Outdoor games in the camp: several options

Summer holidays for children - it's time to be unforgettable! Many parents try to send their offspring away from the city, to nature, so that fresh air, bathing in ponds, sunbaths harden the children’s health.

But we should not forget about another important side of the holidays - the development of a growing personality. Therefore, it is best to send children to places where they will not be left to their own devices, where experienced teachers will be with them. The best option for such a holiday is a summer children's camp.

games in the camp
Ah, summer, ah, children's camp! How many memories an adult remembers about this wonderful time! The Horror stories, told at night in a dark room, chilled blood ... And how fun the games in the camp were!

For example, "Stander." What does this word mean, no one knows. It has been suggested that the name goes back to the German phrase “Stand hier!” ("Stand here!"). But whether it is so or not is by no means important. The main thing in this game is that any number of people can take part in it, and only the ball is needed from the attributes.

The options for this game in the camp are many, but there is the most common. The driver throws the ball up and shouts: "Stander, (name of any player)!" Everyone runs away, and the named one has to catch the ball. If the ball is caught without hitting the ground, the player “throws” the move - again he shouts out the main phrase and calls another participant.

games with children in the camp
When the ball hits the ground, the one who is named "drives." He chooses one of those who are closest to him and tries to hit him with the ball. If this succeeds, throw the ball up and shout “Stander!” Now it’s necessary to the one whom they “hushed up”.

With the ball, you can organize other games in the camp. For example, “Bonfire” or “Cauldron”. This is a kind of volleyball, only this game is not a team. The one who missed the ball sits in a circle in the "cauldron". Players can “jam” with the blows of those sitting in a circle. But if in the "cauldron" someone manages to catch the ball before it touches the ground, everyone is "saved" - they stand again in a circle. The culprit who made an unsuccessful blow is seated in the "cauldron".

Outdoor games in the camp are both physical education and the development of the most important life skill - the ability to act in a team. Those used to be the war games Zarnitsa, Chapaevtsi, Rangers, and Cossack Robbers. Today, such games are also often held. They require training, adult participation, these are mainly large-scale events.

outdoor games in the camp
Such games in the camp involve the participation of two or more teams that have their own symbol - most often a certain color. The main attribute of the game is also stipulated, for example, a flag or a symbolic figure, a casket with a report or some other item.

The organizers of the game carefully hide it during the sleep of children. In the morning at the general meeting, the conditions of this game with the children in the camp are announced. This can be searching for an attribute by notes, competitions of the “Funny Starts” type, or searching on a map using azimuth.

Another version of this event may resemble the good old “Cossack robbers,” when one team hides, putting arrow icons, and the other follows the trail and searches for them.

Winners must be expected to receive sweet prizes. However, it should be remembered that the main thing is not victory, but participation. Therefore, those who did not smile at luck this time should be rewarded.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2084/

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