Antifa is a movement against fascism. But is it that simple?

Technical progress, the development of various fields of activity, an increase in the general culture - all this is observed during the development of the modern world. However, that is not all. Within the framework of the emergence of organizations and currents, those arise or are renewed that set as their goal to permanently eradicate certain categories, in the opinion of their representatives, that destructively affect society. One of these movements is antifa - an international community that aims to combat any manifestation of fascism.

History of occurrence

Antifa is a subculture whose full name is “anti-fascism”, uniting representatives of the left and left-wing radical party sectors, as well as independent groups and organizations that eradicate racism and neo-Nazism.

This concept first appeared in Italy since Mussolini. The term “antifa”, “against fascism”, denoted the opponents of the military leader and dictator, the system imposed by him.

Since 1923, a similar association existed in Germany. Its members belonged to the Communist Party of Germany during the Weimar Republic, but later the anti-fascist movement also attracted socialists. Be that as it may, neither one nor the other were revolutionaries, and did not fight against fascism as such, but denied it in terms of future progressiveness and advocated the ideals of the Weimar Republic. When the country was headed by A. Hitler, the term was forgotten, used extremely rarely and was associated with the resistance of the Communists.

antifa is

Antifa is a controversial policy in the USSR

Yes, anti-fascism existed in the Soviet Union as part of the struggle against the invaders during the Second World War, and, therefore, the Great Patriotic War. So, many prisoners underwent training and conversion courses in antifa forcibly, became communists, such as, for example, a prisoner of war from Hungary Pal Maleter.

However, the actions of the leadership of the USSR were not consistent, which was skillfully used by Hitler and Nazi Germany as a debunking of the whole movement. Thus, the Soviet Union returned hundreds of political emigrant communists back to their native country, where they were not expected anything but torture, torture and death.

Modern movement

Today, antifa is organizations, associations and communities that have as their main task the eradication of any fascist tendencies, which include fascism, Nazism, racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, chauvinism and everything that can be attributed to discrimination. Sometimes representatives of this trend even oppose capitalism.

The idea of ​​antifa is especially developed in European countries, where the “left” ideology as a whole is more firmly rooted than in Russia. Anti-fascists interfere with neo-Nazi marches, disrupt their actions. In general, it can be said that representatives of these opposing movements often go away from the problems that they would seem to be dealing with and go to war directly with each other, and often this ends in blood.

antifa subculture

So, 2009 can be marked as tragic for the entire Russian anti-fascist movement, because it was then that journalist Anastasia Baburova, lawyer Stanislav Markelov and activist Ivan Khutorskaya , nicknamed Kostolom, were killed. Each of them was a representative of the antifa association. These cases are just a drop in the ocean, and to one and the other, the current reacts with aggression in response to aggression, and violence creates violence. So, despite the denial of anti-fascists, there is death on their account - in the fall of 2012, student Alexander Dudin, who supported nationalist views, received a stab in the stomach during a small skirmish. They did not manage to take him to the hospital, and he died in an ambulance.

On youth slang, opponents of anti-fascists are called bonds - these are ultra-right, radical nationalists, followers of the so-called. bonism. Previously, it was easy to identify them - they included skinhead skinheads in berets, but today these distinctive features are mixed with others and, in general, have partially disappeared. Bons, in turn, call anti-fascists mongrel.

Antifa in Russia

In our country, anti-fascists are people of the most diverse political and ideological views, united by the main common idea. Today, antifa are communists, socialists, anarchists, liberals, and even those who are distant and in no way connected with politics; skinheads, rappers, punks and other subcultural youth associations. All of them, as a rule, exist in separate autonomous groups that promote and develop movement based on their own means and capabilities - they draw graffiti on the walls and hang up educational posters, disseminate information on the Internet or act in line with full-fledged planned actions. Is the antifa movement replenished? Moscow, which initially consisted of a much smaller number of representatives of this movement, is now concentrating on its territory thousands of anti-fascists, and this figure is only continuing to grow.

antifa against


The main attribute of the antifa is the red and black flags, which the activists adopted from the "Antifascist action" - the movement of the Second World War, which was an integral part of the German Front.

antifa in Russia

Sites, newspapers and other resources for anti-fascists

Antifa Moscow

To date, the resource base of anti-fascists is quite developed. So, there are specialized pages on social networks devoted to the introduction to the essence of the movement, anarchist sites that also consider this topic, and various Samizdat periodicals, magazines and newspapers.


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