Grade of phlox Forget-me-not: photo, description, features

With more than 250 years of history, the phlox paniculata horticultural culture has shown great decorative potential. The main areas of selection in Western European nurseries are the creation of variegated varieties, phloxes of the Feelings series with a changed shape and structure of a flower, species with an unusual color of flowers (greenish, yellowish, with strokes and stripes), as well as for indoor cultivation.

Among the huge variety of panicled variety, Phlox Forget-me-not can be distinguished, a photo and description of which will be presented in the article.

Phlox paniculata Forget-me-not

Culture Overview

Phloxes have become quite widespread in Russia since the 1850s. And at the beginning of the 20th century, the first Russian varieties of these flowers appeared in the St. Petersburg Pomological Garden.

Since the 30s of the XX century, many domestic varieties of panicled phlox have been created.

Plant varieties

The presented culture is striking in its originality and beauty. The inflorescence of panicled phlox species can be used both in the improvement of flower beds and in landscape design. By their qualities they surpass many cultivated plants grown by gardeners. Panicled phlox is of the following varieties:

  • Forget-me-not (photo and description later in the article);
  • Red riding is thin;
  • Sherbet cocktail;
  • Blue Paradise
  • Orange perfection;
  • Gzhel;
  • and many others other

There are varieties with female names: Alina, Olenka, Natasha, Tatyana, etc.

Forget-me-not variety in composition

Briefly about the features of panicled phlox

All varieties of this plant variety (including forget-me-not phlox) are considered one of the best cultivated plants used in flower beds from spring to late autumn. This is due to the fact that this culture is not whimsical to environmental conditions and it is quite frost-resistant. Its main advantage is lush and colorful inflorescences with an unusual aroma.

The palette of shades of panicled phlox flowers is surprisingly numerous. They can be purple, scarlet, carmine, dark purple, blue, with rims, with eyes, with dots and spots, with strokes, etc.

And in diameter, the flowers can be very different: from 2.5 cm to 4 cm.

Description of Phlox Forget-Me-Not

The size of the flowers of this panicled variety reaches 4.3 centimeters in diameter, the height of the bush is approximately 70 centimeters. Forget-me-nots flowering period is mid-early.

Phlox Flower Petals Forget-Me-Not

The color of phlox flowers is even, lilac. This variety has an amazing feature - the ability at dusk to change color to a rich blue tint. Petals of hemispherical inflorescences have a rhombic shape. Inflorescences are uniformly filled and very large. A fairly strong bush has strong, compact and well-leafy stems. This spectacular variety blooms for a long time and is well restored after long and heavy rainfall. The plant grows rapidly.

Phlox Forget-me-not - unpretentious and resistant to adverse conditions, a flower that is popular with a large number of gardeners. It amazes with its unique beauty and delicate fragrant aroma. With appropriate and proper care after planting, phlox can delight with lush flowering and surprisingly bright colors throughout the warm season (June-September).

The root system of the Forget-me-not is powerful, perennial, growing in the vertical direction up to 25 centimeters in depth. This variety is not afraid of spring frosts and begins to grow back immediately after complete melting of the snow.

Conditions of detention and care

Prefers this variety, like many other panicled phlox, cool, but sunny places. These plants are difficult to tolerate hot and dry areas. The soil should always be moist, loose and rich in nutrients. You can fertilize it with ordinary manure, it responds well to the introduction of ash into the soil.

Reproduction of Phlox Forget-me-not, like other panicled varieties, is carried out in the spring by dividing the bush or cuttings. The plant is used in well-lit flower beds and garden plots.

phlox in the garden

With the onset of autumn, the plant should be trimmed at a height of 10 centimeters from the ground surface. In one place, phlox can grow up to seven years, so a sufficiently large area should be allocated for them.

Using Phlox Forget-Me-Not in Garden Design

You can buy panicled phlox in any flower and garden store. Using this kind of culture, you can create bright accents in any composition of a personal plot or garden. This plant is an excellent choice for decorating flower beds, both in conjunction with other plantings, and alone.

Forget-me-not surprisingly can make any plant composition light. With many perennials, bright blue phlox bushes will look pretty good.

The neighbors of this variety are wonderful: delphiniums, peonies, daylilies, heliopsis, monards, aconites, nyvyaniks, various cereals, geleniums, blood carnivores, mordovia, blueheads and other perennials or annuals.


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