Dembel is freedom!

From military jargon, few words are usually transferred to the civil vocabulary, but the word "demobilization" both arrived and was delayed. Demobilization is an adult. It sounds almost as serious as mobilization.

demobilization is
And the demobilization is simple, domestic. This term is the sweetest word in the army and the most long-awaited event!

From the history of the term

A good word, but, as it turned out, alarming. If you roll it on a computer program that shows the emotional characteristics of the sound of certain words, then there will be anxiety, caution, and fear of the future that will come outside the walls of the barracks. When the whole measure of responsibility for life will no longer lie on the father-commander, but on the soldier personally. Dembel is sometimes the Wells Green Door, not just a chord and an album.
It is interesting that the popular song “Dembel”, with an emphasis on the last syllable, put a completely different emotional emphasis, emphasizing the atmosphere of hop and permissiveness. What does a permutation of stress, however.
But all these emotional characteristics concern only those soldiers who did not serve in hot spots. They have a demobilization - this is the stage of initiation, growing up. And for those who served, this is something completely different.

Dembel and surroundings

Dembel, as they say, alone do not go. They always have a demobilization album, and they go under a demobilization chord. For them, the demobilization is an occasion to walk in his village with a gogol and boast a brilliant appearance, straightening and freshly muscled muscles.

soldiers demobilization

In fact, universal military duty for a vast country has long been without exaggeration a blessing. It was possible to finish up a soldier if they hadn’t finished it in a rural school, to feed him, if they didn’t feed him in the city, and, most importantly, to redo it.
The spiritual bonds of the state in those days were forged there, in the barracks, where the guys from Belarus fraternized with the boys from the banks of the Amur.
There was a feeling of a country that feeds, grows, and cares, and the largest and brother of the Kalmyk steppes are your friend, and our army is the strongest in the world, and after the demobilization you are dear to you. Here the demobilization is also the stage of obtaining the status of a citizen.
This sensation was diligently killed by the Afghan war and post-perestroika hazing.

Afghan demobilization and demobilization today

It is unlikely that the guys in Afghanistan counted the days before the demobilization. Most likely, they counted the minutes before dawn. Dembel was turning into something like a holy grail, bright and possibly inaccessible never.

days to demobilization

He was still advancing. He gave relief, but did not give joy. The war is lost. The moment of a bright transition from youth to adulthood gave way to the moment of the return of the weary vanquished to a hostile reality.
Today demobilization is an element of reality given to us in television series. He fell out of almost daily everyday perception, but everyone knows what it is, after watching any TV channel for a couple of days. So no matter how cute and promising young soldiers are, a demobilization for girls is not a reason to get to know each other, but an occasion to switch the channel.
Although it is possible that everything will change.


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