The cat has a swollen paw: possible causes, the necessary diagnosis, treatment options

The cat's paw is swollen - what should I do? First of all, it is necessary to find out the reason why the limb began to swell in the animal. It is unlikely that you will be able to determine something yourself, so in any case you will have to visit a veterinarian to diagnose and prescribe therapy. Further in the article, we will consider all the possible causes of swollen paws in cats, find out how the diagnosis goes and what treatment is required for each case.


the cat’s paw is very swollen

If the cat's paw is swollen, that means there are reasons, because swelling or a tumor alone cannot occur. Swelling occurs due to the accumulation of fluid (lymph), blood or pus in the intercellular space.

Various circumstances can cause the appearance of edema. To understand what happened, you need to watch the pet for some time, because some symptoms should appear. If the cat's paw is swollen, certain conditions must precede it.


cat paw injury

Cats are curious creatures, they can receive various injuries: lacerations, bruises, dislocations, fractures, sprains, cuts. Not only the paw itself, but also its small pillow can suffer, so the limb of the animal should be examined in detail.

If a cat’s paw swells during an injury and is limping, doesn’t lean or barely keeps the sore limb raised, first check the integrity of the skin to prevent lacerations from purulent. If there are any, then you can provide first aid on your own: wash the wound, clean up the accumulation of blood and pus, treat it with an antiseptic, and dress it. Next, you need to contact the veterinarian: you may need a course of antibiotics so that infection does not follow.

If there are no lacerations, then the cat will need to be taken for radiography to detect the presence or absence of a fracture. If necessary, the veterinarian will impose a langet.

To alleviate the condition of the animal, while you are waiting for a doctor, you can apply a cold compress.

Allergic reaction

If a cat's paw swells after a walk, it is most likely an acute allergy. This may be the result of the ingestion of poisons and toxins into the body of the animal, as well as the result of insect bites. Allergies are often accompanied by increased tearing and runny nose, and the swollen area itself is often cold to the touch.

If it’s an allergy, you should take the animal to the veterinarian so that he prescribes and applies a quick-acting antihistamine. You may need an injection with Diphenhydramine.

Fungal infection

bandage on a cat's paw

Especially often cats and animals with low immunity walking on the street are exposed to such infections. If the cat has a swollen paw, and at the same time there is peeling, dandruff and an unpleasant smell from the animal, this symptomatology is inherent in mycosis.

It is necessary to consult with the veterinarian about the treatment of the animal and the appointment of immunity-enhancing drugs. A doctor may prescribe Imaverol or Fungin to eliminate the fungus.

Joint inflammation

In older animals, in animals after injuries, in those who lack vitamins and minerals, arthritis can develop. The disease is accompanied not only by pain (which the cat cannot talk about), but also by asymmetric edema: the animal becomes limited in movement, it’s not worth talking about its flexibility and dexterity.

Only a veterinarian can diagnose arthritis. The treatment is carried out course, the following drugs can be prescribed:

  1. "Meloxicam" - relieves pain.
  2. Antibacterial drugs - they are required, as they can quickly relieve inflammation and reduce the strength of pain.
  3. "Sinulox" - this drug is one of the safest for animals, as it is non-toxic.
  4. Chondroprotectors - help repair damaged joint tissues.


cat paw

This disease does not affect adult animals, it applies only to recently born kittens. If the kitten's paws (or one) are swollen, it is lame (due to muscle pain), then simply can not do without medical intervention. In the near future, take the cat to a veterinary clinic to establish a diagnosis and prescribe therapy.

Venous insufficiency

If the cat’s paw is not swollen for the first time, and such a condition occurs systematically, then, most likely, he has venous insufficiency.

In diseases that are accompanied by blockage of blood vessels (it may be thrombophlebitis, thrombosis), edema on the extremities is often noted.

For the prevention and treatment of venous insufficiency, thrombolytic agents, diet, vitamins are prescribed.

To alleviate the condition of the animal, you can give him a foot massage, this will help restore normal blood circulation.

Chronic diseases of the internal organs

what to do if the cat has a swollen paw

If the cat’s hind paw is swollen and does not feel pain (does not limp, does not moan, does not show any signs of pain, and does not have a fever), then the animal must be fully diagnosed. A characteristic sign of kidney, liver, heart disease is swelling only on the hind legs, while there are no other symptoms.

The limb can swell with diseases of the internal organs: the process of inflammation begins from the tips of the paws, gradually the swelling spreads higher. Be sure to go through an examination with your pet, timely therapy will help prolong his life.


If inflammation occurs in the axillary lymph nodes, then the animal begins to appear swelling of the paws. In this case, the cat feels severe pain, discomfort. If you suspected lymphadenitis, then do not resort to self-medication, you will not be able to alleviate the suffering of your pet yourself. Bring the cat to the veterinary clinic, the doctor will introduce an anesthetic, prescribe therapy.

Cancer tumor

swollen paw causes

No, swelling on the paw is not the tumor itself, it is only its consequence. If the animal develops breast cancer, then it begins to interfere with the circulation of lymph in the vessels and thereby causes its stagnation.

The disease is detected through tests, radiography. If diagnosed, they can offer surgery that will help extend the life of the pet. Next, a course of drugs is prescribed.

If the cat has a swollen paw, what to do in this situation - only the doctor will tell you after examining the animal. We talked about the possible causes of edema, diagnostic methods, possible treatment. And if the animal has swollen limbs, you should definitely take it to the veterinarian. It is important to remember that you cannot self-medicate, because the health of your beloved pet depends on the correctness of the measures taken.


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