Scientific style genres

The genres of scientific style are divided into the following main varieties: proper scientific, popular science, and scientific and educational.

The following genres are distinguished in the first substratum: dissertation, monograph, report, etc. Their characteristic feature is a strict, academic manner of presentation. This category corresponds to scientific literature created by professionals and intended for the same specialists. In contrast to this sub -style, one can indicate a popular scientific style whose function is to increase the popularity of scientific information and simple data. In these articles, the author should be able to convey information to a reader who is not very familiar with this topic in an accessible, and sometimes entertaining, form.

The features of the popular science style include the combination of such features as emotionality and logic, subjectivity and objectivity, concreteness and abstractness. Much less specific terms may be present in this literature.

The main genres of the scientific style would not be fully considered if not given due attention to the scientific and educational sub-style, which combines the features of the two described above. It is united by scientific terminology, compliance with the system in the presentation of scientific information, as well as evidence and logic. With popular science style - the presence of illustrative material and accessibility. Lectures, textbooks, seminar reports and exam answers are considered to be works in the scientific and educational style.

The genres of scientific style of speech include such substrates: scientific reference and scientific and informative.

Scientific reference sub-style assumes the presence of dictionaries, directories and catalogs, characterized by the presentation of the basic terminology in a fairly concise form.

The main objective of the scientific and informative sub-style is the transfer of scientific information with a full description of all kinds of scientific facts.

All these genres of scientific style have the main feature - an accurate and unambiguous expression of scientific thoughts.

The basis of the presentation in the scientific literature is the terminology that embodies the high accuracy of speech. This term should unambiguously interpret the concepts of a specific field of activity or knowledge (for example, marketing, density, futures, software, etc.). Formation of terminology is an important condition for the reproduction of scientific speech.

All genres of scientific style, without exception, use the definition, which is translated from Latin as “definition." This is a kind of brief description of the subject designated by a specific term, identifying it.

The whole terminology used by the genres of scientific style can be divided into general scientific (for example, thesis or analysis), inter-scientific (for example, cost or economics) and highly specialized (typical for a particular field of knowledge).

The use of the right terms ensures mutual understanding of specialists at the international and national levels, as well as the compatibility of normative and legislative acts. It is also necessary to pay special attention to the timely updating of terminology. It is necessary to replace outdated terms with new ones in time.

Texts related to the scientific style of speech, in addition to language information may contain special characters, formulas, graphs and tables. This mainly concerns texts of applied and natural sciences.

In the specialized literature, scientific speech is written language that is bound by certain norms. However, in connection with the modern development of communication tools and the increasing importance of scientific thought in modern society, the constant increase in the number of scientific contacts (conferences, scientific seminars, symposiums), the role of oral speech has recently increased significantly .


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