Kaliningrad and surroundings: sights. Description, interesting facts

Being the westernmost regional center of the country and the only one that does not have land borders with the main territory of Russia, Kaliningrad has always been interesting not only from a geographical, but also from a historical point of view. The Russian city with deep Austrian roots is an amazing kaleidoscope of museums, monuments, iconic places, architecture and culture. Therefore, it is extremely interesting for tourists who visit it year-round. We invite you to find out a list of the best attractions in Kaliningrad and its environs.

City until 1946

Known today as Kaliningrad, the city of Koenigsberg was founded in January 1255 by the knights of the Teutonic Order under the command of Poppo von Ostern and Przemysl Otakar II - the Czech king. It is logical that it all began with the construction of the castle, first wooden, and after a couple of years of stone. The king's troops came to the aid of the knights, who in turn were invited to fight the local population of the pagan faith. Gradually the Germans began to inhabit the land. They mingled with the Prussian population, which was gradually losing its identity, forgetting language and culture. As a result, in the 16th century their number was about 20%. Gradually, the city began to include Koenigsberg (Kaliningrad) and the surrounding area. Sights for the most part originate from those distant times.

City during the war

By the beginning of World War II, the city had grown rapidly. Actively developed transport links, architecture, suburban areas. However, with the Nazis coming to power, militarism began to be actively promoted.

During the war, the city would be heavily destroyed by the British air fleet. His assault after encirclement began on April 5, 1944. Many sights of Kaliningrad and the surrounding area suffered, some were destroyed. Many monuments were finally lost, including the Prussian kings and Queen Louise, as well as the professorial cemetery. After the war ended, the entire province, called East Prussia, together with the capital, Königsberg, was temporarily surrendered to the Soviet Union, and later transferred forever.

Königsberg Castle

Kaliningrad and surroundings: sights.

Europe, as you know, is famous for its magnificent ancient castles. Many of them were erected in the era of feudal fragmentation, when centralized power was weakened and everyone defended as best he could. So Königsberg (Kaliningrad) originally arose as a fortress with a castle. The Knights of the Teutonic Order founded it in 1255, construction, reconstruction and various changes were introduced until 1713. Modern Kaliningrad and its surroundings could rightfully be proud of this building. Sights with ancient history tend to collapse. However, almost in its original form, the castle stood until the war. After which its destruction began: first by military operations, and then by the new government. The ruins of the castle were blown up in 1967. Now it is the ruins that have been excavated from the 90s to 2007. There are periodic talks about the beginning of restoration and restoration work in the historical center of the city, but such a striking architectural monument is almost lost at the moment. Above is a photograph of the castle courtyard, taken in 1923.

Königsberg Stock Exchange

One of the oldest attractions in the city, which is a monument of architecture. The current address of the location is 83 house on Leninsky Prospekt, near the Flyover. on the banks of the Pregol River. A building of this kind in the city was not the first, but the previous three were destroyed or burned down. No wonder the stock exchange is classified as the “Most striking sights of Kaliningrad and its environs”, the list of which is quite extensive. It was built in 1870-1875, in a neo-Renaissance style unusual for Prussia with the presence of elements of classicism. In the post-war years, the stock exchange was dilapidated for more than 20 years and only in the late 60s was reconstruction carried out. Now in the building is the regional Youth Culture Center.

Queen Church of Queen Louise

Kaliningrad all the sights.

The historic building is located in Central Park, on Victory Avenue, in the city of Kaliningrad. In the past, it housed the Lutheran church, and since 1976 - the regional puppet theater. The building was built in memory of Louise of Mecklenburg - the wife of Friedrich Wilhelm II and, incidentally, the grandmother of Russian Emperor Alexander II. After restoration, the external appearance almost completely corresponds to the church’s appearance before the war, but the internal interior was greatly changed, and due to technical necessity, a division into two floors appeared. If you decide to explore the sights of Kaliningrad and the surrounding area in winter or at any other time of the year, then do not forget about the building of the church. Beautiful and slender, erected by a devoted people in honor of her beloved queen, who died in the prime of her beauty.


Sights of Kaliningrad and the surrounding area are bodybuilding.

The ancient building, the construction of which was carried out in 1333-1380, is located in the historical center of the city. Until the beginning of the 16th century reformation the cathedral was a catholic temple. It is built in the style of Baltic Gothic, which is also called brick. It is characterized by the presence of a rich ornament, but at the same time there is completely no figured molding. This is one of the few such structures available in Russia. Be sure to visit it in case of a trip to Kaliningrad. It is impossible to get around all the sights in one or two days, but without a visit to the Cathedral, your trip will be incomplete. Now it hosts various exhibitions and concerts, as well as two chapels that function: the Orthodox and the Evangelical.

Kirche Juditten

The oldest building in Kaliningrad, preserved to this day and familiar to local residents as St. Nicholas Church. The exact date of its construction has not been established, however, in written sources there is a mention of it in 1288. Its nave is made of large unprocessed boulders, and the western wall is made of brick with a Gothic dressing. It is surprising that during the war years the church was practically not damaged. According to some reports, the services were carried out until 1948, until the Germans were evicted from the city. Of course, the building is a historical monument and adorns the city of Kaliningrad and the surrounding area. Sights of this kind always evoke deep feelings when visiting, because in them time seems to freeze, and you are immersed in the atmosphere of the past city.

Church of the Holy Family

What to see in Kaliningrad attractions

This Catholic church is perhaps the most famous and impressive creation of the architect Friedrich Heitmann. It was built in 1904-1907. In his opinion, it should have become a special place where the spirit of Christ and his earthly parents would always reign. It is noteworthy that she never held a memorial service, but only ceremonies of wedding and baptism. Now the building belongs to the regional philharmonic society.

Holy Cross Cathedral

The most ancient and impressive sights of Kaliningrad and its environs are inconceivable without the Church of the Cross, which now houses the Orthodox Church. Its construction was planned to begin in 1913, however, before it began, work was interrupted due to the First World War. After more than 10 years, in 1925, the project was developed, the first stone was laid in 1930, and on May 7, 1933, it was consecrated. The cathedral is interesting in terms of architecture and in terms of has the shape of an equilateral (Greek) cross. The original decoration of the temple was not preserved, the internal layout was subjected to numerous alterations, which led to the loss of the original look.

Sights of Kaliningrad and its environs.

Conducting a conversation about Kaliningrad and its environs, the sights of the city that have survived to this day, one cannot fail to mention one more place - Fish Village (photo). The modern trade, craft and ethnographic center was recently rebuilt, but it is very loved by locals and tourists. In fact, this is an ordinary city quarter, only all the buildings in it are made in compliance with the German style. If you want to plunge into the architecture and atmosphere of old Königsberg, then by all means take a walk along its streets. The fishing village is located on October Island, between the street of the same name and Pregoliy (river).

Some events that take place in the city can also be safely included in the list: "Sights of Kaliningrad and its environs." Bodybuilding, for example, is held in high esteem by local residents, and therefore there are many schools and sports centers. The regional championship is held annually.

Museums in Kaliningrad

Museums are always interesting, and not boring and monotonous, as many believe. It’s important to just choose what intrigues you. Being a large regional center with rich historical and cultural traditions, Kaliningrad is ready to offer its guests five major and most famous museums. It's no secret that the Baltic coast is rich in amber. It is to this stone and everything connected with it that one of the museums is dedicated. It was opened in a historical building (defensive tower) in 1979 (photo). Its expositions, located in 28 halls, include such sections as the properties of amber and its history, its use in art, including contemporary art, and information about the manufactory and the factory.

Sights of Kaliningrad and the surrounding area in winter.

The Frindland Gate, built at the end of the 18th century in the Neo-Gothic style, now also has become a museum. The exposition is dedicated to the history of pre-war Koenigsberg. On an even paving stone you seem to return again to the once-disappeared city.

The Museum of the World Ocean, opened in 1990, is the first of its kind. Its expositions are dedicated to shipping, marine life, hydrology, and geology. In addition, he has his own marine library and environmental station. Visitors will find here a wide variety of exhibits: from the skeleton of a huge sperm whale to the collections of ancient cannons and naval weapons, the Vityaz vessel. In aquariums, you can live to see the inhabitants of the seas and oceans, including tropical piranhas, stingrays, etc.

It is worth mentioning another wonderful place that you can safely include in the sights of Kaliningrad and the surrounding area.

Svetlogorsk - resort city

Sights of Kaliningrad and the surroundings of Svetlogorsk

It should be included in this topic for the reason that it is located only 40 km from Kaliningrad itself, right on the Baltic coast. A small town with a population of just over 20 thousand people has long become a tourist center of the region. The first mention of it in writing dates back to 1258, then these lands were inhabited by the Prussians. With such an ancient history, of course, the city can offer its guests various attractions. Among them - a Lutheran church of 1903 (now the Sarovsky temple), various monuments, a cable car, a wonderful beach and promenade, a sundial, a city hydrotherapy, etc.

Kaliningrad seems to be at the junction of time, two historical paths. This amazing and beautiful old town certainly has something to see. In Kaliningrad, the sights of different eras stand side by side, sometimes contrasting in the most incredible way.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20931/

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