

When playing for support, you need to get the "Sight Stone" as soon as possible. Later, you can combine it with the Blade ... and create the Eye of the Watchers. Then you will have to purchase two more artifacts needed for support.

  1. "Locket of the Iron Solari." It will increase the magic resistance of surrounding allies.
  2. The Zika Messenger will allow you to briefly strengthen the specified ally, however its use will require some skill in both characters.

The rest of the artifacts may be the same as the mid-artifact. The combination of "Liandry's Torment" and "Luden's Echo" even with low AR indicators will cause a lot of damage. Alternatively, you can use the Mejai Soul Eater. A cheap artifact that any support can collect with minimal farming. However, with an accurate game and a large number of support in battles, you can score up to 145 AP.

guide to the hero karma


Another build that the guide should mention. Karma is a very versatile character. This build was proposed by one of the players and may well be tested against a not very strong enemy.

Let's start with talents and take 0-18-12. In the first branch we take - "Ferocity", "Assassin", "Dangerous game", "Intelligence" and Blessing of the wind. "In the second -" Persistence "," Tough skin "," Runic armor "," Perseverance ". All this will allow dramatically increase the karma survival.


Take “Ninja Tabi” as your boots — a physical “def” and damage reduction. Then take Spirit Visage, Thornmail and Hextech Gunblade. All of these items will give a huge amount of protection, health regeneration and damage reflection.

After that, you can collect the "Ginsu Rageblade". It allows you to inflict additional damage with each automatic attack, which means it quickly rolls back the restoration of the ult.

karma guide karma guide

And last, collect the Sunfire Cape. She will give health and physical protection (even more reflection of damage). In addition, the damage aura will heal the hero with the Hextech Gunblade.

On this you can finish the guide. Karma is a character who, although not popular, can do wonders on the battlefield with skillful hands.


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