Do-it-yourself home extension: step-by-step instructions, types and features

Over time, owners of private houses may feel the need to attach a veranda or terrace to the house. This work can be done independently. It is necessary to consider in detail the technology of building an extension to the house. You should also choose its type correctly. The features of creating an extension to a private house or cottage will be discussed later.

Recommendations of specialists

You can create the most diverse extensions to the home. Almost everyone can build such structures with their own hands. To do this, you need to find out what requirements put forward to such buildings. It is important to comply with the regulatory requirements of standards during construction. Otherwise, the operation of such a design will be unsafe.

DIY home extension

Earlier, a rather strict rule was applied, which stated that the materials of the extension and the house should be identical. Today, there are many new technologies that allow you to choose different materials for the construction of additional construction. The brick building, which was erected near a wooden house, will fit perfectly into the overall style. It is important to choose the type of foundation. The durability of the building will depend on this.

Experts strongly recommend creating a plan before starting construction work. This will allow you to purchase the necessary amount of materials. It should be borne in mind that the extension will need to be legalized. For this, you also need a plan for the future construction. The plan shall indicate the dimensions, configuration and materials from which the extension will be created.

If the structure is significant in weight, it will require the creation of a full foundation. In some cases, an open canopy is created. In this case, the foundation will be easier. To make it will require less materials.

An extension to the house can also perform different functions. It depends on which design should be selected in a particular case. Take into account all the nuances.


There are different types of extensions to the house. They may constitute additional living quarters. Here heating is carried out, thermal insulation of the structure is created. In this case, you will need to build another house as if. People can live here fully.

Polycarbonate extension to the house

The construction of residential premises put forward special requirements. Damp should not accumulate here. Otherwise, a fungus will appear. Also, the materials must be durable, with low thermal conductivity. The additional residential premises must be adequately protected from the adverse effects of the external environment. There should not be drafts. Such functions may well be performed by a veranda attached to the house. This is a sealed design.

Another option for an extension could be a kitchen or a bathroom. Before starting construction, water and sewer communications are brought here. It is also a quality insulated room. It can be operated at any time of the year.

You can create terraces attached to the house. Such designs have an open design. They can be quite spacious. It is equipped with a place to relax. If such a building is closed, it will be called a veranda. This design can simply be a vestibule between the street and the main room.

You can also attach a garage to the house. This room may not be warm. However, increased demands are put forward to its foundation. The foundation here must be very strong. You can also create different outbuildings. They can be built from different materials.


Today, almost any modern building materials are used to create extensions for various purposes. You can apply the same options as for the construction of the main building. Materials may also vary. The extension to the wooden house can be made of timber, boards, chipboard and other similar materials. Polycarbonate is also used. However, it is worth considering that natural wood can shrink. Therefore, the design is not fixed firmly to the main house.

Annex to the house

The outbuildings made of brick or foam blocks are popular. They look more harmonious next to the house from the same material. Brick is rarely used to create extensions. This is quite expensive and heavy material.

Slag stones and various porous materials are more popular today than brick. They are lighter, easier to handle and install. In this case, the walls can be built in two blocks. This reduces material consumption. Aerated concrete is especially in demand today. It has a small weight. Due to this feature, it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of building the foundation.

You can attach a garage or outbuilding to the house using frame technology. In this case, the structure is first assembled from wooden or metal rails. OSB sheets are installed on them. A layer of insulation (mineral wool) is inserted between them. It is a very robust yet lightweight construction.


Even the canopy attached to the house needs the right foundation. When arranging a garage or building made of brick, you need to make a powerful, solid foundation. It is important to choose the right type of foundation.

Terraces attached to the house

The old and new construction will need to be docked correctly. Otherwise, deformation and partial destruction of the foundation of the house may occur. Cracks will appear on the facade. The weight of the main building and the new extension can vary significantly. However, the new design may shrink over time. This will negatively affect the condition of the foundation.

Joining the base old and new is required with the help of fittings. First, the junction cleaned. To do this, dig it out. The surface of the foundation of the house is thoroughly cleaned from the ground. It is washed off with water under pressure. You also need to remove the layer of old waterproofing.

When figuring out how to attach the veranda to the house, you need to pay great attention to creating the junction of the two foundations. For this, fittings are used. She is driven into an old foundation. To do this, using a drill, make holes to a depth of 20 cm. Their diameter should be larger than the cross section of the reinforcement. Cement is poured into the holes. Fittings are installed in it. Fixation in this case will be tight. You need to deepen the new foundation at a level with the old foundation or higher.

Strip foundation

An extension to a brick house is most often equipped on a strip foundation. It is a strong, durable base. It is suitable for large or heavy structures. This type of foundation is used most often. It is quite possible to equip with your own hands.

Garage attached to the house

First, an extension project is created. It must be legalized. Then you can begin construction work. In accordance with the created and approved plan, you need to perform markup on the site. On the created contour it is required to dig a trench. Its depth should be selected in accordance with the level of freezing of the soil and the old foundation.

The width of the trench corresponds to the thickness of the walls. Another 15 cm is added to this value. After digging a trench, you need to clean the old foundation. Fittings are driven into it. The bottom of the trench is high-quality rammed and covered with sand. Top you need to fill up a layer of rubble. These layers are also tamped and flattened. A layer of waterproofing is laid on top. It should be 50 cm larger than the trench. This material will also cover part of the foundation, which will be above the ground.

The reinforcement structure must be laid at the bottom of the trench. It should be made in the form of longitudinal and transverse rods, which are fastened by wire or welding. Next, a 5 cm trench is poured with a layer of cement with crushed stone. This material should dry. After that, fill in another layer. It should take half of the remaining height of the recess.

This method of creating the foundation is used if a garage attached to the house will be equipped. This design may differ in small dimensions. Also, the material from which the garage is being built is most often quite light. However, due to the weight of the car that will be in the building, you need to make a solid tape base.

Completion of the construction of the strip foundation

A garage attached to the house, an utility or residential building most often involves the formation of a strip foundation. When a pillow of sand, gravel and a rough concrete layer is created, you can proceed with the installation of formwork. It should be 40 cm above the ground.

Its space is covered with waterproofing. Ruberoid should extend beyond the formwork. It must be firmly fixed on the sides of the formwork. Otherwise, the material will slip when pouring down.

How to attach a veranda to the house?

Having prepared a sufficient amount of cement mortar, it is poured into the prepared formwork. You need to evenly distribute the material. Pockets with air should not remain in the cement. The surface of the cement is smoothly leveled. He is covered with a film. Periodically, the surface of the concrete is moistened. This is necessary so that the material correctly gains strength. Otherwise, it may crack.

After a month, the formwork is removed. The top of the foundation is covered with two layers of roofing material. Inside the strip foundation is equipped in different ways. The veranda attached to the house may have flooring from logs and boards. The garage often needs to create a floor from the screed.

Column foundation

A canopy attached to the house, as well as an open veranda made of wood can be created on a columnar foundation. If a bathroom or kitchen will be equipped, this option is not suitable. In this case, communications will require the arrangement of high-quality thermal insulation around them. This may result in additional costs.

Canopy attached to the house

When creating a column foundation, equip the floor from wooden logs and boards. In this case, a plan is also created. In accordance with it, you need to perform markup. Columns will be arranged in the corners of the building. They should also be separated from each other at a distance of about 2.5 m.

For each column you need to dig a pit. Its depth is usually 60 cm. The sides of the recess should be 60 cm. The bottom of the pit is narrowed. At the bottom, the sides of the pits should be 50 cm.

The bottom needs to be compacted qualitatively. Sand is falling asleep. Then you need to lay crushed stone. Each layer has a thickness of about 10 cm. A layer of roofing material is covered on top. First pour 5 cm of cement mortar. When it dries, you need to create columns. To do this, lay 2 bricks on a cement mortar. An additional layer of mortar is applied on top. The next row is laid across the previous one. So create columns that rise above the ground by about 40 cm (or other).

Wooden verandas, terraces attached to the house are almost always created on the basis of such a foundation. Before creating the frame of the walls, the floor, you need to cover the columns with two layers of roofing material.

Concrete floor

Various options for an extension to the house involve the arrangement of a concrete floor. This is a durable, insulated design. It is most often created for residential premises that are operated in the winter. Also in the garage, kitchen, this type of foundation will be relevant.

A concrete floor is set up if a strip foundation has been built. First you need to make a depression in the ground. You will need to create a pit about 30 cm. Sand is falling asleep down. 20 cm of expanded clay filler is poured onto it. This material will serve as additional thermal insulation.

A grid of reinforcement is laid on top. Beacons are installed, and a layer of screed is poured. After drying, lay out waterproofing and insulation (expanded polystyrene). On top make another layer of screed. After that, if desired, make a decorative finish.

The extension to the house in this case can be insulated. In order not to carry additional batteries into the living room, it is possible to equip a system of electric underfloor heating on a concrete base. For this, it is necessary to lay a heating wire on the heater before pouring the second layer of concrete. It is stacked in increments of about 10 cm.

Next, a 3 cm screed layer is poured from above. In this case, it is better to finish the floor from tile or porcelain.

Wood flooring

An extension to a wooden house most often involves arranging the base on the logs. To do this, you need to tie the columnar foundation. A beam with a cross section of 150x100 mm is laid on the supports. It is necessary to do to connect the recess along the edges of the beams. They are fixed with metal corners.

When the installation of the strapping beam is completed, lags are mounted on it. To do this, deepenings are made in the wood. Logs will be invested in them. They should be 40 cm apart. When the frame is created, you can lay a layer of boards. If the building is open and insulated, a distance of about 2 cm is made between the boards. Water will drain after the rain.

If the building is insulated, you need to install a waterproofing layer below. The bottom is knocked out with moisture resistant plywood. In the intervals between the lags lay mineral wool. A waterproofing layer is also laid on top. The surface is covered with boards or moisture-proof plywood. Finishing can be done with a laminate.

To attach a terrace to the house, you do not need to apply a layer of insulation and waterproofing. This design will be open and insulated. It is important to choose the material that will be processed correctly. It should not be affected by weather conditions.

Walls and Roofing

Next, the walls are created. They can be made of different materials. Often for these purposes aerated concrete or timber is used. It can also be a frame structure. The extension to the house made of polycarbonate is gaining popularity. It is most often equipped on the west or east side of the house. If in summer such a building is located on the south side, it will be very hot here. Being in such a room would be unbearable.

When the walls are built, you need to equip the roof. It is almost always single-handed. It is necessary to create a rafter system from a wooden bar. Next, a layer of roofing material is lined. It is better that it be identical with the decoration of the roof of the house.

If the room is insulated, you must first create a roofing cake. A layer of vapor barrier is laid under the lag structure. It is knocked out with moisture resistant plywood. In the intervals between the lags lay mineral wool. They put waterproofing on it. Roofing material is mounted on top. It can be slate, corrugated board, metal tile or soft materials. The connection of the roof with the wall of the house is made using a special profile. A gutter system is installed on the roof.

Having considered the possible options and features of creating an extension to the house, you can build a veranda, terrace, utility room or other room yourself.


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