How to wash a newborn boy? How often to wash a boy

Parents are often concerned about the proper implementation of hygiene procedures, including bathing, washing and treating the external genitalia of the newborn with powders, creams or oil. The skin of the crumbs is very delicate, in the absence of proper care, it is easily covered with a rash and turns red. If you want to know how to wash a newborn boy, this article is for you. We will outline the rules for caring for the "delicate" area of ​​the crotch of the crumbs, and also talk about the features of hygiene of the foreskin and penis of the newborn boy.

how to wash a newborn boy

How often to wash a boy? General rules for baby skin care

It is known that newborn children need washing. Dressing in clean clothes, as well as changing the diaper or diaper for the baby in the first few months of his life, you will have to very often. At least eight to ten times a day (that is, after each bowel movement) you will need to wash the delicate skin of the crumbs. It is allowed that the child is in one disposable diaper for no more than 3-4 hours, but only if there is no feces. Urine and feces contain various bacteria and enzymes and are considered an aggressive environment for the delicate skin of a child. Getting on his genitals and buttocks, they can cause not only unpleasant sensations. If you do not wash off feces in a timely manner, irritation and inflammation will occur. Therefore, after each bowel movement, it is necessary to change the diaper and clean the baby’s ass. It is extremely important for all young parents to know how to properly wash a newborn boy or girl. The attention of dad and mother to the intimate hygiene of the baby should be vigilant, because the purity of the genitals is the key to the future reproductive health of their child.

how to wash a boy up to a year

"Water" procedures for the baby: how to wash a newborn baby boy?

It is necessary to clean the child’s skin and genitals after a bowel movement or every three to four hours when changing a diaper, under warm running water. Before bathing, you need to prepare everything you need, including cotton pads, a disposable diaper, a towel, baby powder, as well as a special baby cream or oil. How to wash a newborn boy: this must be done under running water above the sink (or bathtub). First you need to turn on the water, and then adjust its pressure and temperature. Remember that the most comfortable is warm, but not hot water (36-38 ° C). Then you should undress the child and put his tummy on the arm. At the same time, his chest should be slightly above the palm. The baby's shoulder must be clamped with the index and middle fingers. Do not be afraid - with such a capture, the child will not slip out. When bathing, a stream of water can be directed from the genitals to the anus or simply to the crumbs of the ass. How to wash a newborn boy: the photo shows the implementation of this procedure.

how often to wash a boy

We use baby soap when washing

Do not use soaps, gels and lotions every time you carry out hygiene procedures. The famous doctor E.O. Komarovsky believes that washing the baby ’s ass with baby soap can be done no more than twice a day. At other times, it is necessary to wash the child simply with tap water, without any means for bathing. Too frequent use of soap can be harmful - to dry the skin, and this will lead to microcracks and damage through which pathogenic bacteria and microbes can easily penetrate. It is also not recommended to use “adult” gels and shampoos for intimate hygiene, as dyes, fragrances and fragrances that can cause a serious allergic reaction are often added to their composition.

Finish the "bathing" and wipe the baby

After washing off all particles of feces, wrap the baby with a clean diaper or a soft towel. To dry the skin, you need to put the crumbs on your back and use light tangential movements to remove excess moisture in the buttocks, genitals and inguinal folds. You do not need to rub the skin of the baby. After that, you can give the child to lie naked for 5-10 minutes. Remember, air baths are of great benefit. Then you can treat the “delicate” area with a special baby powder or cream and finally put on a diaper.

how to wash a newborn boy

Features of caring for boys. Physiological phimosis

It is important for parents to take into account the physiological characteristics of the genital organs of their crumbs. Newborn boys are born with physiological phimosis, which by three to five years in 90% of cases disappears on its own. It is expressed in the fact that the foreskin is narrowed. And so it prevents the exposure of the head. Inside the foreskin there are sebaceous glands. They produce smegma - a special fat-like secret. If the baby is washed incorrectly and irregularly, bacteria can accumulate under this skin fold. As a result of this, the inflammatory process of the skin of the glans penis may develop. Therefore, it is extremely important to pay close attention to the hygiene of the child. How to wash a boy up to a year? Be sure to take care of the head of the penis. Do not pull or forcefully force the foreskin. No need to check how the head opens. Remember, the penis only needs to be washed gently with warm water! To keep the baby's genitals clean, regular washing and daily bathing are sufficient. If you touch the skin on the penis or try to wash the head, you can seriously harm the baby and provoke the formation of microtraumas that leave scars.

how to wash a newborn baby boy photo

How to wash the foreskin?

If the need arose , the foreskin can be washed gently. How to do it right? Put in a syringe a solution of furatsilina or extericide (10 ml). Pull the skin slightly up without exposing the glans penis. Insert the syringe (without needle) into the slot that appears. Release the fluid under pressure, washing out smegma accumulated between the foreskin and the head. If necessary, this procedure can be repeated two or three times more. Then one or two drops of sterile oil (vegetable or olive) can be dripped into the gap. If you notice that your newborn is experiencing any difficulty with urination, for example, urine is released in a very thin stream, and the child is worried and crying, be sure to contact a specialist. These symptoms may indicate an excessive narrowing of the foreskin. You should also consult a doctor for redness or swelling of the skin on the penis of the boy. Do not try to treat the child yourself - the inflammatory process can spread to the bladder and urethra.

Now you know exactly how to wash a newborn boy, as well as how to care for his genitals correctly. We hope our tips will help you in caring for the baby!


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