Organosilicon enamels: features, scope and cost

Among a wide variety of paints and varnishes, organosilicon enamels and varnishes are distinguished by a number of special properties. Due to their excellent resistance to high and low temperatures, they have gained immense popularity not only in construction, but also in various sectors of the domestic industry. What technical characteristics do these coatings have, how wide are the scope of their application and whether they have drawbacks, we will consider in this article.

Main components

For the manufacture of such compositions, manufacturers use many varieties of organic resins. They form the most dense coating that dries quickly and does not undergo abrasion. Additives in the form of carbomides and ethyl cellulose give the protective layer the necessary hardness (after drying).

As the film-forming substance, polyorganosiloxanes are used. They give coatings resistance to high temperatures, which persists for a long time.

organosilicon enamels

So that organosilicon varnishes, enamels and paints acquire a certain shade, a variety of pigments and fillers are added to them. Today on the market you can find products of both the lightest and darkest tones. The presence in the composition of special hardeners contributes to the long-term preservation of color during the operation of painted surfaces.

Positive and negative features of the material

The positive properties of organosilicon enamels include:

  • high degree of resistance to high and low temperatures;
  • resistance to atmospheric agents;
  • excellent tightness;
  • long service life (more than 15 years);
  • moisture resistance;
  • low consumption;
  • variety of colors;
  • high anticorrosive ability;
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays;
  • low cost;
  • the ability to apply at low and high temperatures (from -20 to +40 degrees) and high humidity.

If we talk about the shortcomings that have varnishes, organosilicon enamels (heat-resistant), then it is worth mentioning the high toxicity of some species. For this reason, work should only be carried out in ventilated rooms, using a respirator.

Scope and varieties of material

Organosilicon enamels are divided into two groups:

  • moderately heat resistant;
  • heat resistant.

The first group is used to paint any external surfaces that are not exposed to strong heat (brick, concrete, stone, plaster and metal). This restriction applies more to colored enamels, which include coloring pigments. This is due to the fact that most of these fillers do not tolerate heating even up to 100 degrees.

silicone enamel Price

Nevertheless, this kind of organosilicon coatings perfectly resists adverse weather conditions, due to which it is actively used in the decoration of facades, protective processing of metal products and other outdoor works.

And heat-resistant organosilicon enamels and varnishes are used as an anti-corrosion coating for surfaces that are exposed to strong heat (up to +500 degrees) and high humidity. Most often they are used for painting furnaces, chimneys, heating boilers, electric motors and fireplaces. Coatings with enhanced hydrophobic properties can be used for the protective treatment of slate and the foundation of buildings.

heat resistant silicone enamels

Products that meet sanitary and food requirements are successfully used for coloring items used for cooking. Such compositions can also be used to treat surfaces inside hospitals, kindergartens and other public spaces.

Features of working with organosilicon compounds

Organosilicon enamels, like any other paintwork, should be applied in accordance with the painting technique. This means that before applying them, you must carefully prepare the base.

silicone enamel varnishes

If metal products are processed, they are cleaned of dirt, residues of old coatings and grease stains. The clean surface is degreased with solvents, and then coated with two layers of primer.

Concrete, brick and plaster can be simply cleaned of debris and dust.

Application of organosilicon compounds

Organosilicon enamels, varnishes and paints are applied in one of the following ways:

  • manually, with brushes and a roller;
  • spray gun;
  • using an airbrush;
  • by completely immersing the item in the coloring composition.

The main rule to remember when working with these materials is that the surface to be treated must be absolutely dry.

silicone enamels, heat-resistant

Metal products, as a rule, are painted in two layers, and the processing of brick, concrete stone and plaster substrates is performed three times. Paint is applied crosswise.

Repeated surface treatment is carried out only after the previous layer has completely dried. For drying some varieties of organosilicon compounds, it is recommended to use special heaters or blowing. The time of their complete drying is two hours.

Consumption and price of organosilicon compounds

In conclusion of the topic, consider how much organosilicon enamel costs. The price of such compositions depends on the area of ​​their application and the reliability of the manufacturer.

Products of domestic brands, intended for outdoor use, cost from 170 rubles per 1 kg. High-temperature enamel (of the same manufacturer) will cost the buyer from 360 rubles for the same volume.

For double processing of external walls usually requires from 170 to 250 grams of paint. This indicator varies depending on the porosity of the material being trimmed.

Heat-resistant enamel is consumed much less, since it is applied to a metal base, which does not absorb paint. In this case (with double treatment), up to 150 grams of protective composition will take for each square meter.


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