Greenhouse for growing greens all year round. How to grow greens in a greenhouse

The modern age is characterized by a high level of industrial development and poor ecology. In this regard, many people are more and more thinking about wholesome and proper food that can support their health.

How to spend your free time to good use?

Over the weekend, many citizens are eager to visit closer to nature. To do this, they leave noisy megacities for summer cottages or villages. At the same time, far from the city limits, you can not only enjoy the fresh air and the beauty of the surrounding landscapes. Garden plots can present their hosts with fresh vegetables, fruits and fragrant greens. These products, grown by your own hands, will not only decorate the dining table, but will also serve as a good help for maintaining health.

Greens all year round

You can get a vitamin charge not only in the summer. Organizing proper nutrition to maintain your health is easy in winter. In this case, a summer hobby will easily become a profitable business. And for this you need a greenhouse to grow greens all year round.

greenhouse for growing greens all year round

Even those who are just getting acquainted with gardening, do not be afraid that nothing will work. Greens from all types of crops are considered the most unpretentious. The good news is that harvesting is possible more than once during the year.

What cultures are worth paying attention to?

In order for the shoots in the greenhouse to be constant, greenery is sown once every two weeks. What cultures would you like to start with? As you know, greens are those plants in which the upper part is edible.

how to grow greens in a greenhouse all year round

The most popular cultures are:

- dill;
- parsley;
- onion greens:
- spinach.

Greenhouse construction

So, you decided to please your family with fresh herbs not only in the summer, but also in the cold winter. In this case, you need a greenhouse.

Today there is a wide selection of greenhouses made of polycarbonate on a metal frame. However, it has been proven that natural materials are needed for better plant growth. That is why a wooden greenhouse will be a good choice. In addition, plants will need an appropriate air temperature.

How to build a greenhouse for growing herbs? You need to start with the foundation. A greenhouse for growing greens all year round must have it without fail. After the foundation is erected, a heating tape is laid on it. From above, all this is covered with soil and peat. Instead of a special tape heating wires can be used. They will create the effect of a warm floor. Wires must be insulated and placed at a considerable distance from each other.

A greenhouse for growing greens all year round with such equipment will allow you to get the highest possible yield. You can serve juicy greens to the table even in winter, replenishing the body with valuable substances necessary for its health. For heating systems from pipes laid around the perimeter of the greenhouse can also be used. They should receive warm water from boilers or other heating elements.

The greenhouse for growing greenery is upholstered all year round with a special frost-resistant film mounted on a wooden frame. This will help maintain the microclimate necessary for plants in the construction.

Greenhouse preparation

So, you decided to plant greenery in the greenhouse. Preparation of the greenhouse (growing plants without this will be ineffective) should be started after the completion of its construction and the installation of all necessary communications.

To get a good harvest, special knowledge is not necessary. It is important not to violate the requirements for proper cultivation of a particular variety. But it is worth remembering that any culture needs heat, moisture, as well as the sun. That is why, in addition to heating the greenhouse, it is worth thinking about its artificial lighting.

Use the space of the greenhouse preferably in a businesslike way. It would be useful to break this small garden into sectors, in each of which a certain culture will grow. So, one plot can be reserved for plants that need moderate nutrition and some fertilizer (spinach, salad or onions). Another sector is planted with crops that need abundant watering (dill, etc.).


If you are interested in growing greenery in a greenhouse in winter, what is growing better, you also need to know. In order to please yourself with a salad, you should purchase its greenhouse varieties, which ripen very quickly. This type of greenery has absolute advantages. It can be planted in a permanent place, using the reckless way.

Growing greens in the greenhouse all year round correctly allows you to get a constant crop. For this, seeding of lettuce is required every two weeks. This culture is unpretentious and does not require special conditions. In a greenhouse, it is enough to maintain a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees, loosen the soil, remove weeds and conduct careful watering so that water does not fall on the leaves.

growing greens in the greenhouse all year round is right

If you grow greens in a greenhouse, planting and everything about growing you need to carefully study. So, year round on the dining table there may be a head of lettuce. However, for its cultivation, you need to slightly change the technique, creating certain conditions for the plant. The head of lettuce should be planted at a certain distance from each other and provide with constant lighting. Only in this case you can count on a good crop.

In the greenhouse it is possible to grow watercress, which is one of the ingredients of many dishes. This plant is unpretentious to temperature and soil fertility, and also gives a quick crop. After 2-3 weeks, this variety of salad can be used for cooking.

greens in a greenhouse planting and all about growing
How to grow greens in a greenhouse all year round? Start this process with seedlings. This also applies to lettuce seeds. They are initially grown in small peat pots, which are dug into the soil after emergence. Seedlings are constantly watered. After 5-6 days, warm water destroys the pot, which becomes a fertilizer for greenery.


Many gardeners grow this particular greenery. To obtain feather onions, cut off the top of the onion bulb. A vegetable prepared in this way is put in the water for a day or two.

greenery in the greenhouse preparation of the greenhouse cultivation

Connoisseurs of growing onions in the greenhouse advise to plant perennial species such as schlitt, slime, and onion in the autumn . For winter shallot.

If you decide to plant onions in the greenhouse in the greenhouse, the rules of cultivation should be studied in advance. This culture is unpretentious and not afraid of frost. Therefore, before planting, the bulbs can be stored right on the street. The main thing is that they do not begin to rot. If the onion grows in the garden, then it should be transplanted into pots, which should be taken to a warm place before planting in the greenhouse. Only at the beginning of winter, the vegetable is planted in the loose fertilized soil of the greenhouse. Sometimes onions are grown from seeds. In this case, its sowing is carried out to a depth of 4 to 5 centimeters.

It should be borne in mind that all greens, regardless of its variety and type, love the light. That is why it is so important to first take care of good lighting in the greenhouse, which will accelerate the photosynthesis reaction.


This greens can be grown as a healthy product for the dining table, and as a soil compactor for tomatoes. In the second case, dill is a weed.

How to grow greens in a greenhouse all year round to get a fragrant and healing product to the table? For this, the seeds are poured with water for two to three days. But that is not all. Dill seeds like regular flushing under tap water and a constant change of water.

growing greenery in a greenhouse in winter what grows better

After that, they are planted in soil enriched with fertilizers such as nitrate, superphosphate and potassium salt in a ratio of 3: 3: 1. Add to the soil is recommended and humus. Seeds should be planted at a depth of two to three centimeters while maintaining a distance of 40 cm.

Growing dill in a greenhouse, it is worth remembering that heat for this crop is a secondary issue. But light is a must factor. This culture needs abundant and frequent watering, the temperature of which should be more than fifteen degrees.


This greenhouse in the greenhouse develops very quickly. It can be grown from seeds or from root crops. In the first method, additional germination is required. Parsley seeds are stored in gauze at room temperature prior to sowing. After the appearance of sprouts, they should be kept for another 10 days. The storage temperature should not exceed two degrees of heat. Such preparation will serve as a preliminary treatment of parsley, which will allow to achieve rapid seedling production within one week. Further, growing herbs does not require any special conditions.

A more laborious method is the forcing of parsley directly from root crops. Material for planting is maintained in sand, the temperature of which is only two to three degrees, and then it is planted in the furrows prepared and moistened with water. Root crops should have a weight of 60-70 grams. They are planted in the soil to a depth of 15 centimeters, while maintaining an angle of forty-five degrees. The distance between root crops should be from four to six centimeters. Harvest can be harvested after thirty to forty days.

green onions in a greenhouse growing rules
It is worth saying that parsley is unpretentious. She loves light, watering, warmth and regular airing.


This culture contains a large number of substances useful to the human body. Spinach leaves have minerals and proteins, fats and vitamins. Spinach salad is especially useful in winter, when we are most in need of vitamins.

Growing this culture in a greenhouse begins with soil preparation. The soil should contain phosphorus and potassium, magnesium and nitrogen. Spinach grains are germinated in peat pots, which are then planted in already prepared soil. This green, like any other, requires heating the soil and warm watering. The lowest temperature for spinach is fifteen degrees. That is why the heating elements must constantly work in the greenhouse. Harvesting greens after planting can begin two months later.


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