Rating braids for spinning. How to choose a braid for spinning?

Recently, fishermen prefer to use braid instead of fishing line, and this choice is not at all surprising. If you need a braid for spinning, how to choose such a product, you can find out by reading the article. The braid is able to withstand an impressive load compared to a fishing line of the same diameter. However, before purchasing, you should know that the cord - also called braid, has one significant drawback, which is expressed in high cost. Despite this, the described product continues to gain popularity among avid fishermen.

The difference in technology, as well as the high cost led to the fact that in the store you can find a low-quality product, and sometimes even attack even fake goods from well-known companies. That is why the issue of choosing the right braid is very acute today. When choosing this equipment for fishing, you must remember that it can carry other names, namely: thread, braided fishing line, as well as those names that were mentioned above. Before making a purchase, you should familiarize yourself with prices, brands, varieties of cords, as well as ways to check them. Today, many use the well-established stereotypes that are used to check the braids. They involve checking the diameter and strength.

Strength Information

spinning braid rating

If you are interested in a braid for spinning, how to choose it, you can understand by reading the information presented below. When it comes to durability, it is important to know that each product is tested for tensile testing. As practice shows, the claimed strength should in fact be reduced by an average of 30%. Thus, if you have a cord in front of you, the strength of which, according to the manufacturer, is 12 kilograms, then in reality it will be able to withstand 8 kilograms. This must be considered before purchasing.

Diameter Information

how to tie a leash to a spinning braid

If you are thinking about which braid is best for spinning, it is important to consider the diameter. Experts argue that this concept is very abstract. It is customary to measure by appearance or by shell. Due to the fact that the diameter is indicated in the instructions, fishermen consider the characteristics of the cords in the same way as they did with traditional monophilic fishing lines. For this reason, a number of manufacturing companies ceased to indicate this characteristic. Today, quite often you can only find strength indicators, which are mentioned in kilograms.

How to choose a cord by structure

At the heart of any braid is the same material, which is made of high-tech polyethylene fibers. All over the world they produce only three plants, among them: Dyneema, Spectra, as well as Kosadaka. The first company is located in Holland, the second in the United States, and the latter in Japan. All manufacturers buy raw materials from these companies, processing the material according to their technologies. These technologies form the basis for the performance characteristics of cords.

Varieties of weaving cords

which braid is better for spinning

If you need a braid for spinning on a pike, it is important to familiarize yourself with the main types of weaving initially. The first option is classic and involves the formation of individual fibers in the thread, which are intertwined with each other and form a thicker thread. The more difficult this weaving is, the stronger the fishing cord will end up. On sale you can find braids, the fibers of which are twisted with effort with each other without the use of weaving. The result is a thread that is significantly inferior in quality in terms of strength and operation. If you do not want to purchase such a cord, then you can identify it by simple twisting.

Multifiber Parallel Braids

pike spinning braid

If you need a braid for spinning, you should read reviews about it before making a purchase. There is a second type of cord weaving, which involves the presence of many parallel fibers. In this case, high-tech polyethylene is woven together or glued together by heat treatment and special substances.

On the market you can find cords that are made using special fiber bonding technologies, but in the end you can get a product superior in quality to ordinary braided cords. If you cannot decide which is better - a fishing line or a braid for spinning, then you should pay attention to the fact that the brazed cords are more rigid in comparison with the fishing line, this reduces the possibility of the formation of beards when throwing the rope. Using this technique, you can increase the sensitivity of the bait at the end of the rod. If we talk about braided cords, then they stretch a little during use.

How to choose a braid for comfort and cost

fishing line or braid for spinning

Considering the rating of braids for spinning, it is worth considering that many experienced fishermen prefer braided cords. This is due to the fact that this option is cheaper. Modern methods of weaving and impregnation make it possible to use the cords more convenient for the fisherman, since not every day it is possible to catch specimens weighing 9 kilograms. If you use a good spinning and reel, then the mentioned figure can be doubled.

Basic tips for choosing braids

spinning braid thickness

Considering the rating of braids for spinning, experts recommend purchasing goods from the same manufacturer from time to time. This will make it easy enough to identify a fake in appearance, but what can I say, even in smell. Before purchasing it is important to inspect the reel with the cord, you need to try to identify irregularities and abrasions in the weave. Experienced fishermen try to detect the color difference between the individual skeins, as well as find adhesions. If such errors were found, then the acquisition should be abandoned. If you are thinking about how to tie a leash to a braid for spinning, then before going to the store you should find out that the cord should have a round cross-section. It is important to abandon flat and flattened options, as they will cause uneven winding on the bobbin, which will cause the formation of beards when casting.

Such products are worn out for a short time after use, and will be sailed during use.

More tips for the fisherman

Special care must be taken in impregnating the cord. If we are talking about low-quality goods, then the impregnation may scatter into the packaging. If it was possible to detect such an error, then it is recommended to refuse the acquisition. It is important to analyze how good the weaving structure is when it comes to twisting. After you arrive home, you need to wet the reel with a braid, and then reel it onto the spool of the reel. The material will be compactly placed on the spool, and you can inspect and check once again the quality of the product.

Rating of inexpensive braids

Considering the rating of braids for spinning, most fishermen, as a rule, pay attention to budget models. Among them can be distinguished Sunline Deep one. This company is well established in the market for relevant products. If you decide to choose the goods of this manufacturer, it is important not to come across a fake. Another manufacturer is known as Salmo Elite Braid. It produces reliable cords that are not confused during operation. It is this qualitative characteristic that makes one incline towards this company. The third manufacturer that has existed in the wicker market for quite some time is Berkley Nanofil. He makes ultra-thin cords that are designed for ultralight.

Positive characteristics of braids of the mentioned manufacturers

If you are interested in the presented rating of braids for spinning, then you will probably want to know even more about the products of these companies. The cords of the mentioned manufacturers are selected by experienced fishermen for the reason that the thread at the base is almost not stretched. This is very useful for fishing with wobblers and stripes over long distances. With the help of such products it will be possible to produce timely cutting at a certain moment. Cords are more stable, which implies a longer life. The product may last for several seasons, and if you use them in accordance with all the rules, the service life will be increased. Braided cords of the mentioned manufacturers are not at all afraid of long-term storage, for this it is not at all necessary to create special conditions. You can put the wicker for 20 years, then use it again for fishing. Another advantage is the lack of memory that braided cords possess. With their help, you can catch without even using swivels.

Additional information on braid thickness

If you decide on what diameter of the braid to choose for spinning, then it is worth considering that this parameter is very relative. Depending on the location of the cut, the product may have a different thickness. If we are talking about an elliptical or flat rope, then it is not at all possible to calculate the diameter in this case. When buying, you can focus solely on those designations of diameters that are indicated on the package. Each manufacturer defines this parameter inherent in the product differently. In this case, the micrometer cannot be used, since the multi-fiber structure does not lend itself to measurements that are suitable for fishing line. It is often used optical technology for determining the value. A number of manufacturers act differently, determining the thickness using special formulas. In them you can find the number of forming inserts. Among other things, in the formulas will be all kinds of coefficients.

spinning braid how to choose

Color selection

Before tying the leash to the spinning braid, you need to think about whether or not the sufficiently bright color of the cord will scare away the prey. Some anglers have recently begun to abandon reflective materials for the reason that they can scare away fish with bright light. According to practice, this factor does not play a special role, and fish pecks on bright braids as well as on ordinary models.


If you are interested in the thickness of the braid for spinning, then you need to take into account that this parameter should be specified in the instructions, but often enough it is not used. It is not possible to independently measure this value. It is important to consider not only the strength characteristics, but also the color of the rope. Experts recommend abandoning the dark tones that most often fade in the sun. In this case, it will be difficult to make out the rope, which reduces the quality of control of the fisherman's wiring.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20854/

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