Short tales for children - the most important educational tool

In the old days, our illiterate, uneducated ancestors could not even imagine how much fairy tales play a significant role in educating the younger generation. However, they noticed that young listeners of magical stories loved their native land more strongly, treated the elders with great respect, and learned to be brave and courageous.

Deep symbolism

Short tales for children are not just magical stories; they contain deep symbolism, a meaning that has its roots in the long past, where the culture and traditions of the people originated. Specialists studying fairy tales say that, perceiving archetypal images, children comprehended complex worldly truths. Indeed, fairy-tale characters never received anything just like that, on the contrary, more often they turned out to be offended, deprived or even sent to certain doom (“Morozko”, “Goat-Dereza”). Russian short fairy tales for children clearly demonstrate how their main characters overcame all obstacles, sometimes with the help of supernatural assistants, and in the final invariably became happy, to spite all enemies. Having learned the information received, the child understood that love, honor, wealth should be earned. To do this, you need to be courageous, kind, brave, worthy to deal with difficulties and help those who are weaker.

short tales for children

The most important means of education

Everything that short tales for children give to children must be supported by actions. No child wants to be similar to Baba Yaga or the Serpent Gorynych. Everyone prefers Ivan Tsarevich, Emelya, Russian heroes and other goodies. That is why children and compare their actions with how good characters act. On fairy stories, children learn to distinguish between evil and good, to maintain hope for the best in any situation and under any circumstances. Therefore, fairy tales still remain an important means of education.

instructive short tales for children

Magic by age

The level of physical and mental development of children is different. It depends on many factors: age, temperament, physical and moral condition. Tales also differ in difficulty. The simplest short tales for children, characterized by repeating phrases and a straightforward plot, for example: “Gingerbread Man”, “Teremok”, “Chicken Ryaba”. Young children not only listen to them with great pleasure, but also try to pronounce keywords, continuing the narration of an adult storyteller:

- Grandfather ...

- ... crying.

- Baba ...

- ... crying.

Very often, listening to short tales for children, the kids choose one and ask the adult to re-read it again and again. The fact is that the child feels quite comfortable only in a predictable familiar world, so his beloved fairy tale, even if read to the holes, memorized by heart, is part of his safety. Turning into a kind of ritual, she soothes no worse than a lullaby.

folk tales for children short

Older children - more fun story

In a two or three year old child, the process of perception begins with memorization, and continues with the comprehension of what is heard. The kid rejoices as soon as he hears a familiar text much more strongly than when reading a new book. That is why folk tales for children (short and simple) are the best choice for a caring parent. Growing up, children are more interested in the development of the plot. The adventures of the characters, all the trials, magical miracles occurring with the characters - all this becomes the objects of comprehension and emotional perception. Preschoolers and children of primary school age are already free to talk about what they read, draw conclusions, characterize heroes and their actions. And here, by the way, there are instructive short tales for children, which affect the formation of a child’s personality, exercise his imagination, and develop a creative imagination. Also, legends quite well and clearly share the idea of ​​female and male behavior.

Russian short tales for children

Fairy tale therapy

Fairytale therapy is one of the new-fangled, and, most importantly, effective directions in children's psychological correction. It involves the impact on the child with the help of a fairy tale, and the action of the method is based on the deep subconscious mechanisms of perception of fairy tale images. With the help of this technique, various phobias, increased irritability, depressive states are healed, individual forms of autism are smoothed out. In order for fairy-tale therapy to be effective and bring tangible benefits, a competent specialist should deal with it, in inept hands it can do more harm than help.

The wisdom of ancient ancestors

Short tales for children are an excellent educational tool. The wisdom of ancient generations is unobtrusive, but deeply penetrates the soul of the baby and sows the seeds of goodness, love and beauty. After all, children take magical stories for granted, not causing criticism or discussion.


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