Boyfriend Anniversary Gifts: Ideas and Tips

The anniversary of the relationship is a very serious date. Most couples, having reached this date, think about a more serious relationship with their loved one. Therefore, such an event should be celebrated especially. Most guys book a table in a restaurant and give jewelry. But what about the girls? What can a guy give for an anniversary relationship? How to make your beloved an unforgettable and interesting gift? Here are some ideas.

Basic rules for choosing a gift

In order to impress the guy on the anniversary of the relationship and please the second half, you need to follow some rules when choosing him:

  1. Banality is not an option. The anniversary of the relationship is not the date on which you can give toilet water, a razor or tie. This does not apply to expensive razors - new products or personalized toilet water.
  2. Hints of a more serious relationship are useless. A gift for a guy for a year of relationship should not be a hint of a speedy wedding. Do not choose as a present what is customary to give for a wedding or just for couples. For example, kitchen items, bedding or a tea set.
  3. Away expensive gifts. First, an expensive present will be a hint of something more serious. Secondly, handing the dear thing to her lover, the girl seems to be pushing him to ensure that his gift is also not cheap.
    Recognition Candlestick
  4. A cherished dream. If possible, it is necessary to find out if there is something that the beloved man wants to receive or do at the moment. Perhaps this is worth doing for the anniversary.
  5. Pets If a girl wants to give a guy a pet, you need to find out how he relates to the living creatures in the house, and whether he can take care of her.
  6. General gifts. If a couple lives together, you should not give the guy a gift for the home on the anniversary of the relationship. A slow cooker or a new iron is better to buy at another time.
  7. Interests and phobias. Some couples do not know the entire sphere of interests or all the hidden fears of their loved one. Therefore, before giving something, you need to make sure that this gift will not be uninteresting or unpleasant for a young person.
  8. Handmade. Currently, you can buy anything. Therefore, it seems to many that gifts with their own hands are just an excuse to save money, and in general it is not fashionable. This is not true. Such a present will show attention and care.

Useful gifts

What to give the guy on the anniversary of a relationship? Men are practices by nature. Therefore, they prefer practical and multifunctional gifts. Moreover, even a practical gift can be made in a romantic style so that the young man always remembers his beloved. For example, if a young man is interested in computers, you can give him a flash card or a mouse pad in the shape of a heart. If he is a car enthusiast, you can pick up a beautiful and functional accessory in the car. Serious and business men should choose more impressive souvenirs. For example, a watch with an engraving or a good notebook in which you can write cute and pleasant things on the corners of pages. The choice is huge.


If the young man is extreme, you can give him a parachute jump, balloon flight or, for example, a diving session. But you must definitely choose a pair gift so that the girl herself does not spoil it. For example, if a girl is afraid of heights, then you should not give your boyfriend a flight for two in a balloon. Instead of admiring the view, he will soothe his passion throughout the flight. A romantic surprise will be a joint horse ride. At present, finding an equestrian club is not difficult.

Pair massage

You can organize the event yourself. For example, have a picnic in a beautiful and unusual place. Or arrange a joint treasure hunt, where after a long and interesting trip for tips, the prize will be the same picnic.

Gifts for the future

Gifts can be not only functional, but also very useful in the future. You can offer useful future gift ideas for the anniversary of a relationship with a guy. For example, you can give a subscription to a fitness club or gym. A certificate for a course of therapeutic or restorative massage will also be useful. If there is a financial opportunity, you can give a certificate for driving courses. For sports enthusiasts, an excellent season ticket will be an excellent gift.

Another option for a long time is to give a young man a strip dance. It is best to pre-look like strip plastic courses. Then both his man will be pleased with what, and the woman will gain flexibility and the necessary grace. Such a gift will be useful for both.


If guys like to go on a special occasion to a restaurant, why not the girls? There are many options for a romantic gift for a guy on an anniversary of a relationship. If a girl wants to unobtrusively pay attention to what a wonderful hostess she is, the anniversary is the most suitable time for this. You can arrange a romantic dinner at home with your young man’s favorite dishes with candles and beautiful music.

Key from the heart

A good idea is to organize a trip to your favorite movie for a good movie for sharing. The decoration of the evening in the style of the first date will be a very romantic surprise: in the same place, in the same dress. Such gifts allow you to refresh your memories. A useful gift for both will be a trip to the spa for two with paired sessions. If the relationship is very serious, and you are confidently moving to the wedding, you can give a joint trip. At the same time, it is important to make sure that the young man has no plans and work affairs for this time.

Fireworks in honor of your little date will be a creative surprise. You can also give the young man something from paired souvenirs, for example, a pair of keychain, consisting of two halves. Usually in such souvenirs one part can be worn on a chain as a pendant (for girls), and the second - as a keychain (for guys). An interesting and romantic surprise will be a demonstration of the unknown side of a beloved woman. For example, a guy does not know that his girlfriend is singing. Then on the anniversary it is best to bring it to a karaoke bar and impress with your vocal abilities.

If a man thinks that his woman does not know how to cook, you can impress him with culinary abilities. If the girl really does not know how, then the attempt to prepare a delicious dinner for her lover will be appreciated. Even if nothing happens, you can order pizza or other food at home at any time.


Any guy will be impressed by some thing done by himself. After all, this means that his beloved did not spare the time and effort to make it. Therefore, there are many options for giving a guy an anniversary of a relationship. If the girl is a needlewoman, you can knit a hat, scarf or socks, embroider a pillow and sew a cover for a mobile phone.

A very romantic gift for an anniversary of a relationship with a do-it-yourself guy will be a decorated photo frame in which a joint photo will be inserted. An interesting option for hand-made will be a photo collage of joint photos. In addition, you can make or buy a casket and decorate it as you like. And inside, put love messages or confessions.

Declarations of love

If a young man is fond of beer, even here you can show your imagination and make a birthday present for a guy with your own hands. For example, make a bouquet of dried or dried fish for him and put a bottle of beer in it. You can complement the fish bouquet with a creative beer mug. You can also make handmade soap. For its manufacture, it is best to choose your favorite fragrance and favorite color for your loved one. Making soap with your own hands is simple. In addition, in its manufacture you can show imagination, since the design options are endless.

Video Gifts

In the age of modern technology, computer and video gifts cannot be ignored. Such gifts to a guy for a year of relations will not only be pleasant to receive, but also to be reviewed with a loved one, and also shown to relatives and friends. For example, a presentation from romantic and funny joint photos with the addition of suitable music.

Photo Album

A good option is a video in the spirit of a walk through memorable places. If a loved one has a good sense of humor, you can make a fun selection with funny moments from a guy’s life. You can compose a poem, beautifully formatted on a computer and printed. The young man will not remain indifferent.

Cheap romantic gifts

In order to make a memorable present, it is not necessary to spend a lot of time or money. The romantic present will be envelopes of recognition. Two or three weeks before the round date, you can put letters with declarations of love in the mailbox of your beloved daily. On the last day in the box you can put a check for a thousand kisses. Very interesting and inexpensive will be the “eternal kiss”. To do this, leave a print of your lips on a piece of cardboard, then decorate it and laminate it. So that the gift does not wipe off the cardboard over time, it is better to make up the lips with a bright resistant lipstick. A creative option for an inexpensive gift will be a globe on which you can write "I give the whole world" and the like.

Pair keychain

The alphabet of relationships will be very romantic. To do this, you need to take a sheet of A3 format or whatman paper, write the whole alphabet on it beautifully and write a word on each letter that expresses the relationship of the couple. A good gift for a guy on a 2-year relationship anniversary will be the continuation of this alphabet in addition to another gift. A pleasant gift will be the heart. You can cut it out of cardboard, stick a photo of your beloved young man there and hide it in a guy’s pocket. Then ask if he had seen the heart of his half, which she had lost.

The easiest option is to give your beloved man himself, hiding in a large gift box. The problem in organizing such a gift is that it may be necessary to attract an outsider to this process. In addition, it will be necessary to accurately calculate the time of his arrival in order to manage to hide his surprise.

Quick Gifts

If there is no free time for making a gift with your own hands, you can find it in the store. To choose which gift to give a guy on an anniversary of a relationship, you need to know the interests of your couple. If he is fond of chess or billiards, you can give them desktop versions. Then, during the lunch break at work, the young man will always remember his beloved. If a guy wears jewelry, you can give a beautiful cross or ring. A business person can buy a beautiful purse or a set of designer pens. Then even during work, a piece of his beloved will always be with him.

Stamp set

For young people who spend a little time in the kitchen, you can pick up something from small items for the kitchen. For example, a blender or toaster. For men who like to drink freshly brewed coffee in the morning, you can buy a beautiful coffee grinder. The main thing is that he really needed it, and the gift was without a hint. Almost all the guys do something or repair themselves. Therefore, a tool kit or a drill will not be out of place.

If a man is interested in sports, he can buy a horizontal bar for home, a wristband or something like that. If the guy is an avid hunter or traveler, you can give him a roomy thermos or other useful things in the campaign. Fans of fishing trips will always need another set of spinners. For a woman, jewelry does not happen much, and for male fishermen there are not many baubles and hooks.

"Real" gifts

We can’t but tell about such original gifts to the guy on the anniversary of a relationship, such as a T-shirt or shirt. You can buy an author's designer T-shirt in a store of creative clothes, which no one will have. In addition, you can buy a simple T-shirt and make an exclusive inscription or photo on it at the printing house. It can be both an interesting and original picture, and a portrait of a lover. If a guy likes to wear shirts, and a dress code at work does not allow you to wear things not of an office type, you can sew interesting buttons or beautiful cufflinks on your shirt. You can also buy a large umbrella for two together.

No matter how trite it may sound, socks will be a good gift, unless of course you live together. Most young people living on their own, socks - a sore subject. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to give your loved one a bouquet of socks. A man will appreciate the gift. In recent years, funny underpants with funny pictures or interesting shapes have become very popular. The main thing is to make sure that the man will appreciate this gift and will wear it.

Whatever gift a girl chooses for her young man, the most important thing is her attention. If a couple celebrates such a serious date, then the relationship is very expensive for both. And any gift will be accepted with love and gratitude.


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