Types of pigeons: photos and names

Pigeons are one of the most famous species of birds that are found in any city. Each person at least once in his life, walking in the park, saw these beauties. But no one thinks how many species of such beautiful birds exist in the world. In the article we will consider in detail the types of pigeons, photos and names.

Wild birds

For many centuries, people have tried to domesticate pigeons. But to completely do this failed. In the world on almost every continent there are species of wild pigeons and doves, which differ in behavior, appearance and many other features. Let us consider in more detail some of them.

Gray pigeon

species of pigeons

Cesar is one of the most popular and numerous representatives of wild pigeons. The bird has a bluish or light gray color, which is why it got its name. The cesar is very similar to a rocky dove, but has a darker tail. This is its main distinguishing feature.

This breed is common in Europe, Asia and northern Africa. Blue pigeons prefer to live in a mountainous area, but can sometimes be located next to the forest. This species of wild pigeons rarely moves from place to place, as it prefers a settled lifestyle.

Rocky dove

types of pigeons photos and names

Considering the species of wild pigeons (photos and names), you should stay on the rocky, which, as mentioned above, is very similar to sisar. The main difference is the black beak and tail of a light color. In addition, it is smaller in size than the cesar. The habitat of the rocky dove is Altai, the Tien Shan, the mountains of Tibet, the Himalayas. This breed breeds most often in pairs. The remaining qualities of the rocky dove are the same as those of sisar.


species of wild pigeons photos and names

Studying the species of wild pigeons (see photo in the article), you should stay on the clintukh. The plumage of this breed has a bluish color, a neck with a greenish tint, red goiter, the wings are gray-blue, and black stripes on the tail. The habitat of this breed is the north of Kazakhstan, the south of Siberia, Turkey, Africa, China. From cold areas, birds usually fly away to the warm regions for the winter, and in the southern regions they prefer a sedentary lifestyle. They settle in those places where there are large rocky trees (parks, forests).

Crowned Dove

species of wild pigeons photo

Types of wild pigeons in Russia are very diverse, but the crowned pigeon lives only in hot countries, for example, in New Guinea. It settles in the humid forests, in the jungle, in the thickets of mangoes. The pigeon got its name because of the specific crest, which can lower and rise depending on the emotions and mood of the bird. In addition, this breed is the owner of fairly long legs, and in size it is no more than a canary.


types of wild pigeons photo with names

Representatives of this breed are the largest among all wild pigeons. The tail reaches a length of 15 centimeters. Coloring is not very different from a gray and rocky dove. Neck with a bright greenish tint. Vahir is common in Europe and Asia. Prefers to nest in forests or parks. It easily tolerates any climatic conditions.

Meat pigeons

So, we examined the types of wild pigeons, photos with names. Next, we dwell on meat breeds. Residents of the United States and Western Europe appreciated the taste of these birds, and now they are actively displaying meat pigeons.


species of wild pigeons and doves

This is a favorite species of meat pigeons among residents of the United States. They were first brought back in the 19th century. Kingas have a wide fleshy body, developed muscles and a strong skeleton. The plumage of representatives of this breed can be monophonic (black, white, brown) and spotty. Kinges practically do not know how to fly. Perhaps this is due to their large body.

English modena

species of wild pigeons in Russia

Considering the meat species of pigeons with photos and names, you should stay on modena. This species was bred in England. Birds have a muscular, massive body. Their tail is almost vertical. Modena weigh quite a lot (about 1 kg). Because of this, they practically do not fly. As for the plumage, it can be either monophonic or dark with light wings.

Flying pigeons

In addition to taste, people noticed other features in pigeons. For example, some of them are able to return to their usual place. Such birds were called postal birds. But it was soon noticed that each of them has its own special flight style. This group of pigeons is the largest among all. Depending on the manner of flying, they were divided into the following types:

  1. High breed. Such pigeons, flying up into the sky, describe several circles. In flight, they can be from 2 to 10 hours.
  2. Rushing pigeons. They are distinguished by special twists through the wing, which gives the impression that the bird is somersaulting in the air.
  3. Slaughter breed. They take off low, while doing a somersault through the tail, as a result, a click is heard that occurs when the wings hit.
  4. Scooters. Such birds seem to be spinning around their axis, making somersaults through the wing.

Nikolaev pigeons

types of pigeons with photos and names

Considering the flying species of pigeons, it is necessary to note the Nikolaev breed. These birds are the most popular among flying. For the first time they were seen in Ukraine in the city of Nikolaev. Like other representatives of flying pigeons, they have their own peculiarity of flying - they take off and rise up in a straight line, then stop in the air and flutter their wings. Nikolaev pigeons are the owners of very long wings, a small neck and short legs. Their color is gray, black, white, and even yellow and red.

Berlin Short-billed Dove

Berlin Short-billed

This breed belongs to martial pigeons, which in flight make a somersault through the tail and flip wings. Its representatives appeared back in the 19th century in the city of Berlin (hence the name). These pigeons have a small body, a small head, a convex forehead and a short beak. The peculiarity is that their wings hang below the tail. Short-billed pigeons are very active. The plumage of them can be both monophonic and colorful.

German monk

german monk

When studying the flying species of pigeons, special attention should be paid to the German monk. This is an ancient and very beautiful breed. These pigeons appeared in the 17th century. Their homeland is Germany. The peculiarity of birds is that they are able to attract other pigeons, although they themselves fly low. Thanks to this distinguishing feature, they used to be used to steal other people's birds. The German monk is small in size, has a convex forehead and a small beak. Outwardly, it has a specific “hood” on the back of the head.

Carrier pigeons

The fact that pigeons were used as postmen is no secret to anyone. In order to transmit the messages of these birds, the inhabitants of Ancient Rome and Greece used it. In the Middle Ages, only kings could afford to keep carrier pigeons. This type of communication was considered the most reliable and fast. Even during World War II, the amazing ability of carrier pigeons was useful to people in the absence of another connection.

Time has passed and humanity no longer needs the postal services of birds. Now this breed is called sports and use their ability in competitions. Belgium is the world center of this bird sport. It should be noted that the ability of pigeons to navigate the terrain and to overcome long distances is a hereditary feature. Other breeds do not have such a gift.

Belgian carrier pigeon

belgian postal

When considering postal species of pigeons, special attention should be paid to the Belgian. This is the best representative of its breed. He flies very fast and is perfectly oriented in space. "Belgians" have a wide chest, a short tail, a round head. The plumage of them is usually blue, with bright wings.

Belgian carrier pigeons are considered champions. The bird of this breed was sold at the highest price - 328 thousand dollars.

Decorative views of pigeons

The main feature of these birds is their appearance. They have various crests, an unusual length and shape of the wings, growths, a diverse color of plumage and other signs. In addition, birds may have a special body shape or posture. Some species in color of feathers repeat many famous birds (larks, swallows, gulls, bullfinches). Decorative species are bred exclusively for beauty and aesthetic pleasure.

Peacock dove


This type of decorative pigeon is considered the most beautiful. Their feature is a magnificent tail, which is very similar to a peacock. Hence the name of the breed. The plumage of such pigeons is different, but white is considered a classic. No wedding, exhibition or performance is complete without these beautiful birds.



Representatives of this unusual breed are part of a group of warty pigeons. Their main distinguishing feature is the special skin growths around the eyes. In addition, they have a convex forehead and a small beak. The plumage is not only monophonic, there are also unusual colors, for example, yellow or red.

Saxon priest

Saxon priest

Representatives of this breed have a rich feather ornament. They have two crests on their heads and long feathers on their legs. Regardless of the color, the forehead of these pigeons will always be white. The plumage is like a monk's hood. Hence the name of this breed.

Curly dove


This breed got its name because of the unusual curly feathers. By color, they can be monophonic and spotty. These birds are so beautiful that many connoisseurs of bird beauty wish to purchase them.


So, in this article we examined the main types of pigeons, their names, external features, distinguishing features of the flight, and much more. It should be noted that in the world there are a huge number of other unique breeds of pigeons. We settled on only the most popular of them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20861/

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