Chaos Indivisible: description, features

Chaos Indivisible is a concept used by adherents of the Dark Gods in the technophantasy universe of Warhammer 40,000. Adepts venerate the Destructive Forces as a whole. More details will be discussed in the article.


For centuries, the senses of sentient beings slipped into Warp, where thoughts and emotions took shape, and merged in streams into a turbulent river, giving birth to entities called gods or demons.

The parallel dimension has many names: Sea of ​​Souls, Eternal Ocean, Empyreus or Kingdom of Chaos.

chaos indivisible warhammer


Clots of dark matter, of which the Lord of the Blood Slaughter first appeared, accumulated before the appearance of man, and the appearance and consciousness formed in the Bronze Age of the Earth (Ancient Terra).

The oldest representative of the Chaos of the Indivisible in Warhammer 40,000 appreciates military prowess and honor, patronizes rage and aggression. Warriors venerate the Lord with merciless battles and the sound of blades. Khorn’s throne rises on a mountain of skulls surrounded by a bloody river - the offerings of the champions.

Color is red; sacred number - eight; symbol - ornate rune, similar to the figure of eight. The battle cry of the followers reflects an unquenchable thirst for extermination: “Blood to the God of Blood, Skulls for the Throne of Skulls!”

Khorn chaos indivisible warhammer

He hates sorcerers, because he doesn’t get along with the Lord of Changes, he feuds with Slaanesh because of the opposite types of energy supply: suffering versus pleasures.

The Legionnaires from the World Eaters received a blessing at the end of the Heresy and turned into the Khorn Berserkers, the primarch Angron ascended to the demon prince, and the first captain Kharn became immune to the pain and magic of the Blood God Champion.


The Lord of disease and death is awakened by the second. An aspect of the Chaos of the Indivisible in Warhammer 40K represents decay and draws strength from fear of death.

The holy disease of the Destroyer poisons the body and soul: the victim has to choose between the death or acceptance of the gifts of Grandfather Nurgle.

The color is poisonous green, the sacred number is seven, the symbol is three circles lined up in a pyramid. The opposite is Tzinch, as hopes for the best feed him. The followers are mobile and cheerful, joyfully greeted with painful troubles.

sign of chaos indivisible

Legionnaires of the "Death Guard" fell into the trap of the Master of Mora and turned into a horde of bloated immortal zombies, spreading painful troubles throughout the Galaxy. Primarch Mortarion became the demon prince.


The wildest of the Pantheon of Chaos of the Indivisible in “Warhammer 40,000” is awakened by the third because of the pursuit of a better and thirst for knowledge: a weak hope can ignite the flame of change that will sweep the country, the world or the Galaxy.

Changing Paths - the greatest magician in Warp, patronizes wizards and gives pets the ability to conjure.

The conspiracy architect in the Galaxy is making changes to the intrigues of mortals: the goals of the Lord of Changes are known only to him, and the combinations are contradictory and extend far into the future.

The color is blue, the sacred number is nine, the symbol consists of bends and dots, indicating changes and outcome. Tzinch welcomes the pursuit of knowledge: not indifferent to scientists, philosophers and artists - the elect receive magical power and the ability to predict the future.

chaos indivisible warhammer 40k tzinch

Those who hate him receive a blessing, as happened with Isaac Ahriman from The Thousand Sons. Eager to comprehend Tzincha fanatics are gifted with mutations.

Magnus the Red became the demon prince of the Changing Path.


The birth of the deity of lust was led by the Cults of Permissiveness, which swept the Eldar empire. The energy of sexual pleasure has accumulated in Warp for centuries and led to the birth of Slaanesh.

God does not have sex, but before some he appears in the form of a man, and before others - women, likening the concept of original sin. The name from the dark language is translated as “The one who thirsts”, and not “The one that thirsts,” because the Eldar consider the essence of a woman.

The cry of the newborn deity broke through the barrier between the worlds, and the energy of the Eternal Ocean spilled out into reality, forming a storm called the Eye of Terror. The anomaly spans thousands of worlds that previously belonged to the Eldarams.

Neutral to other deities. The color is purple, the sacred number is six, the symbol is the combined sign of the male and female principles. Those afflicted with Slaaneshite corruption take pleasure in everything that previously hurt and disgusted.

Goddess Slaanesh Chaos Indivisible

In Graham McNeill’s novel Fulgrim, the children of the Emperor were trapped in their quest for excellence. The body of Fulgrim was captured by a demon, who was subsequently expelled by him. The primarch was reborn into a serpentine creature, and after the siege of Terra he received his own world in the Eye of Terror, where pleasures do not stop.


Chaos Indivisible is a kind of pantheon unity philosophy, despite the controversy and constant rivalry of the Dark Gods. Each deity has champions, exalted from troops loyal to the Emperor. But there are adherents who venerate the Four as a single god.

The Heresy of Horus is an example of a joint appearance of the Destructive Forces contrary to the nature of the Chaos of the Indivisible in "Warhammer 40,000."

chaos indivisible warhammer 40,000

Blessings vary: supernatural abilities or ascension to the rank of demon, mutations or predictions of the future, immunity to pain, or eternal ecstasy.

The relationship of the characters to the gods is described in Aaron Dembsky-Bowden's novel "The Black Legion":

  • Iskandar Hayon of The Thousand Sons considers the gods to be foolish entities who hate everyone. Compares with natural disasters, which are reflected in the warp by people's emotions.
  • Leorwin Ukris of The World Eaters calls the Force unreasonable and unable to show emotion.
  • The Iliaster from the "Guard of Death" sees the Gods as good: when communicating, it is necessary to understand his goals and the ability to see good even in disgusting gifts.
  • The destructive Forces in the eyes of Telemahon Liras from "Children of the Emperor" are distant exalted beings.
  • Coming from the “Bearers of the Word,” Sargon Eregesh proclaims the Gods as the arbiters of fate, granting what everyone deserves. The purpose of existence is to unleash the potential that the gods saw in the individual.

The Lord of Humanity proclaimed the absence of Essences in order to lead people away from Warp and weaken the influence of deities on the material universe. The Concerned Four Quartered a united front against the Emperor.

The Word Bearers

Keepers of Death - Legion XVII: Word Bearers:

The Four Great is favorable to us - Demons in our ranks rage. The drums beat, the banners fly, the Word Bearers sowed fear.

No one was so fanatically devoted to the Emperor as the XVII legion, and no one's hatred can be compared with them. These are the architects of the Heresy of Horus and the events in the Isstvan system.

After the assault on Terra, Lorgar received the blessing of the four gods and the demonic ascension, his cry spread to the far corners of the Galaxy.

After the Heresy, the demon primarch retired to the Temple Templum Inficio on Sicarius, where for thousands of years he has been meditating and learning the secrets of the Universe. Interrupting the voluntary imprisonment of Lorgar is prohibited.

chaos indivisible in English bearing the Word

Under the direction of the Council of the Dark Apostles, the "Word Bearers" honor the gods as a whole, for which they received the favor of the Four.

"Sons of Horus"

Graham McNill, "Vengeful Spirit":

The sons of Lorgar call their bearers of the two lights of Gal Vorbak. Ours will become lupers, Brothers of the Wolf.

After healing on Davin, the Warrior took the side of the Forces with the goal of destroying the Emperor and suppressing attempts to become a deity.

The primarch was categorical about the manifestations of Warp and did not allow the thought of worship. In search of divine power, he entered the portal on Molekha and entered the fray with the pantheon. The exhausted and aged Horus Lupercal returned from the fault, for which eternity has passed. The paratroopers counted out only six seconds of absence.

In John French's novel Slaves of Darkness. Chaos Undivided ”(in English Slaves to Darkness. Chaos Undivided) says that Horus’s identity was divided: the part that received the Gods returned, the resisting shard stayed in Warp, continuing attempts to crush the Four.

chaos indivisible translation chorus

Malogharst Krivoy set off to the intangible dimension, who did not convince the primarch, risked to kill, and died from a blow with a military claw (but he eliminated a particle of the Master of War). Before his death, the first captain said: "Lupercal fell - Horus rises."

The Warrior considered himself the ruler of Chaos until the last, until he was wounded by the Emperor. When the obsession faded for a while, he admitted mistakes and in tears asked to kill him. At this time, Four strengthened their grip and pumped maximum energy into the chosen ones.

The blessing of the Gods helped Horus inflict a mortal wound on the Lord of Mankind.

The Black Legion

Aaron Dembsky-Bowden, "Claw of Horus":

Shamed with a shadow, transformed, in black and gold, reborn.

The new War Master Ezekiel Abaddon did not accept the pantheon, despite the appeals of the Four. Over the course of thirteen Black Campaigns, destructive forces betrayed him, but crawled again, begging to accept the blessing.

The warlords of various warbands used dark pacts with the inhabitants of Warp to increase power, Abaddon went his own way. It is not known how he received the blessing, but the Forces elected the Reaver as a champion and presented him with the Mark of the Rising Star - a sign of the Chaos of the Indivisible, due to which the carrier will forever be reborn until it reaches the goal. Killed on Cadia with the blade of St. Celestine.

chaos indivisible warhammer 40k Black Legion

According to the latest news, the release of Abaddon's miniature in the form of a primaris is planned: the Champion of Chaos of the Indivisible is back - the label is working.

"Iron Warriors"

Battle Cry of the IV Legion:

Iron outside, iron inside!

They remained in the imperial annals as a garrison legion: they were constantly divided to help others, organize defense lines and trench wars.

The constant confrontation with Rogal Dorn (masters of the siege against geniuses of defense) played a role in the choice of the parties: when the primarch of the Imperial Fists ordered Chorus to answer and advance to Isstvan V, Perturabo took the side of the Warrior and received the Hammer Destroyer hammer as a reward.

champion of chaos indivisible perturabo

The Legion is not seen in worship of Chaos before Heresy and in time. Nevertheless, the primarch ascended to the demon prince, occupied the technoworld Medrengard and turned it into a giant fortress, in the bowels of which demonic machines are forged.

Famous servants of the gods

The manifestation of entities in the material world is a sign of interest in the aspects of Chaos of the Indivisible. In the story of Aaron Dembsky-Bowden “Aurelian. The Eye Looks In Response »Lorgar accompanies Ingefel, the herald of the Primordial Truth, on a pilgrimage.

To test the “Beloved of the Four”, An'ggrat the Unstoppable appeared, the strongest of the bloodthirsty of Khorn, and Kairos the Fate of Battles, the oracle of Tzincha.

Kairos Fatesbinder

Another minister in Warhammer 40,000 is Changeling, a demon swindler of the Lord of Changes, able to change his appearance. He stole the Apples of Knowledge from the Slaanesh possessions and left to rot in the Nurgle Gardens, quarreling both. While they fought, he stole the collars of the Khorn hounds and smelted out the pictures of the defeats of the God of War.

The scoundrel cut the hair from Slaanesh’s head to make the cloak of the mortal champion Tzincha, stole the keys to the gates of the fortress of Khorn, forcing the latter to break the house.

Tzinch’s intrigues are easily guessed, but the Architect of Destinies is not worried: he welcomes the violation of the borders of the kingdom. Only lords of change can go through the Tzincha Labyrinth to the Tower of the Impossible, the rest are lost without a trace, which pleases the Changing Path.

Malal and the "Sons of Anger"

Some fans are of the opinion that there are five gods. In the late 80s, a concept of essence was created, personifying anarchism and negation, the followers of which are fighting against the Four, the Imperium and even against each other. According to the teachings of the Malalites, the deity denies the existence of himself.

Malal is the apostate god who left Warp (or exiled) to destroy the adherents of the pantheon. The colors are black and white, the number is eleven, the symbol is a skull, one side of which is black, the other is white.

Legions did not fall under the banner of the renegade god: White Dwarf 281 and 303 mentioned the Order of the “Sons of Anger” discovered by the “Sisters of the Battle” during the 13th Black Campaign of Abaddon.

A mouse hiding from a cat or an office employee, doomed to endure a petty tyrant because of a difficult life situation, feed Malala equally.

Malal chaos indivisible warhammer

The technical side of the issue is much simpler: the essence was invented for the publication of Citadel (pre-White Dwarf) in 1986 by John Wagner and Alan Grant. The setting was based in the Warhammer Fantasy universe, where the main character was Caleb Daark. Artists left for DC Comics and took away the copyright.

However, in 1999–2002, the third edition of the Chaos Space Marines codex was released, describing the Sons of Anger warband with the leader Ba'Kel Draak (anagram names Caleb Daark). This is where the mention of Malala ends.

It occurs in fan fiction and non-canonical releases like the video below.


In the books of the Horus Heresy series, the concept of Chaos of the Indivisible is traced. Some have not yet been translated, but the series has been completed: on February 23, 2019, the 54th book “Buried Dagger” by James Swallow was published. The cycle comes to an end, it remains to wait for Russian-language publications or read the original in English.


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