DIY BJD dolls: sizes, photos

BJD dolls are hinged dolls. Most of these toys are made in Japan, Korea and China. These dolls are made of polyurethane polymer. One of the distinguishing features is the ability to stand without support and support. Thanks to the articulated base on rubber cords, BJD dolls are able to take almost any human pose. Hinges are not only in the knees, elbows and waist, but also in the wrists, ankles, neck, and often even in the fingers of toys.

bjd dolls


BJD dolls have a thousand-year history. There is a description of the feasts of the patricians, which were attended by similar toys made of silver. In the Middle Ages, this fun reached even southern France - dolls from 20 to 60 centimeters in size were popular there.

The modern doll BZD is known since the 1990s. It was then that the boom in BJD dolls began in Japan. The dimensions of the first series are 1/6, which corresponds to the growth of the standard Barbie. Subsequently, dolls with a height of 57 centimeters were released.

Doll sizes

Currently, this toy is produced not only in Asian countries, but also in the United States. According to their height, dolls are divided into four types:

  • Tiny - includes pupae up to 25 centimeters.
  • Mini - growth from 40 to 45 centimeters.
  • Super - such dolls reach a height of 52-70 centimeters.
  • Non-standard. These toys are only gaining popularity: their growth can reach 90 centimeters, which at the moment is a record for dolls of the BZD series.


do-it-yourself bjd dolls

In addition to sizes, dolls are divided according to configuration. True fans of BJD-dolls prefer the first option in order to be able to independently make the doll a face, giving it the character that is needed for the collection or impresses the owner himself.

  • Nud is a basic toy kit. Fully assembled body and head, but without hair, clothes, makeup. Sometimes even without eyes. All necessary parts can either be made by yourself, or ordered at an additional cost.
  • Fullset - a doll in a complete set. That is, with hair, eyes, with makeup, dressed and shod.
  • Limited Edition - a limited edition with a limit. The toy in this case has all the necessary accessories, clothes. Such a kit is often ordered a replacement head with eyes closed - a sleeping option.


bjd dolls pics

Although BJD-dolls are not produced for children, but for adult collectors, these are not the toys that are put on the shelf and silently admired by them. Belarusian Railways are play dolls. The owners of these kids come up with a story for each of their toys, take pictures of it at various moments of their "life", sometimes they even take off small tapes. Most of the BZD dolls have the appearance of anime - incredibly long legs and very large eyes.

The companies that produce these toys give collectors the opportunity to assemble their dream dolls - they sell body parts separately. At the same time, the components of different manufacturers often fit together, which gives greater scope for creativity. In this case, it is not necessary to adhere only to the “human” image. BZD dolls can be elves, fairies, and angels, and even unicorns or fairy creatures with hooves instead of legs. All components can not only be purchased ready-made, but also ordered individually.


how to make a bjd doll

BJD dolls, photos of which are often found on the Internet, are sold in many online stores. There are special sites dedicated to these creatures. As already mentioned, there are several types of these dolls, each of which has its own price. So, a naked doll of the smallest size will cost about $ 100. For the same kit, but the size is "super", you have to pay up to 700 US dollars. If you buy dolls of a limited edition, the price for them has virtually no limits - it all depends on the size, accessories, brand of clothing and other details. The simplest doll of this configuration will cost from a thousand dollars.

Home manufacture

Knowing the value of the doll, many decide to make BJD dolls with their own hands. However, it’s not only the high price that can make you resort to this method of obtaining a toy - often fans want to personally take part in creating the dolls of their dreams, putting love in it and giving it exactly those features that they want to see in a new member of the collection.

bjd doll sizes

Before you make a BJD-doll with your own hands, you need to study various master classes on this topic and acquire the necessary materials of good quality. In addition, you must have some skills as a sculptor and makeup artist. However, you can learn the latter from your own experience, for this it is enough to stock up with a large amount of material for the dolls so that it is possible to remake individual details.

The initial stage of creating any toy is a drawing. It is necessary not only to draw a doll, but also to draw where and how the hinges will be located. As you create body parts from the polymer, you need to compare them with the existing pattern, so as not to get an asymmetric and not anatomical doll.

After the main form is ready, it must be filed and grinded, giving it exactly the form that is needed. In this way, even the veins on the fingers can be carved. After final shaping, the doll is painted and coated with matte varnish. In a special way they connect the hinges, fastening them inside with a system of rubber bands. The ability of the toy to hold poses will depend on the elastic tension.

Lastly, the doll is glued hair. The choice of wigs and tress for a doll hairstyle in our time is very large - you can purchase natural or artificial curls. The choice depends only on the desire and capabilities of the master. The shape of the hairstyle depends only on the nature of the resulting doll. However, many people prefer to make the doll several wigs and change them according to their mood.

The main thing - before making a BJD doll, you need to soberly assess your strengths. If the knowledge, experience and desire to independently fashion a little joy is not enough, it is better not to experiment and turn to specialists.

Clothes and accessories

You can buy in stores not only ready-made dolls, but also any accessories and clothes for them. True, the price of doll clothes is not too different from the average price of similar clothes for an adult. For example. walking trousers for Belarusian Railways can cost about 1.5 thousand rubles, leather boots - up to 2-3 thousand, and jewelry is not at all inferior to the "large" counterparts in price.

how to make a bjd doll do it yourself

In addition to shoes and clothes, you can purchase false "elven" ears, removable legs, hooves, various head options. You can even buy organs responsible for the sex of the doll.

On special sites and forums, owners of Belarusian Railways often exchange various parts of dolls, purchase necessary items or sell bored spare parts.

How you get your doll - make it yourself or buy in a store, depends on your desire. Those who have already made the choice in favor of BJD admit: a plastic little man brought a little joy and fantasy into their lives, because any articulated dolls are unearthly creatures living in a fairy tale.


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