Minecraft not starting? This problem is solvable!

Minecraft is a sandbox game created by Marcus Persson, founder of Mojong. The game makes it possible to create and destroy three-dimensional blocks, as well as apply signs in the original, pixel-based environment. So, you decided to play, but something happened - Minecraft does not start. What to do?

First steps

minecraft does not start

Of course, the first thing to do is calm down and pull yourself together. Most likely, your problem will be solved very quickly and painlessly. Therefore, try the following steps.

  • Uninstall the client and reinstall the Java SE libraries.
  • Download the Minecraft client again and unzip it to any other folder (you can also to another disk).
  • Open the game through the launcher, wait until the game is updated.
  • Open the launcher and update the client.
  • Open the client through Java.
  • Download new drivers to your video card (they may be of the same version, if a more current one isn’t released).
  • Look at the log in the game pack.

Further Solution Methods

If Minecraft still does not work, then you do not need to immediately call technical support. See the list of problems below, for sure you will find a solution there:

1) If you see "org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated", then you need to update the video card drivers to the latest version.

2) The message "javalangClassFormatError: net / minecraft / D / ad" - turn off ad blocking in Kaspersky Anti-Virus, and also delete version.md5 should help.

3) Minecraft does not start and writes “Could not create the Java virtual machine” - there is too little virtual memory, try reinstalling Java SE.

4) “Out of Memory” - usually such an error “crashes” when there is not enough RAM. Try turning off the shaders and dynamic lights.

minecraft does not work
Check the RAM and start the game again.

5) The message "Invalid user key", and Minecraft does not start. This means that you entered the wrong account password. Try changing the layout and checking the Caps Lock key. And at the same time, it will not be amiss to recall exactly the password under which you registered.

6) The inscription "Connection reset" on your screen means that the server on which you played disconnected you. Often this is due to the loss of an Internet connection to the server, or to problems on the Internet. You can, of course, refresh the screen, wait for the download and enter Minecraft - server - setup. Perhaps you pressed something wrong?

7) When you turn on the game, the "black" screen, and the error says: javalangnoClassDefFoundError. Most likely, you modified the main minecraft.jar file (installed a patch or textures). Try to remove or disable the antivirus, as it is likely that it blocks files while the game is updating. If it doesn’t help, then go to the root of the game (the main folder with Minecraft). Right-click on the main icon of minecraft and click "File Location". Delete the file named update_f.lst from there. Launch the client and wait until the game is updated.

8) The message "Outdated Client" that appears indicates that you have the wrong version of the game.

minecraft server setup
Check the game patch in the lower left corner of the client, and then update the game through the launcher to the required version.

9) Also, the problem "Minecraft does not start" is possible due to installed mods. Check the requirements of the modifications to the game that you installed in the client.

If none of the tips helped you, then you can start to get upset. But before that, it is advisable to contact technical user support. Perhaps the problem is not with you and your computer. And the experts themselves will quickly fix it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20918/

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